army.n 🔎
- And what about thesmallpieniarmyarmeijaof Morland Place pensionersMorland Placen eläkeläisiä-- former employees, who all seemed to enjoy an extraordinary longevity, and who seemed to live in houses needing constant repair?
- If hisgrowingkasvavaarmyarmeijansaof fansfani-are only writing to say they like Merton's own TV series, then they are either shy or lying.
- DAMON Hill went a long way towards fulfilling the hopes of his family andarmyarmeijansaof fansfani-when he grabbed provisional pole position for Sunday's Monaco Grand Prix.
- But perhaps the greatest fear about workfare is that it might reduce the political spur to create jobs and lead to anarmyjoukkoonof peopleihmis-working in poorly paid conditions.
- Agreatmahtavaarmyjoukkoof civil servantsvirkamiehiäwill be needed to administer the system, adding nothing whatever to the wealth or gaiety of the nation.
- The king's needs, however, were challenged by the popes' own obligations to reward theirgrowingkasvavaaarmyjoukkoaanof servantspalvelija-.
- Even now anarmyjoukkoof servantspalvelija-was installing the huge gilt-painted plaster candelabras in the grounds, each one bearing three four-foot candles in the Russian national colours.
- Just to the north of the factory Sakata laid out those playing fields, to keep itsarmyarmeijanof workerstyöläis-shackled to the corporation even in their spare time, until they were made redundant.
- Back in the industrialized countries of the North areservevara-armyjoukkoof workerstyöläistenis lining up in dole queues, desperate for work.
assemblage.n 🔎
- Buckyballs, of buckminsterfullerene,areovatsoccer-ball-shapedjalkapallon muotoisiaassemblageskasojaof 60 carbon atoms60 hiiliatomin.
- Nevertheless anassemblagekokoelmaof toolstyökalujais often found together comprising shears, combs and spindle whorls for spinning.
- The rumours started earlier this year, when B-boys began showing up at New York clubs and wowing theassemblagejoukkoawith their traditional towering tonsors.
- When Nam June Paik recently unveiled agiganticsuunnattomanassemblagejoukkoaof over 400 television monitorsyli 400 televisiomonitorin-- commissioned by the Chase Manhattan bank for the lobby of its latest branch office in Brooklyn -- he left space within its 200 foot wall of dancing images for video works, to be changed periodically, by `guest artists ``.
assembly.n 🔎
- He said it would be the first of a series of ventures which Gooding was discussing with Japanese companies, aimed at bringing research and technology to Britain rather than justfinalviimeistäassemblyjoukkoaof goodstavaroiden.
- The east frieze has a combat before Troy (some painted names of heroes can still be read), and anassemblyjoukkoof godsjumaliano doubt disputing its outcome.
- In 1336, as on earlier occasions, a tax of 20s a sack had been agreed by anassemblyjoukkoof merchantskauppiaiden, and in 1338 the merchants agreed to increase it to 40s.
- The further conditions were that theassemblyjoukkoof the peopleihmis-constituted that national will, and that land was held in common right by the nation.
assortment.n 🔎
- The 400g selection comes in anassortmentlajitelmassaof shapesmuotojaincluding crescents, fingers and petticoat tails.
- A long polished table stood in the centre, holding anassortmentlajitelmaaof bottlespulloja, and a tray of glasses.
- Anassortmentvalikoimaof clothesvaatteitawere lying on the table.
- Ruth followed her into the hallway and was immediately aware of disorder; open packing-cases and anassortmentvalikoimaof clothesvaatteitaand furniture piled up in every inch of space.
band.n 🔎
- He's joined agrowingkasvavanbandryhmänof young homelessnuoria kodittomiain Oxfordshire.
- Special thanks were due to Chris Markham who had had overall responsibility for organising the day and herbandryhmälleof very efficient and hard-working helperserittäin tehokkaiden ja ahkerien avustajiensa.
- He stalked off towards the camp's edge where ahugevaltavabandryhmäof his brothershänen veljiensäwaited.
- He is accompanied by abandjoukkioof menmies-, presumably armed, and bears arrest warrants from the High Priest.
- In the next years Studd and asmallpienibandjoukkoof young peoplenuoria ihmisiäovercame difficulties to found a flourishing church, the start of a new pioneer mission, the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (1919).
- The layout is owned by Alistair Kerr and assisted by asmallpienibandjoukkoof volunteer workersvapaaehtoisia työntekijöitä, ranging in age groups between 10 and 20.
- Then with slow deliberation they walked on, their spades clasped to them, as if theywere aolisivatbandjoukkoof ancient warriorsmuinaisia sotureita.
- We seized our weapons and ran to Kilgrimol, and out of the Treasure House came abandjoukkoof warrior womensoturinaisia, bearing Undry.
- Together thebandjoukkoof womennais-wailed and sang out, beating cymbals and drums.
batch.n 🔎
- Asmallpienibatcheräof uniforms in the new colouruudenvärisiä univormujawas issued.
- Paulus delivered hislargesuurenbatchjoukonof suspectsepäiltyjento Constantius.
- The first batch of 50 units costs 10 per unit and thesecondtoinenbatcheräof 50 identical units50 identtisen yksiköncosts 20 per unit because of inflation.
- For example, you could makebatcheseränof mealsaterioitafrom fresh food, then freeze them.
- Thisbatcheräof carsauto-was transferred onto South Metropolitan tracks in 1906, from the `Croydon District Tramways ``system, having run since 1902 as Croydon Corporation Nos. 36-45, although always the property of the B.E.T.
- AnotherToinenbatcheräof letterskirjeitähas reached my desk, some pleading, others offering help to my more unfortunate patients.
bevy.n 🔎
- Maiden city beauty queen Kelly Craig beat abevylaumanof 14 leggy lovelies14 pitkäsäärisen kaunokaisento win the Miss Derry pageant this week.
- Trouble is once a directive hits Whitehallbevieslaumatof officialsvirkamies-are stirred into action, taking time and effort to interpret and rewrite the directive.
- For those with the nerves for it, shorting was a grand way to make money in the American market for most of 1990, as the thrifts mess, the problems of the commercial banks, falling property prices and abevylaumaof highly borrowed companieserittäin velkaantuneiden yhtiöidengoing bust provided plenty of reasons for share prices to fall.
- I'm sure he's in there somewhere, surrounded by a quite unfairbevylaumanof beautieskaunottarien.
- The door was guarded by men dressed in royal livery; pages skipped about with plates of fruit, abevylaumaof serving womenpalvelevia naisiastarted from their embroidery frames like a flock of pigeons.
brood.n 🔎
- It is no wonder that so many of the small northern birds have to raiselargesuuriabroodsjoukkojaof youngpoikasten, just to maintain the status quo of the population.
- Almost every year, blue tits bring up abroodpoikueenof chicksuntuvikko-in the nest box fixed to the garden fence at the Kilwinning home of Hunterston security guard Angus Devoy and his wife Irene.
- The drawback was his rather dowdy wife and theirincreasingkasvavanbroodpesueensaof childrenlapsi-, an imposition to be endured.
- There she lived in the school house and had charge of alittlepienestäbroodpoikueestaof no more than eight or nine childrenenintään kahdeksan tai yhdeksän lapsen.
bunch.n 🔎
- I noticed bunches andbunchessuuren määränof grain and seaweed, marguerites and long-stemmed buttercupsviljaa ja merilevää, päivänkakkaroita ja pitkävartisia leinikkejädrying in the pantry, for winter.
- Yet she'd walked right into this marvelous chance, with no mother who would get jealous of her with the baby, only thisbunchjoukkoof doctorslääkäreitäto deal with.
- Mrs Hollidaye put her flowers in a tin bucket of water in the porch where otherbuncheskimppujaof flowerskukka-were being collected.
- Send her abunchkimppuof flowerskukkia.
- It tells how they returned bearing ahugevaltavaabunchterttuaof grapesviinirypäle-, and with reports of a land `flowing with milk and honey ``, just as God had promised.
- Out of his pocket he pulled abunchnipunof keysavain-.
- He produced abunchnipunof old-fashioned brass keysvanhanaikaisia messinkiavaimiaand the door swung open slowly but easily on large hinges.
- And I've heard it from a wholebunchjoukoltaof peopleihmisiä, she says stuff, she actually tells people I'm on heroin all the time.
- But really thiscould be avoisi ollabunchjoukkoof retarded animalsjälkeenjääneitä eläimiäwalking round kicking people's butts.
circle.n 🔎
- Obscenities have a kind of magic inchildren'slastencirclespiireissäand they can be certain of raising shrieks of laughter from their friends, just by saying them aloud.
- `I see that you have become a valued member of Mr Sands ``ladies'naistensewingompelu-circlepiirin.
