They are two of some 40,000 BCCI account holders in Britain with
collective losses
tappiot kokonaisuudessaan to about £2 billion
noin kahteen miljardiin puntaan .
Leaving aside repairs, alterations, carpets and curtains,
on a £75,000 house -- a substantial figure.
Tony Budge faces
to millions of pounds
miljooniin puntiin after a bank called in a £20 million loan.
In 1992,
LVMH sales of champagne and wine
LVMH:n samppanjan ja viinin myynnit to FF 5,245 million
5 245 miljoonaan Ranskan frangiin .
It was he who bought the embryonic Field `for a trifling sum ``, and within a short time achieved
to £20,000 a year
20 000 punnan .
During these seven years
was realised allowing many of the old debts to be cleared.
Murray gave him petrol money and
a bundle of £20 notes
nipun 20 punnan seteleitä to several hundred pounds
usean sadan punnan and Mr Taylor drove to Carlisle and then Liverpool, where he obtained two balls containing powder.
Annual emissions of sulphur from the mines
Kaivosten vuotuisten rikkipäästöjen are thought
to 700,000 tonnes
700 000 tonniin , together with large quantities of metals such as nickel, copper and zinc.
With Lloyds' Budget Account, for instance, you divide the
of your year's bills
vuoden laskujen by 12, and transfer this amount from your current account by monthly direct debit.
The European
of 2 billion dollars
2 miljardin dollarin remained around one-tenth of US total space expenditure.
The churches in the great cities like Rome acquired resources to maintain the clergy, initially paid on a dividend basis from the
, and the very poor or oppressed.
Throw in the financing planned by service firms as well as public spending on eastern telecoms and railways, and the
could exceed DM50 billion.
You should try and amalgamate these DCs so that the
does not exceed 10.
The ultimate projected
Over the last year an extra 29,000 inpatients and 8,500 day case patients were treated up 6 pc on the previous year's
Adding together the
for each shelf display unit, wall fixture, gondola or free-standing unit
kunkin hyllykalusteen, seinäkalusteen, avohyllyn tai vapaasti seisovan yksikön will give the total shelf measurement for shop
By late December the number of people leaving had risen to up to 600 a day, not far short of the
for the whole of the period 1987-89
ajanjakson 1987-89 .
2 If you enjoy a drink (and most of us do) watch your
and don't be heavy-handed if you pour your own.
around 60 million litres
noin 60 miljoonaa litraa .
If the
is much bigger than normal, the retailer will want to know why.
included 12 common dolphin, 7 Dall's porpoise, 8 Pacific white-sided dolphin, and 56 northern right whale dolphin.
At £1,622 million, the May figure was less than two percent down on the
of £1,651 million
1 651 miljoonan taalan .
FFr13,888,000 (£1.6 million; $2.46 million)
13 888 000 FFr (1,6 miljoonaa puntaa, 2,46 miljoonaa dollaria) with 73% sold by value and 72.6% by lot, against a pre-sale estimate of around FFr20 million.
, with 40 per cent bought in by value.
In 1989-90 the NAO audited
expenditure and revenue
menoja ja tuloja, jotka over £300 billion
yli 300 miljardia puntaa .
An agreement was signed for
Spanish loans to Honduras
Espanjan lainoille Hondurasiin, jotka US$70,000,000
70 000 000 US$ over the next four years, and Spanish financial participation in the building of a new airport near Tegucigalpa was confirmed.
Another British merchant bank, Kleinwort Benson, owned up to writing off
$23m which it had sunk into an American partnership controlled by one of its directors
23 milj. dollaria, jotka se oli käyttänyt yhden sen johtajan hallitsemaan amerikkalaiseen yhtiöön .
In November, UN sources confirmed that
lahjoituksia $140,830,531
140 830 531 dollarin arvosta had so far been promised for the UNHCR's 1991 programmes.
Malcolm Gamet's side
Malcolm Gametin puoli 163-6 declared
163-6 tunnustusta in 43 overs at Hightown.
The remaining 900 employees -- out of
a workforce
työntekijämäärästä once
-- were given the grim news yesterday at a meeting with managers and union representatives.
Four acquisitions
Neljä yritysostoa, , led by the £29.5m purchase of Yorkshire-based CSL in January, accounted for a third of the growth in the fleet.