TransFrameNet:Activity ready state
ready.a 🔎
- Soyousinäareoletnownytreadyvalmisto go rabbitingmetsästämään kaniineja.
- He was worried about what the cell was planning, thought they were going too far andhehänwasolialmostlähesreadyvalmisto come overkääntämään takkinsa.
- HeHänwas mean of temper,everainareadyvalmisfor fisti-cuffsnyrkkitappeluunwith all and sundry; was fond of gambling on horses, dogs and cards; would spend a lot of money drinking with his mates; but would begrudge paying his small contribution to the upkeep of our home.
- WeMeareolemmealwaysainareadyvalmiitato assist and advise in the development of video film for your products and companyauttamaan ja neuvomaan tuotteidesi ja yrityksesi videofilmien kehityksessä, where none is available.
- `As you can see,Iminä'm noten olequiteaivanreadyvalmis.
- The knightRitarinmust beoli oltavareadyvalmisto fight hardtappelemaan kovinwhen his prince required it of himkun hänen prinssinsä sitä vaati; he must never desert; nor must he refuse to fight for the common good; and, above all, he must fight fearlessly.
- I suggest you keep an eye on breeding pairs andbeoletreadyvalmiinato move the female outsiirtämään naaraan poisif things get rough.
- WeMewere very, very angry and more thanreadyvalmiitafor a fighttappelemaan.
- She was so excited to be returning thatshehänwas up before dawn andreadyvalmiinafor the journey southmatkaamaan eteläänlong before the arrival of the taxi that was to take them to Berwick for the train to King's Crosspaljon ennen kuin taksi, jonka oli tarkoitus viedä heidät Berwickiin King's Crossin junaan, saapui.
- A manMiesreadyvalmiinafor a fighttappeluun.
- `I think so much of her great gift thatIMinä'molenreadyvalmisto sit still for hours on endistumaan hiljaa tunteja yhteen putkeen