- Michael Meacher and Frank Field have stressed that only alimitedrajallinencirclejoukkoof peopleihmis-were actively involved in formulating the industrial policy proposals, and that beyond this circle, understanding of the proposals was rather minimal.
- The anxiety of the Tsar and Tsarina to shield their haemophiliac son led them to withdraw into anarrowpieneenfamilyperhe-circlepiiriin, incurring the displeasure of members of high society.
- He had asmallpienicirclepiiriof friendsystävä-.
- To her horror Benny realised that there were tears pouring down her face, and that asmallpienicirclejoukkoof peopleihmis-were watching her in concern.
- Colleagues from the medical profession were joined by local MPs, lawyers, and awidelaajacirclejoukkoof friends from all over the country and further afieldystäviä joka puolelta maata ja kauempaa.
- He will be missed by awidelaajacirclejoukkoof friendsystävä-in public life. ”
- During her time at Weston Hall she was evidently influenced by Susanna Jennens and hercirclepiirinsäof relatives and acquaintances who wrote verse in the normal course of friendshipsukulaisia ja tuttavia, jotka kirjoittivat runomuodossa normaalin ystävyyden aikana.
- He gathered his own particularcirclepiirinsäof close advisersläheisiä neuvonantajiaaround him and was prone to discount views that did not reflect those prevailing in his own circle.
- As well as losing their positions in arguably Britain's most loved independent band, the couple were also upset because theircirclepiirinsäof friendsystävä-disintegrated around them.
- Like all successful businessmen, John was willing to delegate responsibility to a trustedcirclejoukolleof peopleihmis-while he developed new contacts.
class.n 🔎
- WISARD consists of three layers, and is capable of three operations: learning to recognise aclassluokanof imageskuvien, recognising whether a new example is in a learned class, and distinguishing between classes.
- He disliked hisBibleRaamattu-classluokastaanof teenage boysteinipoikienbecause they misbehaved, but at times it was happy.
- `God bless and save us, whatclassryhmäof peopleihmis-are inhabitin' the earth nowadays.
- Also, personal discounts are given tocertaintietyilleclassesryhmilleof adultsaikuisten, e.g. handicapped people, those in full time education.
- Are there limitations on theclassesryhmissäof personsihmis-who can give consent?
clique.n 🔎
- There was hiscliquekuppikuntansaof sycophantic friendshännystelevien ystävien, many of them middle-aged, who were too fawning and deferential.
- Palafox and Romana are thus the first of a long succession of generals who claimed that the army officers embodied the general will of the nation, perverted by a selfishcliquekuppikuntaof unpopular politiciansepäsuosittuja poliitikkoja.
- President: Saddam Hussein has dominated Iraqi politics since the late 1970s with asmallpienencliquekuppikunnanof relatives and supporters from his home town of Takrit in northern Iraqsukulaisia ja tukijoita hänen kotikaupungistaan Takritista Pohjois-Irakissa.
- The Tory Chief Whip, David Margesson, ended his agony by moving the adjournment, and the corridors were filled with yelling, scurrying, frantic men, taking uptheirheidäncliquesryhmäkuntansaand groupings, pooling their opinions, consolidating.
- Along with Douglas Hurd, thisexpatriateulkomailla asuviencliquekuppikuntacontinues to exhibit all the hallmarks of the King Canute school of diplomacy and administration.
- Hatred of the `officerpoliisi-cliqueklikin``responsible, and shock that such treachery could occur were equally common responses.
- Attractive, popular and smart, Veronica hovers in the orbit of the `Heathers ``, afour-girlneljän tytöncliqueklikkiwho rule the roost at Westerburgh High.
clump.n 🔎
- Here, asmallpieniclumpjoukkoof scarlet tulipstulipunaisia tulppaanejabrings a disproportionate flash of brilliance to a spring dalliance of Daphne mezereum, muscari, erythronium and Magnolia stellata
- Underfoot, last year's leaves had rotted into a soft mould which gave off a pleasant nutty scent, andsmallpieniclumpsjoukkoof primroseskääpiöesikkojanestled amongst it.
- The door was open and with the strength of ten I hurtled him through it and into the herb garden where he came to rest in aclumprykelmässäof sagesalvia-.
- The other end of the tank should have aclumprykelmäof plantskasvi-floating on the surface.
- Beyond the little road at the end of the graveyard stretched green and yellow fields and on the horizon stood aclumprykelmäof woodspuita.
- All she could seewas the darktummanclumpryhmänof shrubberypensas-, a sodium lamp and the branches of some trees; there wasn't a living soul abroad.
- The path that left the glade was steep and narrow and spread across with ivy andclumpsjoukkojenof mauve and white violetsmalvanväristen ja valkoisten orvokkien.
- The edificeresembled anmuistuttienormousvaltavaaclumprykelmääof towering vitrified black fungikorkealle lasittunutta mustaa sientä.
- This might happen for someclumpsjoukkojenof primordial germ cellsalkukantaisten itusolujenare known to form intercellular bridges so that they exist as a syncytium (fused cells, sharing several nuclei).
- I love the long bare hills with just theoddomituinenclumprykelmäof treespuita.
cluster.n 🔎
- Most importantly, there was aclusterrykelmäof writers, directors, actors and criticskirjoittajia, ohjaajia, näyttelijöitä ja kriitikoita,who gathered around an idea of a realistic, passionate, intellectual theatre which would have been a most fertile ground for Burton.
- They condemned the traditional slaughter of thousands of pilot whales by locals of the Faroes, aclusterrykelmäof islandssaariabetween Scotland and Iceland.
- When the leaves turn colour and theberrymarja-clusterstertutare ripe, the rowan is a princely sight.
- The adult female layslargesuuriaclustersrykelmiäof eggsmunia… (shown here magnified 15 times) … sometimes wrapping them in bands around twigs.
- By the time her luggage was out of the bubble and stacked around her, a woman had emerged from theclusterrykelmästäof buildingsrakennuksia.
- LittlePienetclustersryhmätof guestsvieras-were standing about on the cobblestones between the houses, looking at a loss.
- To our left stood aclusterrykelmäof housestaloja, proper houses, with brick walls and asbestos roofs and chimneys.
- In the far distance the cathedral spire emerges from acompacttiiviistäclusterrykelmästäof nestling housespesimistaloja.
clutch.n 🔎
- There to watch him were more than 200 invited guests, including textile designers, producers, analysts and journalists from America, Europe and Japan, and aclutchjoukkoof local dignitariespaikallisia arvohenkilöitä.
- Once she has deposited herclutchmunansain the nest the female has no further interest in it or her eggs.
- However, with such alargesuurenclutchmunamääränit is difficult for her to maintain all her eggs at exactly the same temperature.
- In species such as swans and geese, which laylargesuuriaclutchesmääriäof eggsmuniasoon after arrival, the reserve on landing may indeed determine breeding success for the year.
- In some passerine species it even justifies slightlylargersuuremmatclutchesmääriäthan are found in the same or closely related species of lower latitudes (Ricklefs, 1980).
- This, in turn, means that the female can only lay a relatively small number ofeggsmuniain aclutchpesään.
- My new pair of peach-faced lovebirds produced aclutchjoukonof 10 eggs10 munan, but none of them has hatched.
- Alternatively, the parent bird can flee and live to rear anotherclutchpesällisenof eggsmuniaelsewhere.
- After tedious checks aclutchjoukonof peopleihmisiäwho had been seen on Hampstead Heath around the time of the death had been traced but none could be linked to the murder.
- And there were aclutchjoukkoof gongspalkintojafor people who also write.
- England U21 stars Stephen Howey and Steve Watson plus aclutchjoukonof young playersnuoria pelaajiaare also attracting attention.
cohort.n 🔎
- Finally, it is useful to check that the Compact is targeted at therightoikeallecohortjoukolleof leaverslähtijöiden.
- The most fertilebirthsamoihin aikoihin syntyneidencohortryhmäof womennaistensince the 1920s has been the women born around 1937, who would mostly have married by the early 1960s.
- Because our sample consists of acohortryhmästäof individualsyksilöitä, calendar time effects can not be distinguished from duration effects.
- It is based on the National Child Development Study which has been following acohortryhmääof some 15,000 peoplenoin 15 000 hengenfrom their birth in 1958 to early adulthood.
- a subject committee is in place to assist the development of the initiative and the intention is to have thefirstensimmäinencohortryhmäof studentsopiskelija-enter the programme in Autumn 1993.
collection.n 🔎
- A willow green wicker armchair takes on a whole new look when acollectionjoukkoof pretty floral covered cushionskauniita kukallisia tyynyjäand a deep frill are added.
- On a European reading tour to flog his newcollectionkokoelmaansaof poemsruno-, Les Murray has demonstrated why he is often called Australia's best poet.
