- All along Zen had been haunted by the idea that he might make some blunder which would hang over him for the rest of his life, yet here he was behaving like adopeaineistaaddictriippuvainen.
- The mother -- who believes she passed on her 50-a-day habit to the girl while she was pregnant -- revealed that Cherie had been diagnosed anicotinenikotiivi-addictriippuvaiseksiby a doctor.
- Indeed, the average age of newnarcotichuume-addictsaddiktiennotified to the Home Office in 1984 was about 26 years.
- He would have hated it if you'd knownhehänwas anoliaddictaddikti.
- No, adrughuume-addictaddiktidoesn't get any help.
- So I'd say: `Alright,Iminä'm aolenheroinheroiini-addictriippuvainen.
- As recently as 1980CashCashbecametuliaddictedriippuvaiseksito morphinemorfiinistaafter an operation to crushed ribs sustained in a fight with an ostrich (his home in Hendersonville, Tennessee, is said to be a real menagerie).
- He also highlights the well-known dangers ofpeopleihmisetbecomingaddictedriippuvaisiksito computerstietokoneista(New Scientist, 24 February, p 532).
- In acute cases, thebabiesvauvatare bornaddictedriippuvaisinato cocainekokaiini-.
- But when you seeolder peoplevanhoja ihmisiä, jotkawhoareovataddictedriippuvaisia, I think it looks double sad ”
- IMinullahad anaddictionriippuvuusto heroinheroiini-, thanks to Seth, too.
- Although he inherited FE's dark, almost saturnine good looks and something ofhishänenaddictionriippuvuudestaanto alcoholalkoholi-, which he later overcame, he had neither his father's gift of oratory nor his boundless energy.
- Despite his much publicised jogging regime, Clinton is clearly overweight, a problem caused byhishänenaddictionriippuvuutensato junk foodroskaruokaanwhich saw him balloon by 25lbs this year.
- It seems as though Mary has overcomeherhänenaddictionriippuvuudestaanand the family can settle down to peace and quiet.
- It was a high-tech nightmare caused byvideo gamevideopeli-addictionriippuvuuden.
- Mrs Wallace Reid, however, told the press the truth -- that her husband was having treatment formorphinemorfiini-addictionriippuvuuteen.
- Jonathan told John Goldring, QC, prosecuting, that after her arrival he had begun to suffer dizzy spells and developed anaddictionriippuvuudenfor chocolatesuklaaseen.
- THERE is much concern in the US about theaddictionriippuvuudestato `crack ``crackiin(purified cocaine) within inner-city communities.
- Nah, theaddictionriippuvuusto E'sE:hencame a bit later.
- I would go out in all weathers, at all times:exerciseliikuntawas anaiheuttiaddictionriippuvuutta.
- For someone suffering fromaddictionriippuvuudestathere is no such thing as free choice: he or she gets unconditional damage from the addictive use of drugs or alcohol.
- In a part of Scotland wherealcoholalkoholi-addictionriippuvuusis chronic, was a `half-alcoholic ``super-hero a worthy role model?
- So he said I was being very stubborn and that I'd be lucky to get my daughter back throughdrughuume-addictionriippuvuudenand one thing and another.
- York Crown Court heard yesterday that he had committed the offence to financehishänendrughuume-addictionriippuvuuttaan.
- The shapely brunette, whose job was to help Davies kickhistämänheroin and cocaineheroiini- ja kokaiini-addictionriippuvuudestaand keep him on the straight and narrow, was turned on by their wild romps.
- Addictive disease, as opposed tophysiologicalfysiologinenaddictionriippuvuus, it is not a significant potential risk for all human beings.
- Letter:Psychologicalpsyykkinenaddictionriippuvuusto crackcrackiin
- As the pleasurable feelings which first fuelledmyminunpsychologicalpsyykkistäaddictionriippuvuuttanidecreased and began to turn sour, it became easier to give up the habit, something which would not be possible with a physically addictive drug such as heroin.
- Along with housewives whose personal needs were swamped by the family, there were recoveringalcoholicsalkoholistejagrateful for acceptance.
- Like giving whisky to analcoholicalkoholistille.
- Perhaps feeling somehow more secure in the company of a female therapist, he chose Dr Ruth Fox, who specialized in treatingalcoholicsalkoholisteja.
- At the time, Maurice Utrillo was confined to a lunatic asylum throughhishänenchronicalcoholismalkoholisminsaand Lunia and the Zborowskis went to visit him every day.
- They were also slightly more often diagnosed as suffering fromalcoholismalkoholismista, schizophrenia, hysteria and chronic brain syndrome.
