In this case, though, when
their length
niiden pituuden it came to 2,000 words; and the books editor had asked for 700.
A spreadsheet makes operations like
yhteenlaskemisesta a column of numbers
sarakkeen numeroiden or producing a bar chart a straightforward operation -- SuperCalc 5.5 makes them incredibly quick and easy due to the icons in its new Tool Bar.
Unfortunately it is insufficient
the number of weeks of holiday to be taken in the year by staff
henkilökunnan vuodessa käyttämien lomaviikkojen määrä and divide by fifty-two.
The debris scores
Pirstaleiden määrä totalled
laskettiin yhteen and divided by the number of surfaces scored to obtain the debris index.
laskemalla yhteen the number of such problems (listed in the box)
sellaisten ongelmien (lueteltu laatikossa) määrä a total score with a maximum of 13 was derived.
the word count for the sentence
lauseen sanamäärä totalled
laskettiin yhteen .
the square roots obtained from all the interest category loan components
neliöjuuret, jotka saatiin kaikista kiinnostusluokkien lainakomponenteista totalled
laskettiin yhteen and then each individual square root is calculated as a percentage of that total.