- For practical reasons, it is not more than an interest though -- but probably as a direct result of this interest, myfishkala-collectionkokoelmanialways seems to have an excessive quantity of eels.
- ScatUloste-collectionskokoelmiafrom two larger species of fox have been analysed, two assemblages from the red fox in England and one from the arctic fox in Canada (Table 2.5).
- Vandalism, for example, might be thought of as acollectionkokoelmanaof clearly identifiable actsselkeästi tunnistettavia tekojarequiring sanction for the simple reason that they offend against the property, both individual and collective, of members in society.
- In the test kitchens of Time-Life Books, top international chefs and nutritionists have created atotally uniqueaivan ainutlaatuisencollectionkokoelmanof recipesreseptejä, that satisfy every demand for delicious healthier cooking.
- I have possibly theworld's largestmaailman suurincollectionkokoelmaof old Springfield external statsvanhan Springfieldin ulkopuolisia tilastojaand would cheerfully buy more if there were still available.
- Several European countries have a rich tradition of master painters and sculptors andvastlaajatcollectionskokoelmatof works of arttaideteoksiahave undergone extensive restoration over the centuries.
- Exposure to alargesuurellecollectionmäärälleof information bookstietokirjojaenables children to discover their own interests; in many cases `passions ``would be a more accurate description.
- Exhibition space was not needed the library eschews blockbusters, and itspermanentpysyvääcollectionkokoelmaaof books, manuscripts and works on paperkirjoja, käsikirjoituksia ja paperilla olevia teoksiacan not be exposed to light too often.
- Whatis probably aon todennäköisestiuniqueainutlaatuinencollectionkokoelmaof photographs of man's best friendihmisen parhaasta ystävästä otettuja valokuviawill be dispersed in a sale of nineteenth- and twentieth-century photographs.
- There were displays of work which showed the link between library and classroom; thecollectionkokoelmaof photographsvalokuvia,which boosted the school imagejotka kohottivat koulun imagoa.
colony.n 🔎
- His Superintendent asked for a priest to go to the island of Molokai where acolonyyhteisöof lepersspitaalistenlived in appalling conditions.
- I walked further along the edge of the sea, and came to a point where the shore steepened into cliffs and there werelargesuuriacoloniesyhteisöjäof gullslokki-nesting.
- Completed in July 1991, it now houses ourcolonyyhdyskuntaammeof nine chimpanzees, who have not been on public display for over two years.
- Observed by acolonyyhdyskunnanof sealshylje-, we landed in a natural sheltered harbour.
- On the other side of the peninsula we foundcoloniesyhdyskuntiaof seals and penguinshylkeiden ja pingviinien.
corps.n 🔎
- After thirty years as an administrator in the National Health Service and an adviser on policing, Miss James was enlisted for service in thecorpsjoukoissaof commissionaires of British public lifeBritannian julkisen elämän järjestysmiesten.
- It was the second court that contained the infamouscorpsjoukonof executionersteloittaja-.
- As Captain of the Reiksguard Knights Helborg is leader of the nation's mostly deadlywarriorsoturi-corpsjoukon.
- AN elitecorpsjoukkoof transatlantic guardians of the English languageAtlantin ylittävien englannin kielten suojelijoidenhas thrown in the towel.
- Theofficerpoliisi-corpsjoukkowas small, young and inexperienced.
- Police helmets could be seen bobbing above the crowd as asmallpienenäcorpsjoukkonaof police officerspoliisienattempted to force their way through to rescue Clasper from the hands of the mob.
- Having now accumulated a small amount of capital and atinypikkuruisencorpsjoukonof agentstoimija-in European cities, Reuter moved to London in 1851 and set up an office in the Royal Exchange Buildings.
- Also, many Zakynthians work alongside STPS'sinternationalkansainvälistencorpsjoukkojenof volunteersvapaaehtois-.
coterie.n 🔎
- In the 1920s, after the British literary establishment had neglected him for forty years, Machen attracted acoteriekunnanof admirersihailija-in the United States.
- In Scotland in particular there is acoteriekuppikuntaof men and womennaisten ja miestenworking on VAT for whom he set an example to be followed.
- Whilst Williams and hiscoteriekuppikuntansawere planning their strategy, there were also some political developments of note in Jamaica, where in January the Jamaican Labour Party was ousted from power by Norman Manley's People's National Party, a success firmly rooted in mass popular support for a charismatic leader.
- I mean with all that stuff about littlecoterieskuppikunnista, and cosy dinner-parties, and so on … ”
- If you'd come back telling me you'd discovered somebody out of that cosy littlecoteriekuppikunnastawas actually telling the truth, that'd be another matter.
- Lewis, for instance, is frequently spoken of as a man who enjoyedmalemiestencoterieskuppikunnista, as though, in the 1930s, the regiments, the London clubs, the Oxford and
- My guess would be that they are the same advisers or perhaps from the samecoteriekuppikunnastaof advisersneuvonantajien.
- The report described Than Shwe as one of the ``old school of army commanders and claimed that he resented the ``brash, swashbuckling ways of Khin Nyunt and hiscoteriekuppikuntansaof younger officersnuorten virkailijoiden.
covey.n 🔎
- Of the senators involved Bush said: ``They ought not to panic and run like acoveylaumaof quailkanojabecause somebody has made an allegation against a man whose word I trust, and who, as I understand it, hasn't been fingered by what's coming out of this process …
- In a field where an old horse nibbled the cold grass delicately, acoveyparviof partridgespeltokanoja, three strutting chasing males and an indifferent female, caught my eye.
crew.n 🔎
- Air operations in Hawaii were put under the direction of Lt Col Art Wildern (USAF, ret) who hired and trained thesecondseuraavancrewmiehistönof pilots who were to do the flying in Hawaiipilotteja, joiden oli tarkoitus lentää Havaijille.
- A Hot Pot catapult requires acrewmiehistönof threekolmen hengento work it properly.
- Each Mortar has acrewmiehistöof threekolmen hengento operate the weapon and defend it if necessary.
- The ship had left England with acrewmiehistönof 3636 hengenbut, as a result of desertions, only 19 remained and only 4 or 5 of them were able seamen.
- This superb floating hotel has a passenger capacity of 1,610 and carries a staff andcrewmiehistöäof almost 700lähes 700 hengen.
- Now, with money in the bank, asmallpienicrewryhmäof employeestyöntekijöitäand plenty of business, what does Mr Chambers put his relative success down to?
crop.n 🔎
- The bestcropssadotof arabica beansarabicapapujenare grown at altitudes of between 2,500 and 6,000ft.
- Cropssatojaof corn and vegetablesMaissi- ja vihannes-were cultivated, along with many herbs and plants not known in Britain before.
- Its 2½ acres of garden supported a finecropsatoaof nettlesnokkos-(not to mention a voracious population of rabbits).,
- A farmer has turned the clock back fifty years to harvest hiscropsatonsaof wheatvehnä-.
- Nor are the blight years which affectedpotatoperuna-cropssatoihinin about one year in three, in the not so distant past.
- Serious flooding occurred in mid-August in Kompong Speu, Takeo, Kampot and Kandal provinces, causing a number of deaths and serious damage to thericeriisi-cropsadolle.
- Itwas the<empty>maizeMaissi-cropsatowhich was the chief victim of the 1988 American drought.
- In parts of England people still worship Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit trees, through the custom of wassailing which is intended to encourage a goodcropsatoaof applesomena-.
- Thecurrentnykyinencropjoukkoof releasesjulkaisu-includes two movies that demonstrate the reality today of computer graphics in film, making significant but very different uses of the technology.
- `The emergence of thisnewuudencropjoukonof youngstersnuortenis a healthy pointer to the future for the club.
- Once the product hits the real world it has to cope with users who are not so well behaved or gentle -- hence thetotally newtäysin uusicropjoukkoof errorsvirhe-.
- It is believed that some vines can live as long as five hundred years although such a plant would yield anegligiblemerkityksettömäncropmääränof grapesviinirypäleitä.
- Thefirstensimmäinencropsatoof grapesviinirypäle-to be grown commercially in Chester for 20 years was produced in 1990.
- A few years ago any self respecting farmer would have been ashamed of this field, with itsbumperennätysmäisencropsadonof nettles and thistlesnokkos- ja ohdake-…
crowd.n 🔎
- Amagnificentsuurenmoinencrowdporukkaof 8383 hengenwitnessed the ceremony, 32 of them staying for the match.
- They're aovatcrowdporukkaof banditsrosvo-.
- They attractcrowdsihmisjoukkojaof 450450 hengenfor their home matches in the Luxembourg league and brought 26 fans with them for this UEFA Cup first round tie.
