`It does
traffic is still returning to the tunnels
että liikenne on vielä palaamassa tunneleihin , ``he added.
to be doing more childcare
hoitavan lapsia enemmän , the responsibility for organising it remains that of the working mother.
his main rivals all
kaikki hänen pääkilpailijansa more likely, again, to come from overseas than America
taas todennäköisemmin tulevan ulkomailta kuin Amerikasta .
It can come as a shock if one sees the tiny scale of
monsters or creatures that
hirviöiden tai olentojen, jotka quite huge on-screen
melko valtavilta valkokankaalla .
The existence of successful black sportsmen in Britain is not the recent phenomenon it is often considered to be, though the upsurge in the post-war years makes
had demanded that the carrying of weapons be outlawed, and
dissatisfied by de Klerk's failure to impose such a ban
tyytymättömältä, kun de Klerk ei esittänyt moista kieltoa .
To the French
Ranskalaisille ,
the creature of US interests
Yhdysvaltojen intressien mukaiselta luomukselta ; the initial proposal for the global telecommunications satellite organization had been made by President Kennedy back in 1961.
The way of life which Jesus described in the beatitudes
Elämäntapa, jota Jeesus kuvaili Vuorisaarnassa, at first sight
to be a contradiction
ristiriitaiselta .
Everything in the apartment
Kaikki asunnossa until the door of the drawing room was opened.
both the credal and experimental forms of predestinarianism
sekä predestinaatio-opin uskontunnustukselliset että kokemusperäiset muodot may now
harsh and inflexible creeds
julmilta ja joustamattomilta uskonnoilta , during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries they accorded well with the political and social realities of life in England.
Here is the problem:
much of ordinary life
suuri osa tavallisesta elämästä quite ordinary and remote from the power centres of the world
melko arkipäiväiseltä ja etäiseltä maailman valtakeskuksista .
Punctilious and at times pedantic,
abrupt and unfriendly
töykeältä ja epäystävälliseltä .
, and neither in the slightest had he been wrong-footed.
, if visible at all,
as a low and distant range of sand hills
matalina ja etäisinä dyyniriveinä .
The `Do you remember when? ``stories can be so important in getting to know the person who has died, in hearing about
to their surviving family and friends
henkiin jääneiden sukulaisten ja ystävien mielestä .
He was nursing in silence the options left to him, and so far
totally unpromising
täysin toivottomilta .
The legislation requires the secretary of state to prepare a schedule of
monuments which
muistomerkeistä, jotka to be `of national importance ``
"kansallisesti tärkeiltä" .
Education is being pushed more towards being an instrument of national policy, or
to an outsider
ulkopuolisesta .
THERE are still bargains to be found among the terraced property and
this one on the books of J Trevor & Sons
tämä J. Trevor & Sonsin kirjoissa oleva to be worthy of closer inspection
tarkemman tarkastelun arvoiselta .
, ``she admitted.
The striker, perhaps because he was braced for the offside whistle (
), was less than decisive and allowed Michael Watt to save at his feet.
Some of the designs are so outrageous -- a bizarre mishmash of colours and patterns --
suitable attire for teenagers attending raves
sopivilta asuilta teineille, jotka menevät reiveihin, than keepers attempting saves.
very much the same
hyvin samanlaiselta .
Set on a slight, grassy slope in an enclosed corner of the park
as much
a part of the landscape
osalta maisemaa as the leaves on the trees.
`I like it because
like Princess Di.
`It's such a wonderful position, and
quite spectacular
melkoisen mahtavalta from the canal
kanavalta katsottuna .
For the first time,
very serious
hyvin vakavalta .
He says I think most people think of
and smelling beautiful.
Got enough clothes for a model,
, Alice.
He knew
in white flannel
valkoisessa flanellissa .
Sergeant Bourne, his administrative assistant, was there with three detective constables, doing their best to make
We drive there on an empty street which is barely rubble, strewn with
rusty cans that
ruosteisilla tölkeillä, jotka , sweet wrappers, empty beer bottles and hordes of children shouting by the side of the road.
I found
by the side of the house with her dog,
like a complete tramp
ihan kulkurilta , with a patched-up old coat and hair all over the place.
And can you imagine
the Harris Tweed lounge covers
Harris Tweed -kankaalla päällystetyt oleskelutilan päälliset after a free range toddler has snacked and sicked up its holiday treats
kun vapaan kasvatuksen saanut taapero on syönyt ja oksentanut lomaherkkunsa ?
One thing that quickly became apparent in the aftermath of the Bank Holiday affair was that
the Hooligans all
kaikki hulinoitsijat .
`Roger, ``he quipped, `
as frightened as a gargoyle
pelästyneeltä kuin aaveen nähnyt !
From the outside,
particularly inviting
erityisen kutsuvalta : it could have used some paint and polish.
The maggot-bearing stapelia from southern Africa
Matoja kantava raatokukka eteläisestä Afrikasta not only
but reinforces its appeal to flies by producing flowers with wrinkled brown petals covered with hairs that look like the decaying skin of a dead animal.
