alliance.n 🔎
- Such opposition from his former Anglican and Tory allies persuaded James to try to forge anallianceliittoumanwith the Dissenterstoisinajattelijoiden kanssa, in the hope that the disabilities under which they suffered would give them common cause with the Catholics to support the removal of the penal laws.
- It was proposed thatthe NLPNLPmight form anelectoralvalitsija-allianceliitonwith the National Peasant Party and the Social Democratic PartyKansallisen talonpoikaispuolueen ja Sosiaalidemokraattisen puolueen kanssa(the two other parties formed, like the NLP, before the Second World War).
- He and his daughterHän ja hänen tyttärensä, he imagined, would form anallianceliitonbased on shared jokes and secret indulgences against a lonely and often disapproving wife.
- The dispute within ANZUS reveals the dilemma created by the conclusion ofpolitical and militarypoliittisten ja sotilaallistenalliancesliittoutumienin treaty form.
- AtriaAtriallahasstrategicstrateginenalliancesliittowith CASE vendors CenterLine Software and Cadre Technologiesyritysten CASE vendors CenterLine Software ja Cadre Technologies kanssa.
- `There are no grounds for assuming that Libya was the only country involved, he said, suggesting again that therehad been `anoli ollutunholyepäpyhäallianceliittobetween Iran, Syria and LibyaIranin, Syyrian ja Libyan välillä.
- TV should stick with fact, or with fiction; not try to make anuneasylevotontaallianceliittoaof the twoniiden välille.
- We can therefore see such a plasmid as atemporaryväliaikaisenaallianceliittonabetween genes which induce conjugation in the host bacterium (and so make transmission of the plasmid itself possible), and genes which help the host to survive and multi plyniiden geenien välillä, jotka saavat aikaan konjugaation isäntäbakteerissa (ja siten mahdollistavat plasmidin siirtymisen), ja niiden geenien välillä, jotka auttavat isäntää selviytymään ja lisääntymään.
- These measures, collectively known as the Tory Reaction, meant that by 1685 theoppositionoppositionallianceliittowhich had given rise to the first Whig party had largely crumbled.
- With his friends and allies about him, a prince might discuss future strategy, considermarriageavioliittojen avullaalliancesliittoutumisia, resolve disputes.
- Its destroyer, she says,was anoliunholyepäpyhäallianceliittoof nationalistsnationalistienbent on creating a racially homogeneous Serbian state and ex-communists longing to stay in power.
- Thelooselöyhäallianceliittoof nationalists, communist diehards and other malcontentsnationalistien, pesunkestävien kommunistien ja muiden tyytymättömiensucceeded in forcing Mr Yeltsin to agree to give an economic report.
- It is an expression ofallianceliitostabetween groups of kinsukulaisryhmien välillärather than a short-term arrangement between two private individuals.
- Anallianceliittoof four partiesneljän puolueen, Russian Unity has 303 of the 1,033 members of the Congress of People's Deputies, Russia's highest legislative body.
- The number ofR & Dtutkimus- ja kehitystoiminnanalliancesliittoumatbetween Japanese and foreign firmsjapanilaisten ja ulkomaisten yritysten välillä, ranging from full joint ventures to product development or marketing agreements, has soared.