accoutrement.n 🔎
- One can only assume that the purchasers of theselichen-greyjäkälänvihreidenaccoutrementsvarusteidenare members of EXIT, and that anyone attempting to rescue them would receive a bloody nose for their trouble.
- They tookhishänenaccoutrementsvarusteensaoff him.
- Christianity also excelled in the use of precious substances for enriching the furnishings, vestments andaccoutrementsvarusteitaof religious ritualuskonnolisissa rituaaleissa.
- Each vied with others in the number of his retainers, the magnificence ofhishänenrobes andaccoutrementsvarusteidensa.
- Money is carelessly present in the cut and texture of her clothes,herhänenleatherynahka-accoutrementsvarusteidensa, in rug-brilliance and mouth tone.
- Whatever the Dersinghams had skimped on, itwas not theei ollutaccoutrementsvarusteetof death.
- Natives put upon the scent foundmilitarysotilas-accoutrementsvarusteitaand other articles thrown out of the same chest, so that the drawings were clearly the object of the theft.
anklet.n 🔎
- A curious feature of the scene is that the worshipping woman seems to be naked apart from anankletnilkkakoruaand what may be a sacral knot tied round her neck.
- She worebrassmessinkisiäankletsnilkkakoruja, and her feet were wet from the river.
- They wore bright scarves and pantaloons andsilverhopeisiaankletsnilkkakoruja.
- He is even weighed down with bracelets andankletsnilkkakorujen, to discourage him from floating up again too soon.
- There were ornate neck circles with chippings of moonstones and slender,silverhopeisiaankletsnilkkakorujaengraved with the tree symbols of fertilitykaiverrettu hedelmällisyyden puusymboleillaand great chunks of raw gold somehow veined with amber which would be used as Coronation accessories.
- Thecopperkuparinenankletnilkkakoruwas probably the only thing of value she had possessed, and it was curious that it had not been stolen, for all metal was valuable in the Black Land.
- Beneath it, she wore loose silky pants in the same colour, pleated and gathered into a deep, fitted waistband and tapering at her ankles, one of which sported afinehienogoldkultainenankletnilkkakoru.
armband.n 🔎
- Kalvariskii Church overflowed with people, many wearingarmbandskäsivarsinauhojawith radioactivity symbols.
- They have Kalashnikov rifles slung ready across their chests and weardistinctive red and whiteselkeästi erottuvia punaisia ja valkoisiaarmbandskäsivarsinauhojaand helmets.
- Ray McClean describes his mild surprise on several occasions, when demonstrators accepted the authority ofhishänensteward'sstuertinarmbandkäsivarsinauhansaand obeyed his orders.
- Dad, Jack and Charlie just wore ablackmustiaarmbandkäsivarsinauhojaeach with their Sunday suits, and I was dressed in a white lace dress with a wide black sash of silk ribbon.
- He woreBiocontrolBiocontrolinarmbandskäsivarsinauhoja, which monitored his movements, and these were then translated by the system for output by the various keyboards -- interpreted as music.
- One of the fighters later became a club steward, and dressed in a white coat with aredjossa oli punaisetarmbandkäsivarsinauhatwas officially hired to sort out the Rowdies.
- Tod wears theredpunaistaarmbandkäsivarsinauhaatoo, along with everybody else.
armlet.n 🔎
- ArmletsKäsivarsinauhatand wrist-rings tattling answer shrill;
- Anderson in ``Scotland in Pagan Times tells of 36goldkultaisestaannularrengasmaisestaarmletskäsivarsinauhasta, all melted except one, which were found at Coull.
- `And if, ``said Bith of the Bog-Hat, `your impress-ship should ever be wanting anarmletkäsivarsinauhanor two, or maybe a plain everyday crown circlet, we'd be happy to oblige.
badge.n 🔎
- In a permissive society where officialdom and authority were being questioned at every turn, misbehaviour and impetuousnessbecame atulibadgemerkkiof courage and style.
- Admiral James Watkins, formerly head of the Department of Energy, the SSC's sponsor, saw this expense as abadgemerkkinäof valour.
- But as Brown Owl pinnedmy<empty>PromiseLupaus-Badgemerkkinion meminuun, and said, `I trust you to keep the Promise ``, the excitement must have been too much for Natalie!
- He tappedherhänenbadgemerkkiään.
- He wasn't staring at her breast, but atherhänenbadgemerkkiään.
- Dot fingeredher<empty>victoryvoiton-badgemerkkiäänand tried not to listen in case it seemed like prying.
- Richard Morris, Paul Rayner and Kevin Greenhill, from High Wycombe, Bucks, were trying to winthe Chief Scout AwardYlimmän partiolaisen ansio-badgemerkinwhen the rain forced them to shelter in a tiny tent they were carrying.
- Theidentitytunnus-badgemerkkiand pass issued to Coleman in 1987 when he taught a course in audio and video surveillance at the National Intelligence Academy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- Undertaking the painting of heraldic devices such assquadronilmavoimienbadgesansiomerkitrequires a licence from HMSO Crown Copyright as they are within the national domain.
- In the First World War Lord Lonsdale raised The 11th (Lonsdale) Battalion and issuedsilverhopeisetbadgesansiomerkitat his own expense to the volunteers.
- FORMER chairman of Craghead Social Club, Johnny Glister, received the CIU long service certificate from Durham branch president George Lawson andgoldkultainenbadgeansiomerkkifrom divisional representative Mattie Younger.