I noticed
of fat and roast cooking
rasvalta ja paistin paistamiselta .
or were powdered with flour.
Samson yowled, let go, and she was over the back of the counter crouching down, pushing and wriggling through stinking legs and
skirts that
helmojen, jotka of an unwashed lifetime
elinikäiseltä pesemättömyydeltä .
Not so in Aachen, or anywhere in the old Federal Republic where the townscapes are sprightly and well kept, the public parks devoid of litter and
the shopping malls
ostoskeskukset .
There is
something about this place which
tässä paikassa jotain, joka of ancient sin
muinaiselta synniltä and, the sooner our task is completed, the better.
This is all a huge improvement on 10 years ago when the children practised their chess in a two-roomed flat with
Three great avenues
Kolme suurta katua radiated away, choked with fighting,
`That's why
some people
jotkut ihmiset after garlic
valkosipulilta and some don't -- it relates to their metabolism.
But it
you have changed
siltä että sinä olet muuttunut .
by his words.
The vast chamber
Valtava sali to zoom out all around them
laajenevan heidän ympärillään .
at first sight
to be an extremely generous one
äärimmäisen anteliaalta , but those who make it know it can not be accepted.
a sensible solution
järkevältä ratkaisulta for us to share this room.
a good idea
hyvältä ajatukselta , but how could she ask for Dana in a strange shop?
. ”
was withdrawn and
rather frightened
melko pelästyneeltä .
The gang-girl she had been
Se jengiläinen, joka hän oli ollut, as remote from her as the child she had been before that
yhtä etäiseltä kuin se pieni tyttö, joka hän oli ollut ennen sitä .
She was usually alone, which she preferred to be;
the roar of the river water
jokiveden pauhu when she climbed the road by herself.
`Ah, but I think we shall be able to find out now! ``said
the police-sergeant
ylikonstaapeli ,
very pleased about something
hyvin tyytyväiseltä johonkin .
very beautiful
hyvin kauniilta , and his heart began to move within him.
very happy
todella onnelliselta ,
very much at peace with the world
kuin olisit tehnyt rauhan maailman kanssa , ``Luke smiled, watching her.
very pleased
kovin tyytyväiseltä and he was waiting when she arrived.
very much at home
olevan kotonaan in these surroundings.
On the face of it,
this plan of campaign
kampanjan suunnitelma very innovative
kovin innovatiiviselta .
His apparent rejection of her
Miehen selkeä torjuminen häntä kohtaan like the rejection of all mankind
siltä kuin koko ihmiskunta torjuisi hänet .
melodramaattiselta ,
Miklós wanted to know why
more at ease as British than the Irish
brittien tavoin rennommilta kuin irlantilaiset .
in a surprisingly reasonable mood
olevan yllättävän kohtuullisella tuulella this morning.
well and cheerful
hyvinvoivalta ja hilpeältä , the lodgers pleased with their lot.
was riven with deep cracks and
, after all these millennia, as old wood always smells,
dank and trapped
kostealta ja tunkkaiselta despite the wind that poured past them, forcing them deeper into the solid darkness ahead.
Also, hormonal changes during the month can alter the chemistry of a perfume on our skin, so
today may be decidedly `iffy ``by next Thursday.
was warm and
Crabtree and Evelyn is not a name I would instantly associate with culinary excellence -- though I always knew they could make
, which is not surprising because they habitually deposit tiny amounts of musk, a smelly fluid secreted from a gland near the anus, to mark the home territory and individuals within that territory.
of his skin
hänen iholtaan ,
of his life
hänen elämältään .
, ``said April unexpectedly, `
like cough mixture
kuin yskänlääkkeeltä .
While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon
the sacking
säkkikankaalle, --
malodorous in the extreme
äärimmäisen pahalta ,
as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet
kuin koirat olisivat käyttäneet sitä vessanaan, Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment.
Despite the heavy spices and thick white salt,
and his gorge rose as he saw insects crawling out from under the rim of the barrel.
I considered setting the whin bushes alight, but the flowers always looked cheerful when they came out, and
than burned, so I didn't.
But the next thing we knew
was all kitted out in a blue and white sailor suit,
sweetly of baby lotion
suloisesti vauvavoiteelta and with not a wet patch to be seen.
and I adored her.
Outside in the street, two figures who closely resembled a pair of young Jack Palances, and
of creosote
kyllästysaineelta , were rapidly approaching the Swan.
It felt as if the world had given him
a large soft kiss that
suuren pehmeän suudelman, joka of dust and smoke and the heat of the summer day
pölyltä, savulta ja kesäpäivän kuumuudelta .
sweetly of sulphur
miellyttävästi rikiltä .
Don't put it in a plastic bag in the fridge and save it for visitors; before you know where you are
'll have swollen to three times its size and
like a chemical factory
kemiantehtaalta .