- What's the difference between bulimia andcompulsivepakonomaiseneatingsyömisen?
- When I understood the reason formyminuncompulsivepakonomaiseenshoppingosteluuni, it became possible -- though not easy -- to stop.
- As such, she is acompulsivepakonomainenuser of the telephonepuhelimen käyttäjä, and rings everyone, especially friends and family.
- But amusingly, he soon discovers that Brenda is in fact frigid and that her accounts of London lovers are the fantasies of acompulsivepakonomaisenliarvalehtelijan.
- It may appear paradoxical but thecompulsivepakonomainengambleruhkapelurimay get the biggest adrenalin surge from the biggest loss and, like the proverbial fisherman, may boast of the ``one that got away.
- Perhaps the most obvious example is Jaggersalmostmelkeincompulsivepakonomainenwashing of handskäsien peseminenwhich hints towards him feeling guilty perhaps about the way he runs his business and treats his clients.
- She developed acompulsivepakonomaisenneed to accumulate vast stocks of whatever attractive goods were available `under the counter ``tarpeen kerätä valtavan varaston mitä tahansa houkuttelevia tavaroita, joita oli saatavilla "tiskin alta".
- The caffeine addict orcompulsivepakonomainencigarette smokertupakoitsijamay initially find it difficult to identify with someone addicted to Valium or Heroin but the stigma of addictive disease is inappropriate and the commonality of all addictions is considerable.
- The architectArkkitehdinmust have been anon pitänyt ollaopiumoopiuminfiendorja.
- We pour another glass and vent our spleen on drug barons anddopeaineidenfiendsorjille.
- RaynorRaynorbecomes acokekokaiininfiendorjahimself while Cates hovers perilously close.
- To portray asexseksinfiendorja, the press needs sex attacks.
- A satanist, black magician, mountebank,dopehuumeidenfiendkäyttäjä, womaniser and sexual pervert,CrowleyCrowleyappeared to be an all-round hateable guy but an interesting person to knock around with.
- Endill'sEndillinhabittapaof asking questionskysellä kysymyksiämade him few friends.
- For Michael Nader, sexy Dex Dexter of TV's Dynasty, it was a nightmare in which he saw his own death that convinced him he must break thecocainekokaiini-habittottumus.
- The survey's investigation ofmalemiestendrinkingjuoma-habitstottumuksistafound that they are showing no signs of sinking fewer pints despite warnings that drinking more than 21 units a week is bad for them.
- As with other respiratory and upper gastrointestinal tumours the male predominance seen is probably a result of the heavysmoking and drinkingtupakoimis- ja juomis-habitstottumuksistaof menmiestencompared with women.
- asked whether the American army had helped him to kickhis<empty>drughuume-habittottumuksestaan.
- He recently kicked a lifetimehabittapaas a chain smokerpolttaa ketjussa, a typical example of the famous MacSharry willpower, say observers.
- Jill quit thehabittavanshortly before Christmas.
- On this showing, people who avowedly hate his novels may findthemselves<empty>hookedolevansa koukussato this seriestähän sarjaan.
- IMinäfirst gothookedkoukkuunon scuba divingsukeltamiseenwhen I was 12 years old.
- Two years later, on findingsheHänhad becomehookedkoukkuunlike a drug addictkuin huumeaddikti, she gave up the shoot-out paintings and moved into a more feminine world to explore female stereotypes.
- `I knewa girl whotytön, jokagothookedriippuvaiseksion cocainekokaiinista.
- Life became so stressful that when I was making The Power Game the doctor put me on Mogadon andIMinäbecametulinhookedriippuvaiseksifor a while.
- TheyHewould becometulivatsoniinhookedriippuvaisiksion their daily interaction with their licensed dealerpäivittäisestä vuorovaikutuksesta laillisen välittäjänsä kanssathat they would ring up and ask for job interviews, often with the connivance of their own dealers.
- `From what you've said,shehän'sonhookedriippuvainenon yousinusta, so milk the relationship.
- IMinäam aolencountry livingmaalla asuvajunkieaddiktiand my appetite for magazines devoted to country life is insatiable.
- ACTRESS and one-timejunkieaddiktiDrew Barrymore, 17,Drew Barrymore, 17,is to play Long Island Lolita Amy Fisher, in a TV film.
- A report in the British Journal of Addiction says somecarrotporkkana-junkiesaddiktiteat up to five bunches a day and become desperate if deprived of their fix.
- Your brotherVeljesimay have been asaattoi ollajunkieaddikti, but he was also my friend and I happened to love him!