TransFrameNet:Architectural part
fireplace.n 🔎
- There are three ground floor sitting-rooms, panelled and withPurbeck marblePurbeck-marmorista tehtyjenorcarvedveistettyjenfireplacestakkojen.
- TiledLaatoitettufireplacetakkawith fitted electric fire.
- The roomHuoneessahad afireplacetakka, sink, cooker and another feature which seemed to particularly arouse the curiosity of our visitor: an enamel bath below the window.
- My roomMinun huoneeni, like the front, was lit by a gas jet and had asmallpienicast-ironvalurautainenfireplacetakka, though fires were only lit when someone was seriously ill.
- The cosy dining roomViihtyisässä ruokailuhuoneessahas alovely Jacobeanihastuttava Jaakko I:n aikainenfireplacetakka, and a separate bar is decorated with an array of dried herbs grown in the herb garden.
- The surroundings afforded by the meeting room in the Palace of Westminster, withitssennobleylvääncarved stoneveistetystä kivestä tehdynfireplacetakan, its dark oak panelling and its traditional atmosphere of authority gave the proceedings a dignity which the announcements of Samuel, Woolton and others had lacked.
- In front of anopenavoimenfireplacetakanin the hallsalissa, a couple of large leather armchairs were occupied by two men in dark suits.
- And she knew what chimney was meant; thehugevaltavastonekivi-fireplacetakkain the kitchenkeittiössä, large enough to roast an ox, with its stone seats cut into its sides, where a man might hide himself.
- I won't go banging on about theopenavoimestafireplacetakastaagain, but to my mind that was certainly one of them.
- Now the cottage displays its original circular brick bread oven which, at Withern, had been hidden behind aVictorianviktoriaanisencast-ironvalurautaisenfireplacetakan.
- This fine example of a 16th-century longhouse, with thick cob walls andopenavointenfireplacestakkojen, is set in fifteen acres of rolling countryside and commands magnificent panoramic views.
- They sat at a table covered with a checked tablecloth and tiles clicked underfoot (Mummy brought back the tiles from Spain), and there was abigsuuri,bricktiili-fireplacetakkawith horse-brasses and copper pans and the boiler in the middle for the central heating, where there should have been a huge fire.
- The rooms are spacious and furnished to suit the Victorian features of the house, such as themarblemarmori-fireplacestulisijatin the lounge and drawing roomaulassa ja salissaand heavy panelled doors.
- The interiorSisätilassahas beams, panelled walls, andinglenooknurkka-fireplacestulisijoja.
- Inside there are old beams,inglenooknurkka-fireplacestulisijoja, oriental carpets and a warm and friendly ambience.
- Silver cups -- golfing trophies -- crammed the mantelpiece over ahugevaltavanarched brickkaaritiili-fireplacetakan.
- The picture windows, thought Mrs Stych, were larger than any other picture windows in Tollemarche, and thehugevaltavabricktiili-fireplacetakkain the living-roomolohuoneessawas festooned with real antique brass ornaments, ranging from a warming pan, top left, to a set of horse brasses, bottom right.
flight.n 🔎
- The flat was sevenflightsporrasväliäup, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way.
landing.n 🔎
- On eachlandingtasanteella, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall.
wall.n 🔎
- On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from thewallseinältä.