NeTpower machines
NeTpower-koneiden are meant to look, feel and
New English roses like `Heritage ``
Uudet englantilaiset ruusut kuten Heritage look and
like old roses
samalta kuin vanhat ruusut but flower for longer
`And you were just you;
moved like you, spoke like you;
Cous-cous, dates rolled in coconut and
half a cantaloupe that
puolikas cantaloupemeloni, joka a bit beyond its prime
hieman parhaat aikansa ohittaneelta until I cut it open.
`So there was no need to have
highly scented or
on the table, ``said Henry at once.
They'd only drink doped water if
all right
kunnossa olevalta .
All my different uniforms
Kaikki univormuni now
So she put on her pretty frock and
the scent that
hajuvettä, joka and Hywel took the dogs in the van and she waited.
`That's jolly useful, ``Malplacket said., `
He didn't want to contemplate
Given that other cats are marked with the patch and the rubbing is reciprocated, it would seem that
all the cats in a social group
kaikki sosiaalisen ryhmän kissat end up
when she got it out of the oven.
aromatically and only
The signs of moderate to severe dehydration are
little urine
vähäinen virtsa ,
is very dark and
(or no urine at all), sleepiness, dry sunken eyes, fast breathing and dry mouth.
The person who
Henkilö, joka comes to an interview
epämiellyttävältä may be seen to be a `bad ``applicant.
St Catherine's Dock
St Catherinen satama was busy as a Hogarth etching and
as if something should have been quietly buried a long time ago
siltä, kuin jotakin olisi pitänyt haudata hiljaisesti kauan sitten .
He no longer remembers his life or his name, he no longer washes or cares
to be on the verge of deducing the truth
olevan päättelemäisillään totuuden .
pretty cross
melko kiukkuiselta .
Eddie made
a harsh sound
karhean äänen, that could have been intended as a laugh but
more like a cry of pain
enemmän tuskanhuudolta .
, but he was too ill and doped to have any idea what he was saying.
dark and dangerously excited
tummalta ja vaarallisen kiihtyneeltä even to her own ears
jopa hänen omiin korviinsa .
on the B flat instrument
B-molliin viritetyllä soittimella , but must have been even more thrilling on the F trumpet for which it was written.
at the end of his tether
olevan aivan lopussa , all the adrenalin summoned up for his phone call now evaporated.
We're going mainly for wild water buffalo, banteng and seladang, ``said the senator,
his resonant Southern drawl
ja hänen sointuva eteläinen puhetapansa in the stillness that lay over the river
hiljaisuudessa, joka lepäsi joen yllä .
exactly as the word describes, as light and inevitable as the air itself
juuri siltä, miten sana sen kuvailee, kevyeltä ja väistämättömältä kuin ilma itse ; but to achieve that!
He knew
their voices
heidän äänensä .
The word `garage ``
Sana "garage" , for instance, used
more like `g'rahge, almost said as one syllable
enemmän sanalta "g'rahge", lähes yksitavuiselta .
`Don't be scared, Tab, ``she started to say, but much to her surprise, all that came out was
a strange hoarse noise
omituinen käheä ääni, joka rather like `Craark!
siltä, kuin hän olisi sanonut "Kraark!"
I realized that I had completely forgotten
And he had no idea
was trying
as relaxed as Sam
yhtä rennolta kuin Sam but the piece of concrete in his larynx was making it difficult.
I'd phoned my father in the evening, and
, so I drove down to see how he was.
I find
resemble grit and
-- even the health store from which I bought them could not enlighten me.
The next day they lay up in a cave and managed to distil
a small quantity of water which
pienen määrän vettä, joka .
is safe by
Perfect for quick meals, it cooks and browns so
and looks good, too.
, their first kiss.
Sonny drew in
of disinfectant
desinfiointiaineelta , which seemed too clear a sign to doubt.
Do not expect
these wines
näiden viinien like champagne
shampanjalta .
What we drank then
Se mitä joimme silloin, like sulphur and ox blood
rikiltä ja härän vereltä ; it set fire to your tonsils.
I bet we all have some special memories of
RAF food
kuninkaallisten ilmavoimien ruoka in OUR days!
The sparkle of spray, the glassy mist hanging over the water
Sumun kimallus ja lasimainen usva veden yllä were
pretty enough
niin kauniita, .
How bittersweet
Kuinka katkeransuloiselta on her tongue
hänen kielellään .
But when a user smokes 12,
like `four dozen chewed-up cigars
"viideltäkymmeneltä pureskellulta sikarilta ``,
I hooked up a wriggling worm and ate it:
earthy and slightly gritty
maanläheiseltä ja hieman hiekkaiselta , but I would rather have had a proper meal.
The tongue may be swollen, flabby, spongy, taking the imprint of the teeth, coated, foul with copious saliva and
or smell
The large teapots were filled from the boiling urns, and, thanks to the microwaves,
as if it had been freshly made
siltä kuin se olisi tehty äskettäin .