- The contest, staged at Granby Hall in Leicester, attracted a sell-outcrowdporukanof 5,0005 000 hengen, and topped the bill during an evening featuring a number of kick-boxing clashes.
- He wiped the blood from a gash on his forehead then waved the Walther P5 threateningly at thegrowingkasvavallecrowdjoukolleof onlookerssivustakatsojien.
- Finally they reached their destination, to find ahugevaltavancrowdjoukonof silent onlookershiljaisia sivustakatsojiaall standing back a respectful distance and watching in mesmerised fascination as a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for help.
- There are animals and birds, a Chinese dragon with at least seven pairs of feet peeping from underneath it, sauce bottles and tanks firing water on thecrowdsjoukkoihinof spectatorskatsoja-.
family.n 🔎
- AMONG the genes thought to be involved in patterning the nervous system are afamilyjoukkoof developmentally regulated paired box-containing (Pax) geneskehitystä säänteleviä parillisia boksin sisältäviä (pax) geenejä.
- We have included this completefamilyperheen,of clarinetsklarinetti-as they are all regularly used in concert bands and clarinet choirs.
- The perfection of this design is attested by the fact that species belonging to quite differentfamiliessukuihinof fishkala-have adopted it and thus bear a strong resemblance to one another.
flock.n 🔎
- And then seagulls flew free, and aflockparviof sparrowsvarpus-, and they seemed to own the sky and not me.
- Edward stood still; he had once seen awholekokonaisenflockparvenof long-tailed titspitkäpyrstöisiä tiaisiahere, swinging like pink jewels among the flickering leaves of a silver birch.
- A girl was coming in their direction, driving aflockparveaof geesehanhi-in front of her.
- They were like agreatsuuriflockparviof gullslokki-swooping to tear and gobble at their prey.
- The only movementwas anolioccasionalajoittainenflockparviof intrepid sea gullspelottomien lokkienforaging through the mess.
- Theflocklaumaof sheeplammas-had panicked into a shambling run.
flotilla.n 🔎
- There's this big depot ship in the loch and it's got aflotillalaivueof submarinessukellusveneiden…
- Collecting a large army, he marched it across the width of northern India, supported on his flank by aflotillalaivueenof shipsalustenadvancing slowly down the Ganges.
- AFLOTILLALAIVUEof raftslauttojensailed off down the Mersey to take part in a charity contest at the weekend.
gaggle.n 🔎
- A dog -- or better still -- agaggleparviof geesehanhi-not only act as a deterrent to a prowler, but also provide an excellent `alarm ``.
- Begonias are particular favourites and agaggleryhmäof themniitägather on the paved area near the front door resplendent in pink, scarlet and yellow.
- Under Left Wallwas aoligagglelaumaof climberskiipeilijöitäzooming up the classics.
- He was brought up by agagglelaumaof ladiesnais-, and the result is that has enormous affection for them.
- Then I saw agagglelaumanof youthsnuoriso-arriving with guitar cases for a recording session, and I changed my mind.
gang.n 🔎
- Later, at the Palladium's stage door after the show, agangjengiof girlstyttö-lay in wait.
- POLICE suspect anorganisedorganisoitunutgangjengiof car thievesautovarkaidenwas at work in Darlington over the weekend.
- Ponyboy and his brothers have their owngangjengiof friendsystävä-.
- Before very long he becomes the leader of one of the mostpowerfulmahtavimmistateenageteini-gangsjengeistäin Brooklyn.
- Jesse Wood, 15, was kicked and slashed by a drunkengangjengiat Richmond, London, last Christmas.
- Captain Robert Nairac was kidnapped and tortured by anIRAIRA-gangjoukkoin 1977 during an undercover operation in Northern Ireland.
- A SCHOOLBOY was pinned against a wall and robbed of cash by afour-manneljän miehengangjoukkoafter his pockets were searched.
- Now BT is to invest £6.5million in a bid to foil the highly organisedgangsjengit, who distribute manuals and videos explaining how to break into the cashboxes.
- Now the discontented group had been transformed into themerriest littlemitä iloisimmaksi pieneksigangjoukoksiof kidslapsi-since the first night of Oliver.
- `It used to be a tradition that when you drove past agangjoukonof kidslapsi-they would wave and you would wave back, ``says Lt Watts.
- Thiswas aoligangjoukkoof unemployed young mentyöttömiä nuoria miehiä, about ten of them, and sometimes there were a couple of girls.
group.n 🔎
- This quietgroupryhmäof peopleihmis-looked so simple and unassuming that at first he could not think what made them interesting to him, and then he realized that they gave every appearance of complete sincerity.
- Most fax software lets you define agroupjoukonof namesnimiäin the fax phone book, and send them the same fax at the click of a button.
- Each terminal node orgroupryhmäof nodessolmu-on the network represents an activity area or department.
- His eyes met those of Anthea Darnell for a moment, but deliberately slid away before she could invite him to joinherhänengroupryhmäänsä.
- `Only one English side goes through from ourgroupryhmäämmeand we're going for it.
- Carolina, a sixteen-year-old whose mother is learning to read and write for the first time, is a voluntary helper with thegrandmothers'isoäidingroupryhmän.
- `The WomenNaisten'sGroupryhmäprovided a special lunch for the elderly and established a club for the elderly and the unemployed in the church hall.
- In the girls'peervertais-groupryhmässäthere was more use of consensual suggesting forms like `lets ``.
- It is very important thatuserkäyttäjä-groupsryhmätdo contribute to the change and that their suggestions are not merely dealt with by paying lip service.
- Black teacherMustien opettajiengroupsryhmistäare becoming more common, and supplementary schools exist in many cities, but support groups for black students within schools are not usually on the list of policy priorities.
- An article in the Oxford Times of 18 May 1976 describes an encounter between a householder and agroupryhmänof rather tiresome young peoplemelkoisen ärsyttävien nuorten ihmistenwho had chosen his street frontage as a meeting place.
- The remnants of the Japanese Red Army -- agroupryhmäof about 20 peoplenoin 20 hengen-- are believed to be living in Lebanon.
- One of the phenomena of his campaign was the presence oflargesuurtengroupsryhmien,of womennais-who would scream and faint whenever he came anywhere near them.
- Formerly thelargestsuuringroupryhmäof peopleihmis-to be housed by local authorities (64 per cent in 1975) came from these lists; some of these people were council tenants hoping to move to better property.
- Thiswas aolilarge multi-disciplinarysuuri monialainengroupryhmäof interacting, communicating earth scientistsvuorovaikutuksessa olevia kommunikoivia geotiedemiehiä, competing with, but also sharing experimental results with, the American institutions.
- One says the main problemsare rivalovat kilpailevatgroupsryhmätof casuals coming out of the discos and restaurantshuolettomia ihmisiä, jotka tulevat ulos diskoista ja ravintoloistaat about 4.30, and the crowds that gather round the kebab shops.
- Buhle must point the finger at the otherradicalradikaali-groupsryhmiin.
- If there is force in the claim that information exchange is best achieved through negotiation, then a programme in which pairs orsmallpienetgroupsryhmätof childrenlapsi-work together on tasks will be valuable.
- Analysis of courses for specificgroupsryhmilleof teachersopettaja-will follow analysis of Section IIB, which deals with those groups).
- So a hummingbird that specialises in feeding from Heliconia has to patrol awholekokonaistagroupryhmääof plantskasvi-, visiting each hanging spike of blossoms in strict rotation on a carefully timed schedule.
harem.n 🔎
- These deer tend to form large herds, and during the breeding season males defendlargesuuriaharemshaaremeitaof femalesnaaras-.
- This C.rubriventralis is a male which, in the wild, will maintain aharemhaaremiaof femalesnaaras-.
heap.n 🔎
- A largeheapkasaof peanutsmaapähkinöitäbelonged to her at this moment, and her natural liveliness was well to the fore.
- Tommy disappeared, only to return an hour later smelling like amanurelanta-heapkasalta.
- Bobbie fell inside, on to aheapröykkiöönof coalhiili-.
- Between the stones, the girls saw a smallheapröykkiönof coalhiili-.
- The last of the cuirassiers were driven from the village just as darkness fell, leaving a thousand corpses and aheapröykkiönof rubbleraunioitato the French as the fruits of victory.
herd.n 🔎
- He owned a savage wolfhound called Wolfhead and aherdlaumanof swinesikojawho roamed the forest and fields below Penhill.
- Now tourists can walk among thesealhylje-herdlaumanand cuddle and feed the wide-eyed charmers.
- TEN passengers escaped injury when their train was derailed after it collided with aherdlaumanof cattle straying on a line in Co Durham, last night.
- Perhaps he ran aherdlaumaaof beefsyöttöhärkiä-- cows or something.
