appeal.n 🔎
- Outside, Clarke's solicitor, Alan Borland, saidhehänwas considering anappealvalittamistaagainst sentencetuomiosta.
- I agree that thisappealvalitusshould be dismissed.
- They decided that her objections to adoption were not unreasonable and dismissed anappealvalituksenby the local authoritypaikallisen viranomaisenagainst a county court judge's rejection of its adoption proposallääninoikeuden tuomarin hylkäyspäätöksestä adoptioehdotukseenon the grounds that it was premature.
- After 1854appealsvalituksetto the Supreme Courtkorkeimpaan oikeuteenon matters of law were allowed.
appeal.v 🔎
- Upon conviction,shenainen(I use the pronoun `she ``for the sake of convenience here)appealedvalittion the ground that the statute expressly made the crime one which only a man could commitsillä perusteella, että säädöksen mukaan rikos on selkeästi sellainen, johon vain mies voi syyllistyä.
- They denied the allegations and last month three were bound over by a Liverpool stipendiary magistrate, despite theCPSCPSsuccessfullyappealingvalittiagainst a decision that proceedings against the four be stayedpäätöksestä, että oikeudenkäynti neljää vastaan keskeytettäisiin.
- The respondentsVastaajatappealedvalittivatand on 4 October 1991 the Court of Appeal (Richardson, Hardie Boys and Gault JJ.) reversing Robertson J., held that a binding compromise had been concluded.
- A racehorse trainer whoKilpahevosen kouluttaja, jokaappealedvalittiagainst a cruelty convictioneläinrääkkäystuomiostahas had his fines and costs more than doubled.