- Far up in the northern reaches of Canada roamvastlaajatherdslaumatof cariboukaribu-, a deer which we in Europe call the reindeer.
- Signalled by changes in the weather,greatsuuretherdslaumatof these deernäiden hirvienfollow ancestral migration routes to sheltered valleys and more ample food supplies.
- Aherdlaumaof yakjakkejagrazed under the eye of a small boy, their calves playing, rolling on their backs in sandy patches by the water.
- The birds went off at noisy full-throttle, right through aherdlaumanof deerhirvi-which had been grazing quietly till then.
horde.n 🔎
- As the kites are designed to be flown with verve and pulled through sharp manoeuvres, they buzz like ahordeparviof hornetsherhiläis-.
- There are gas masks, ration books, lots of soldiers, sailors and airmen andhordeslaumoittainof pretty girlsnättejä tyttöjä, plus some ladies dressed just as I remember my own mother and Auntie Ethel!
- Hideous monsters, intheirheidänhordeslaumoissaan.
- Less than a century ago Yvresse was almost overrun by aGoblinmenninkäis-hordelaumanled by the notorious Goblin Warlord Grom the Paunch.
- It was here that theOrcörkki-hordelaumawas confronted by a large Dwarf army led by the Lord of Karaz-a-Karak.
- The accusations levelled at him that he was an unwanted invader who would bring theyuppiejuppi-hordesparvetand tourist armies in his wake clearly hurt.
- Furthermore, following MacArthur's precedent, he returned with heavier armament: Mary and the children poured in his wake like aMongolmongoli-hordelauma.
- Every Saturday and Sunday, on the dot of 8.30am,hordeslaumojaof uniformed childrenunivormuasuisten lastenof all ages can be seen converging on Hampton Court in Surrey.
- Brilliant weather from the end of May through into June, particularly on the west coast, sawhordeslaumoittainof climberskiipeilijöitäup on the big mountain routes, particularly on Ben Nevis.
- That meant no dancing, justhordeslaumoittainof peopleihmisiästaying long enough to see and be seen, then passing on to some other entertainment.
- I felt as ifhordeslaumaof peopleihmisiäwere constantly shaking me, shaking my whole insides, shaking me until I'd cry in anguish.
- HordesLaumoittainof trippersmatkailijoita-- the `steamer people ``-- flocked across from Bournemouth.
host.n 🔎
- If you thought that seeds and cuttings were the only way to increase your garden plants then turn to the Gardeners' Manual for ahostjoukonof practical ideaskäytännöllisiä ideoitato try.
- In the former anall-femalepelkästään naisista koostuvahostjoukkoof angelsenkeli-welcomes the birth of a new soul, a young girl, into its midst -- uplifting her from the bottom foreground into the centre of the picture.
- PC-Proof is an automatic grammar checker and searches for changes in tense, missing words, bad punctuation and awholekokohostjoukkoaof `technical ``errors"teknisiä" virheitä.
- Radio 3 has awholekokohostjoukkoof problemsongelmia, not the least being its actual survival.
- Hearts, too, have ahostjoukkoof injuryloukkaantumisiaproblems.
- Awholekokohostjoukonof activitiesaktiviteettejaare arranged by the Club 16 leader.
- This set in motion ahostjoukonof coordinated activities, among which was the study of grassroots/traditional communication for the Intercultural Panel.
- My disagreeable reaction to the photos reminded me of the way I -- and ahostjoukkoof othersmuita-- responded to the last major American exhibition of Koons' work two years ago.
- These people and ahostjoukkoof othersmuitaprovided ideas and helped to put them into effect; the guiding hand and political boss was Franklin Roosevelt himself.
- Ahostjoukkoof other problemsmuita ongelmiaadded to her discomfort, including extreme fatigue, itching skin, pains in the stomach, constipation, and aches in her muscles and joints.
huddle.n 🔎
- In the midst of the crowd ahuddlejoukkioof menmiehiäand women were using a flat-topped gravestone as a table.
- The hostages were `this hurdle ``, `this obstacle lying in the road, a darkhuddlekasaof ragsriepujain the foreground of a vista of peace.
- At the bar Victor was busily dispensing kick-start coffees and hair-of-the-dog cognacs to ahuddlejoukolleof regularsvakiokävijöitätaking late breakfast or early lunch.
- The heat was intense now, it was mid-morning, nearing the zenith, and the men steamed intheirheidänhuddlesrykelmissään, as the firepower battered them, their eyes red and swollen from smoke and weariness and the horror of the mutilations and deaths among their companions.
- The palace of `Black Ab ``, the grandfather of King Hussein, overlooked the mosque, the bazaar and thehuddlerykelmääof insanitary buildingslikaisia rakennuksiathat made up the capital.
- She returned his beaming smile and let herself be checked in and taken up to a typical hotel room, high enough to see over thehuddlerykelmänof flat-roofed buildingstasakattoisten rakennustentowards what must be the Acropolis and Parthenon.
- The villagewill be atulee olemaanhuddlerykelmäof 100 American-style houses designed by Wigfall Group Practice, a firm already well known for its addiction to timber-frame construction.
- They drove carefully through the tiny village of Barton -- ahuddlerykelmäof brick housestiilitaloja, a church and a post office -- and spotted the stone gateposts of Randall Lodge on the right.
legion.n 🔎
- IT LOOKS like farewell to the National Ferret Welfare Association, theLegionlegioonalleof Frontiersmen of the CommonwealthYhteisön rajaseudun asukkien, and the Association of Hand Made Cheeses of Scotland.
- He was possessed with awholekokonainenlegionlegioonaof demonsdemoneita!
- They shuffle out to a soft rhythmic crunching underfoot, reminiscent of how the boots of Napoleon'slegionslegioonienmust have sounded trudging back through the Russian snows.
- At the memorial service at Blessington, Sir Nicholas Fenn, the British Ambassador, unveiled a plaque; also well represented were RAFA Branches, the BritishLegionlegioonaand the Irish Army Air Corps.
- True zealots, for example, can join the Russian NationalLegionlegioonaan, a paramilitary organisation, which has sent mercenaries to fight in Moldova and Bosnia.
- A deal with EMI beckoned, and 15-year-old singer Stinky Turner was soon going on stage in his pyjamas and bawling, `You insult my intelligence but I a not a fool! ``to the band'slegionjoukolleof admirersihailija-(affectionately known as `The Rubber Glove Firm).
- 100 years ago alegionjoukkoof artists and craftsmentaiteilijoita ja käsityöläisiämade the same journey.
- And he's won alegionjoukonof fansfani-for his anti-establishment views and work with campaigning groups like Amnesty International.
- `Colour Of Spring ``, released in `85, was the majestic, towering album that Talk Talk'sgrowingkasvavalegionjoukkoof fansfani-had always known the band could make.
mob.n 🔎
- A far better option is to treat the Wolf Riders in the same way asGoblin infantrypeikkojalkaväenMobsjoukkoja-- go for a fairly large unit, deploy in deep ranks, and include at least one worthy character.
- Your army may include any number ofMobsjoukkojaof Forest Goblinsmetsänpeikkojen.
- The marshes around Altdorf made it difficult for the Orcs to group for the assault, and severalmobslaumaof Orcsörkki-disappeared forever when they strayed into the marshes.
- There were never enough masters to control the unrulymobsjoukkojaof boyspoika-, and the enlistment of prefects to the cause of authority was at best an ambiguous achievement: they were boys, too.
- She came upon the leather-worker further along the street surrounded by amobjoukonof youthsnuoriso-who were beating and kicking him.
multiplicity.n 🔎
- Amultiplicitysuuri määräof small early terminipieniä varhaisia terminaalejawas replaced in 1914 by Tokyo Central, a station so vast as to vie with Howrah in Calcutta, though other mainline termini, Ueno and Shinjuku, survived.
- Seeking to emulate him in every way, he decided he too would have amultiplicitysuuri määräof spousespuolisoita.
- However, themultiplicitysuuri määräof parameters thatparametrejä, jotkacan be recorded on a DFDR system have substantially eliminated the need to use complicated methods for extracting useful information from flight recorders.
- Diamond recognises that if, as adults, his sons go birdwatching in New Guinea, they will find the Central Highlands largely deforested, many wild species extinct, amultiplicitysuuri määräof human languages and customs forgottenihmiskieliä ja -tapoja unohdettu.
- A community reveals itself gradually through amultiplicitysuuren määränof voicesäänien.
- it will attempt to establish that there is one human history, with one truth and one intelligibility -- not by considering the material content of this history, but by demonstrating that a practicalmultiplicitymonimuotoisuuden, whatever it may be, must unceasingly totalise itself through interiorizing its multiplicity at all levels.
multitude.n 🔎
- `Therecould be literally avoi olla kirjaimellisestimultitudejoukkoof quite proper reasons why a child decided it no longer wanted to live with its parentskunnollisia syitä, miksi lapsi päättää, ettei enää halua asua vanhempiensa kanssa.
- Themultitudesjoukotwere overcome with joy by the spirituality and the nobleness of Vinoba's words, and their hearts were stirred by his exalted aims.
- In this day governments handle astronomical sums and amultitudejoukkojaof peopleihmis-.
- In either advertising or public relations you will work for many clients with amultitudejoukkoof problemsongelmiaand try to offer them solutions.
- This term can cover amultitudejoukonof sinssyntejä.
- St Peter said, `Charity shall cover amultitudesuuren määränof sinssyntejä``and Francis Bacon said, `In charity there is no excess.
- Or is the program to be bound in with the hypertext, in such a fashion that the whole document becomes a metaprogram, which can be selectively `executed ``in amultitudeuseillaof ways?
pack.n 🔎
- A plant costs £3.25, a bunch of flowers 95p and apackpakettiof bulbssipuleita£1.89.
- These involve much more open and distance learning and the creation by photocopying and electrocopying, of `customisedmukautettuja``packspakettejaof materialsmateriaali-for students.
- The injured dogs' behaviour can not be differentiated from that of theiruninjuredvahingoittumattomienpacklauma-matestoverien.
- As if to confirm it, enter George Soros, for now the leader ofthe speculators'keinottelijoidenpacklauman.
- The stability of the product and shelf-life of the product in itssalesmyynti-packpaketissaare considered separately below.
- Number ofcigarettesavuke-packspakettejadailyýumber of years; ounces of alcohol dailyýumber of years.
- If you buy all the trips, then we'll give you agreatmahtavanvoucheretuseteli-packpaketinwhich will save you £££'s in discos and clubs around the resort.
- The South Africans arrived claiming they were going to teachthe WelshWalesinpackjoukolleabout power play but Gary Llewellyn's men blew them apart and the Welsh forwards bagged four of the tries.
- The youngsters also received a commemorative Post Office Tshirt and aninformationtieto-packpaketinabout athletics clubs in the region.
- Hikers are generally timid enough to leave their footwear and rucksacks in the porch; today's sporting fraternity always brings its mud with it as well asmillingtungeksivatpackslaumatof steaming black labradorskiukkuisia mustia labradorinnoutajia.
- The unshakeable commitment ofthe Irishirlantilaisenpackjoukonin totally outplaying their vaunted English counterparts was typified by Mick Galwey.
- Thepackpakkaof cardskortti-was taken out.
- The dawn light showed a crowd of men and women with apacklaumanof dogskoira-running beside them.
- Each dog is allocated to a guide dog trainer who has a `packlauma``of dogskoiria, all at various stages of training.
- We can also see how the press were deliberately misled by the official statement put out by the Admiralty whichwas aolipackkasaof liesvalheita.
- I've told you nothing but apackkasanof liesvalheita.
- Now that it's been revealed that this really was her true story and not ajollyiloinenpackkasaof liesvalheita, there's no fun in reading it.
- And now, when I dismiss you for being deceitful, you invent thisdreadfulkammottavanpackkasanof liesvalheitaand threaten to make it public.
- Outside, the storm howled about the house as though apacklaumaof wild wolvesvillisusiawere trying to get in.
- Bears are exceedingly thin on the ground in European forests and these daysraveningsaaliinhimoistenpackslaumatof wolvessusienrarely come howling across the Danube when the winter is hard enough to freeze the river over.
package.n 🔎
- DB Links and AV Imagizer Toolkit, aprogrammer-levelohjelmoijatasonpackagepakettiof run-time C and dynamic link libraries and documentationsuoritusvaiheen C:tä ja dynaamisia linkkikirjastoja ja dokumentaatiota, are options as is a MasstorMind Optical Storage Manager.
- The Joint Venture and other gas producers in this area have the opportunity to participate in eachpackagepakettiinof contractssopimus-.
- Get Ready! offers the teacher acompletevalmiinpackagepaketinof support materialstukimateriaaleja, arranged for maximum ease of use into sixty Steps at each level.
- AUSTRALIAN Offshore Services (AOS) and P&O Catering are providing acompletevalmiinpackagepaketinof servicepalvelu-for a major offshore construction project off Dampier in Western Australia.
- President Reagan failed to support an effort in Congress to provide afive-yearviiden vuoden,$1000 million1 000 miljoonan dollarinpackagepaketinof loans and other measureslainoja ja muita toimenpiteitäto tempt the mining firms into action.
- The Cabinet immediately adopted apackagepaketinof measurestoimenpide-to control the movement of LPG-laden vehicles through the heavily congested capital.
- Thewholekokopackagepakettiof policiesmenettelytapojenwas presented in a series of leaflets and pamphlets, such as for Socialism and Peace and Labour's Immediate Programme (1937).
- Keynesians see monetary policy, therefore, as merely one part of amuch largerpaljon isompaapackagepakettiaof policiesmenettelytapojen.
- TheJuly 1979heinäkuun 1979packagepakettiof reformsuudistustencleared several obstacles to `direct relations ``amongst enterprises; it also gave teeth to a 1974 decree making delivery contracts binding.
- Called WIN -- Work and Income for the Nineties -- it offers apackagepaketinof reformsuudistus-to promote a better life for all Canadians.
- Apackagepakettiof tax and duty incentivesvero- ja maksukannustimiaaimed at attracting foreign institutions was launched on July 25, 1989.
party.n 🔎
- The last time I was walking by Loughshannagh, ourpartyseurueemmeof threekolmen hengenfollowed the tracks of a fox, clearly left in the snow, around the southern base of Doan to the lovely Ben Crom river.
- For the historic gift was forwarded to Eric by former astronaut Col Bill Phailes, who flew a mission on the shuttle in 1985 and who was in apartyseurueessaof 24 Americans24 amerikkalaisenvisiting Springfields.
- We engage apartyseurueenof girlstyttö-in conversation on the subject, but they turn out to have no interest in football (one is a Tottenham Hotspur supporter), and they leave hurriedly.
- Numbers vary but a total of 40 is the highest recorded in recent springs;partiesryhmiäof up to 10 togetherjopa kymmenen yksilönare sometimes seen.
- Second Lieutenant Campana, whom we have seen earlier on the Mort Homme, recalls dispatching arationosanpartyryhmästäof eight menkahdeksan miehenone night in March.
- Not far ahead in the tented camp which thelittlepienipartyryhmäof soldierssotilaitawas approaching, the Regimental Pipe Band was playing.
- `About an hour after you left us this morning apartyryhmäof soldierssotilaitaarrived.
passel.n 🔎
- His big break came when Roger Miller recorded ``Me and Bobby McGee, leading to apasselliutaanof lucrative song placements with artists like Johnny Cash and Janis Joplinkannattavia laulusijoitteluita artisteilta kuten Johnny Cash ja Janis Joplin.
- Jimmy LaFave moves to a higher plane on his third release, aided by a polished new band and apasselliutaof fine songshienoja lauluja.
population.n 🔎
- Kuhn discusses the Galaxy's structure and development first by describing itsstartähti-populationpopulaatiotaand the interstellar medium, paying attention to the intimate relationship between the two.
- Amazed by the Egyptians' devotion to theircatkissa-populationpopulaatioihin, he felt inspired to comment on certain aspects of the behaviour of the felines.
- Two hot summers in succession have helped Britain'sharejänis-populationpopulaatioitato increase by 20 per cent during the period 1989-90, according to the annual survey of the Game Conservancy.
- Thecarauto-populationkantais expanding faster than the human one.
- Members of the project envisage that up to 50 more birds may need to be introduced over the next two years before a self-supportingsea eaglemerikotka-populationkantacan be established.
- But such aspirations may easily be frustrated when managerial priorities are that a localpopulationväestöof mentally handicapped peoplehenkisesti vajaakykyisten ihmistenis routinely visited and monitored and that recurrent crises are dealt with by team members.
- In one area he was fortunate enough to gain access to doctors' lists, which contain the names of most of thepopulationväestönsince nearly everyone of every age is registered with a general practitioner.
- But, obviously, do not wash all the media in one go: stagger the chambers at weekly intervals, so therewill always be a large enoughon aina riittävän suuripopulationkantaof nitrifying bacterianitrifikaatiobakteereitaleft.
- Lymphocytes make up the predominatingpopulationkannanof cellssolu-in site of florid chronic inflammation with many of the cells in a metabolically activated form.
- This involves stimulating through microelectrodes of the son used in single unit recording studies (see below), with very low currents at a level calculated to affect asmallpieneenpopulationkantaanof adjacent cells or fibresvierekkäisten solujen tai kuitujen.
- However, these cells were embedded in a muchlargersuurempaanpopulationkantaanof cellssolu-that were non-specific in their requirements.
- Jaffray started by targeting boroughs with a highblackmustaapopulationväestöä(although the children were subsequently selected purely on merit).
- Amongst the generalpopulationväestönof childrenlapsi-in ordinary schools, about a sixth have special educational needs of one kind or another.
- She rested on the boulder and from it looked down to where the river ran shallow and offered a breeding ground to a livelypopulationkannalleof insectshyönteis-.
- The crucial point to notice about it is that the entities whose `fitnesses ``are being compared are no longer individual organisms, butpopulationskantojaof organismseliö-.
posse.n 🔎
- Nate Cocello, President of United Motors, had flown into London from Detroit with aposseryhmänof Vice Presidentsvarajohtajiato attend the bi-monthly meeting of the European Planning committee.
- I replied that for better -- or worse -- we were taking aposseryhmänof his pupilshänen oppilaitaanto the Alps.
- Thepossejoukkoof television truckstelevisioautojaobscured the view for many, but Schumacher had been careful to ensure that his speaker system would at least enable them to hear if not to see.
- But the paying customers are just about outnumbered at the moment by avery bigerittäin suurenpossejoukonof travelling Italian journalistskiertäviä italialaisia toimittajiajust to my left and all pretty excitable by our normal quiet English standards.
quartet.n 🔎
- A discussion on the portrayal of legal life in Birmingham, KINSEY completes thequartetnelikonof seminarsseminaari-.
- In the autumn of 1890 Tiller was asked to present aquartetnelikonof childrenlapsi-at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Liverpool, in the pantomime Robinson Crusoe, subtitled The Good Friday That Came On A Saturday.
- Fitst, aquartetnelikonof AWACS aerial surveillance craftsAWACS:n ilmavalvonta-aluksiawas dispatched to Riyadh.
- In 1982 he started his band Kino, who have grown into the powerfulguitarkitara-quartetkvartetiksiwith a distinctive style; nice pop melodies and hooky chord changes, monotonous vocals and punk drive.
quintet.n 🔎
- Draped in a red feather boa, she playfully cuddled herquintetkvintettiäof dancerstanssija-, all of whom were dressed in Sailors outfits.
- Aspects of Love is based on David Garnett's 1955 novel about aquintetviisikostaof interrelated lovers in the South of FranceEtelä-Ranskassa sijaitsevien toisiinsa liittyvien rakastajajien.
- Astringjousi-quintetkvintettiplayed in the largest of the reception rooms, and guests spilled out into the garden in between light showers.
repertoire.n 🔎
- This helps to improve yourrepertoirevalikoimaasiof shotsisku-and development and understanding of spin.
- Strange towns, reached by complicated journeys, are part of mydreamuni-repertoirevalikoimaani.
- Unlike most other rug-making countries, China mainly draws itsdesignsuunnitelma-repertoirevalikoimanfrom other artistic disciplines (painting, etc), as well as from ancient Buddhist and Taoist symbolism, and other religious and cultural sources.
- In effect, therefore, we stop acquiring any new skills and this may mean we risk having too narrow arepertoirevalikoimanof skillstaito-to equip us adequately for the variety of people-situations we are likely to encounter.
- An ability is made up of arepertoirevalikoimastaof skillstaitojaand is thus a higher level skill.
repertory.n 🔎
- Though the tenor part was originally missing, it has been faithfully restored by analogy with the motet to make a glorious addition to the recordedrepertoryvalikoimaanof Tallis's musicTallisin musiikkia.
- If our planet has seen some eighty billion people, it is difficult to suppose that every individual has had his or her ownrepertoryvalikoimansaof gesturesele-.
- Thus we have avaried and respectablevaihteleva ja hyvärepertoryvalikoimaof urinals, rags, earth, pipes, plastic, neon tubes and bedpansurinaaleja, riepuja, maata, putkia, muovia, neonputkia ja alusastioita.
- True, in a first half devoted to thesonglaulu-repertoryohjelmistolleshe allowed herself a Wolf group which included Mein Liebster ist so Klein and Ich hab' in Penna.
- In the great tit, then, males sing to keep intruders out of their territories, and arepertoryvalikoimaof songslaulu-is a more effective deterrent than a single song.
- During the last decade even therepertoryohjelmistoof medieval polyphonic songkeskiaikaisten moniäänisten laulujenhas been absorbed into the a cappella tradition.
school.n 🔎
- It is only the second time this century that aschoolparviof sperm whaleskaskelottienhas been seen in the waters around Orkney.
- The swordfish, like the sailfish, will follow aschoolparveaof fishkala-for a considerable distance before it decides to attack.
- Thiswas aolischoolparviof monster fishhirviökaloja, hungrily alive.
- Taking advantage of the diversion created by theschoolparvenof minnowsmutu-laying their eggs, this predatory fish would enter stage right and gobble up the perch's eggs while he was desperately trying to evict the minnows.
- LaBudde filmed entireschoolsparviaof tunatonnikala-trapped in the nets: `... the collective mass of their bodies temporarily pulling entire sections of net far below the surface.
set.n 🔎
- There he said afinalviimeisensetsarjanof prayersrukous-before departing to the heavens.
- Have you got yourpencilkynä-setsarjasimarked?
- Adraconianankarasetjoukkoof `emergency war laws ``"hätäsotalakeja"is being drawn up.
- With the addition of a structured-parts data base, such as HERMS, this task becomes relatively easy, enhancing the system and providing the designer with asetjoukonof very powerful toolserittäin tehokkaita työkaluja.
- Instead, plan on using asetjoukkoaof very comfortable chairs spaced round a low round tableerittäin mukavia tuoleja matalan pyöreän pöydän ympärille sijoitettuina.
- The Science Library holds acompletetäydellistäsetsarjaaof British Standards, DIN Standards in English and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standardsbrittiläisiä standardeja, DIN-standardeja englanniksi ja ASTM-standardeja (American Society for Testing and Materials ).
- The dictionary also provides amore completetäydellisemmänsetsarjanof grammatical tagskieliopillisia merkkejäthan the corpuskuin korpus.
- This partly explains why the review took the time it did, since the computer can spend nearly four days running afulltäyttäsetsarjaaof figuresluku-.
- The most help in doing this that other packages give youare aonsetsarjaof guidelines that you have to position manuallyohjeita, jotka sinun täytyy asettaa manuaalisesti.
- Only twoothermuutsetsryhmätof sextupletskuutos-have been born in Britain and Jan has now appointed a media agent.
- It yielded nothing but a small ball of marzipan and asetjoukonof perfect tyre-tracks in the dusttäydellisiä renkaanjälkiä pölyssä.
- The legislation's main aim is to safeguard research and storage of embryos, but it is also attempting to monitor a complexsetjoukonof issuesongelmien.
- Thenextseuraavasetjoukkoof issuesongelmienrelates to house or flat buyers' reports and valuations.
- Configuration Control: LIFESPAN ensures that aprecisely definedtarkkaan määritettysetjoukkoof approved softwarehyväksyttyjä ohjelmistojacan be issued and, if need be, re-issued.
- Asetjoukkoaof anaphor resolution rules, based closely on those of Sidner (1979a)anaforisia resoluutiosääntöjä, jotka perustuvat tarkasti Sidnerin sääntöihin (1979a), were applied to each possible anaphor in the reading.
- The NUS has announced aradicalmullistavansetjoukonof new voting rules that the ruling executive committee hopes to introduce as soon as possibleuusia äänestyssäännöksiä, jotka hallitseva toimeenpanokomitea haluaa esitellä niin pian kuin mahdollista.
- However, we stressed that thesetjoukkoaof termsehto-should not be restricted to those for parts of speech.
- Despitebeing aettä se onclosedsuljettusetsarjaof terms linked with a number of functioning elementsehtoja, jotka on yhdistetty joukolla toimivia elementtejä, deixis lacks a taxonomy of occurrences because of its pragmatic base.
- The entries in some columns are restricted to only take one of apredefinedennaltamäärätyistäsetjoukoistaof valuesarvojen.
sextet.n 🔎
- Hartlepool Jazz Club presents The Dave AllenbySextetsekstetin— a most sophisticated group from Darlington with Ray Chester on piano, Images Bar, The Grand Hotel, Admission £1.50.
shoal.n 🔎
- In early April the excitement built up as thefirstensimmäisiäshoalsparviaof mackerelmakrilli-were expected.
- Q I have often admiredlargesuuriashoalsparviaof Yellow Tangskeltavälskäri-, but people seem to be divided as to whether this is possible to achieve in the hole aquarium.
- Asmallpienishoalparviof big breamsuuria lahnojamay patrol a beat no wider than five yards.
- I will be keeping them in a 36″ × 12″ × 15″ tank withsmallpienenshoalparvenof Serpae Tetraspikkutetra-and a Plec.
- Ashoalparviof fishkala-jumps out of the sea, a sight to quicken the heart as Tor says this often happens when the fish are being chased by orca.
- The next time you are along the river and you spot ashoalparvenof chubturpia, or an individual fish, see how close you can get VVI before they, or it, take fright.
slew.n 🔎
- From the 1930s to the 1950s, a wholeslewliutaof outline histories of the British Labour movementbrittiläisen työväenliikkeen pääpiirteittäisiä taustojaappeared.
- The Maggot was an expatriate American who ran aslewliutaaof businessesliiketoimiafrom his Grand Bahama home.
- To lessen the risk and cost of developing new versions of Windows for everything from PDAs to combined PC-TVs, Mr Gates is entering into aslewliutaanof joint ventureskonsortioita.
- He lost his hold on the bag and aslewsuuri määräof rice and chicken and ochre sauceriisiä, kanaa ja okrakastikettasplashed on to the carpet.
squad.n 🔎
- “ No photographs! ” shouted one gendarme … around the corner rushed an angry mob of demonstrators pursued by asquadjoukkoof gendarmessantarmeja…
- A tranquil enough scene, we may say, once thesquadsjoukotof militiamiliisi-had departed and the floods abated.
- It is understood a specialsix-mankuusimiehinensquadjoukkoof detectivesetsiviäis making its own inquiries after meeting a wall of silence generated by fear from the injured men and others seen so far.
- Hankin will take asquadjoukonof 16kuudentoistato the Potteries.
stand.n 🔎
- A few villas, white or pale yellow buildings, could be seen dotted haphazardly across the face of the hill, separated by small groves of olive trees and the occasionalstandjoukkoof poplarspoppeleita.
- If you looked past the rock pools and the exotic plants, past the miniature waterfall, you could see blue sky, astandryhmänof coconut palmskookospalmuja, and even, in the distance, a lagoon.
- There was thestandryhmäof palmspalmuja, but not the conspicuous one to the north.
- Out of astandjoukostaof pinemäntyjena slim grey beast emerged.
- I worked my way -- somewhat fearfully, I admit -- into agloomysynkkäänstandjoukkoonof pinesmäntyjen, and there found several fallen branches which I was able to drag back to the cave.
- The woman leading the group spots astandrykelmänof dead apple treeskuolleita omenapuita.
- Quite ordinary buildings -- a Kirin beer hall built in the 1930s, for example -- or asmallpienistandryhmäof camphor treeskamferipuita, survived at a distance of only 700 metres from the epicentre.
swarm.n 🔎
- Asecondtoinenswarmparviof enemiesvihollis-attacked Arthur's skin and he swore at them blue murder.
- Such swarms are fed on by mysticete (whalebone or baleen) whales, and experienced whale hunters sought theswarmsparviaof krillkrilli-in the expectation that whales would be seeking them too.
- The cow was bloated and aswarmparviof flieskärpäsiäwere already buzzing round it.
- The monastic continuator of the Croyland Chronicle wrote of the same events in hysterical terms; the northern army moved south like aswarmparviof locustsheinäsirkkoja, ravaging all that lay in its path.
team.n 🔎
- He called on the UN initially to deployteamsryhmiäof military observerssotilaallisten tarkkailijoiden, but other Bosnian officials said yesterday they hoped a peace-keeping force could follow.
- They are still much the same in appearance as they were then, and farmed in much the same way, although tractors have now replacedteamsryhmätof oxenhärkä-.
- THE TODAY-sponsoredteamryhmäof climberskiipeilijä-hopes to make a unique dash to the summit of Everest within a week.
- ANINTERNATIONALKANSAINVÄLINENteamryhmäof scientiststiedemiestenis using rockets to shoot holes in the aurora borealis in an attempt to `turn off ``the arctic Northern Lights.
- A100-strong100 hengen vahvuinenteamryhmäof scientiststiedemiestenhas been picked to work at the company's laboratories at Caswell, Towcester, producing the first 3 inch diameter GaAs wafers in the UK.
- In the heart of the elegant perfumery department on the ground floor at Harrods, Guy Robert and hissmallpieniteamryhmänsäof perfume specialistshajusteasiantuntijoidenwill be available for consultations and Personally Created perfumes.
- Some managers who carry asmallerpienempiteamryhmäof paid workerspalkattuja työntekijöitäwith only few volunteers have indeed shown support for the new breed of `unemployed ``worker, in order to broaden the CAB volunteer base.
- Officials should be clearly headed by a chief executive, the chief officer to the management board and head of thesmallpienenteamryhmänof officersvirkailija-who should work closely together.
throng.n 🔎
- I saw Mr Callaghan come down the steps of his plane, stop at the foot and greet thethronglaumaaof journaliststoimittajienwaiting on the tarmac to question him about the current discontents.
- The other travellers tottered towards him through thethronglaumanof birdslintu-.
- Mr Thabane began to push past thethronglaumanin the entranceway.
- Bangkokis an amazingon hämmästyttäväthrongvilinäof peopleihmis-.
- Throngsjoukotof peopleVäki-blocked her way, then parted in surprise as she blindly ran through them.
trio.n 🔎
- They include Philip Matthews, the London Irishtriotrionof Simon Geoghegan, David Curtis and Rob SaundersSimon Geogheganin, David Curtisin ja Rob Saundersin muodostamanand experienced campaigners like Donal Lenihan, Keith Crossan, Brendan Mullin and Ralph Keyes.
- Atriotrioof geesehanhi-paddled past.
- The current world champion, Blyth Tait, was paying his first visit to Poplar Park and was very satisfied with the performances of histriotrionsa,Messiah, Ricochet and TempoMessiahin, Ricochet'n ja Tempon.
- The Soviet side, deprived of the services of their veterantriotrionsaMironov, Tikhonov and FrantzusovMironovin, Tikhonovin ja Frantzusovin, seem to have lost steam lately.
- BREED: `Splinter ``feverishguitarkitara-triotriofollow their warmly received debut single `Shakin' The Bone with three new tracks
- The mercy triptriotrioareAlan and Margaret Lochrie, of Thorn Close, Ingleby Barwick, and John Gordon, of Wilton VillageThorn Closen Alan ja Margaret Lochrie, Ingleby Barwick ja Wilton Villagen John Gordon.
- FUN DAY: Pancake tasting for Evening News prizewinner Colin Fraser and the Blue Petertriotrioof, from left,Anthea Turner, Diane-Louise Jordan and John LeslieAnthea Turnerin, Diane-Louise Jordanin ja John Leslien.
- Certainly Andy Roxburgh, the Scotland coach, must believe so after arriving here for Wednesday's crucial World Cup qualifying match against France carrying atriotrioof injured playersloukkaantuneiden pelaajien.
- John Lyons and winger Phillip Tett were also both out and, as Lander admitted, when atriotrioof above average playerskeskimääräistä parempia pelaajiaare taken out of an average team problems are going to arise.
variety.n 🔎
- Ask an occultist for an explanation and avarietyvalikoimaawill be offered.
- The dense mass known as the Communist Party is splitting into abewilderinghämmästyttäväänvarietyvalikoimaanof elementselementtien.
- You will soon discover that abewilderinghämmästyttävävarietyvalikoimaof history bookshistoriankirjojahave been written over several decades on the modern period alone.
- Kiosks sell abewilderinghämmentäväävarietyvalikoimaaof Russian and imported goods, from Mars bars to fake Rolex watches,venäläisiä ja tuotuja tavaroita Mars-patukoista Rolex-kelloväärennöksiinan example of the primitive commerce which has turned Moscow into a vast souk.
- Agreatsuurivarietyvalikoimaof techniques for controlling insectshyönteisten torjunnan tekniikoitaare now available, and, sensibly co-ordinated, they could safely and effectively keep pests under control.
- Graduates in the Social Sciences are well equipped to enter alargesuureenvarietyvalikoimaanof occupationsammattejaon leaving the University.
- To counteract all this healthy eating, real Devonshire clotted cream is often available and there is a small bar serving avarietyvalikoimanof drinksjuomia-- draught beer is not available due to lack of space!
- Cities and towns within the Empire are built in avarietymonissaof stylestyyleissäfrom many different materials.
- There are avarietymoniaof reasonssyitäfor a belief that structural adjustments to the EC budget are not over.
- Avarietyerilaisiaof techniquestekniikoitawill be used to chart their general beliefs about child development, as well as their specific estimates of what children of given ages might normally be expected to achieve in history.