- 68 year old Idris Owen receives aGoldkultaisenBadgeansiomerkinfor paddling over 800km last year while spending much of his time teaching handicapped canoeists on the Montgomery Canal.
- Unfortunately his foot was in it at the time and I slammed it, at which point he pulled out abadgevirkamerkinand said he was a cop.
- Thebadgevirkamerkkishe wore on one lapel proclaimed that her name was Molly.
- Brig Ramsey fought like a tigress to save the WRAC'scaplakki-badgemerkin.
- Newly shaved, with combed hair andcaplakki-badgesmerkitpolishedkiillotettuina, Tyson, Shaw, Evans and O'Lone presented themselves to him.
- Colours and patterns changed hardly at all and thedinkysieväclubkerho-badgemerkkiremained firmly in place.
- You'll also get a FREE stamp album every year, abrillianthienonclubkerho-badgemerkin, stickers and a membership card.
- He doesn't drink, and proudly displays alapelrinta-badgemerkkiäproclaiming the fact.
- She glanced briefly athistämänlapelrinta-badgemerkkiä.
- The young IBM salesman (he works for IBM, not the store, althoughhishänennamenimi-badgekylttinsädoes not say so) is more forthcoming on Amstrad.
- No longer did I desire conventions of little nymphets, each one wearingplayboy's plasticplayboynnamenimi-badgekylttiä.
- She glanced ather<empty>namenimi-badgekylttiään.
- Not only did Japanese stereos or Italian fridges add to the comfort of life, theywereolivatbadgestunnuksiaof rankaseman, proof of one's standing in the hierarchy of power.
- Here are just a few of theexcitingkiinnostavistabadgestunnuksistayou can work to earn:
- ThisisonSuper Brownie'sSuper Brownienbadgemerkki.
- There are a large number oforangeoranssejabadgemerkki-holders.
- All the young men wore identical uniform andbadgestunnuksetof rankaseman.
- She'd promised him money for the van, which she would make wearing thatbloodyhitonbadgemerkkiä.
- A hook in naval slang,hishänenbadgeosoitusof rankasemastaan.
- Bde. patch is worn on the right shoulder of the desert combat suit and the sand-coloured `woolly pully ``, partly above thebadgemerkinof rankarvo-on the latter.
- They meet in packs called Hives andtheirheidänPromiseLupaus-Badgemerkkinsäis a silver bee.
- Any worker away from the nest for more than a day will find that itssmell identificationhajutunniste-badgemerkkihas expired, and it will be killed.
- `He haspolicepoliisinbadgesvirkamerkitfrom 837 forces worldwide and has also met many heads of state as well as Mother Theresa, the Pope and the Dalai Lama.
balaclava.n 🔎
- We cut a mask for my face out of abalaclavavillakypärästäand made it black with boot polish.
- Inside lay agreenvihreästäwoollenvilla-balaclavakypärästä, a green sleeveless pullover and a pair of navy blue corduroy shorts.
- The girl had ablackmustabalaclavavillakypäräover her headpäässään, and her hands were handcuffed in front of her.
- The vagrant's hands were covered by woollen gloves and his face was hidden underneath anavy bluelaivastonsinisenbalaclavavillakypärän.
- She pushed the Beretta into her anorak pocket then rolled him on to his back and pulled offhishänenblackmustanbalaclavavillakypäränsä.
- He was wearing abalaclavavillakypäräso all I could see was his eyes.
- You'll find him dragging his half-starved body through the streets of London, mumbling random thoughts through awoollyvilla-balaclavakypäräninto a rickety Dictaphone.
- He was grabbed by a man wearing ablackmustabalaclavavillakypäräand pulled to the ground.
- He was wearing abalaclavavillakypäräand dark clothing.
bandanna.n 🔎
- `Strum Guard ``is a term used solely by Joe Strummer to describe thebandanaliinaataped around his right hand to protect it from his own vigorous guitar-flailingjoka on kiinnitetty teipillä hänen oikean kätensä ympärille suojaamaan sitä hänen rajulta kitaranhuitomiseltaan.
- Model Nikki is on target for a very strange tan in fringed bikini, cowboy boots,bandanaliinaand six-shooter.
- Googol's ever-hidden warp-eye would pop out from beneath theblackmustanbandanaliinantied around his browhänen päänsä ympärille sidotun.
- She pushed back her hair where it had slipped from thebandannaliinasta, then tried to shrug off the tension with a sigh.
- He wore aredpunainenbandanaliinaand drank white Russians and quoted Kerouac and spoke loudly in superlatives and sang along to the radio in a shrill and grating soprano.
bangle.n 🔎
- On her last visit I'd been unable to take my eyes off her gold earrings andherhänenbanglesrannerenkaistaan.
- I pointed to threeredpunaista,leathernahka-banglesrannerengasta, decorated with turquoise beads -- presents for my daughter Susan and my two nieces.
- She herself hadplasticmuovi-banglesrannerenkaita.
- The men would bring small luxuries -- a shawl, some oranges,plasticmuovi-banglesrannerenkaita-- as well as the all guns, ammunition and explosives for the war.
- His wrists up to his elbows were closely covered withcoralkoralli-banglesrannerenkailla, so were his ankles … his breast was completely hidden from view by the coral beads encircling his neck.
- She gulped and rubbed theivorynorsunluu-banglerengastaon her wristranteessaan.
- Cruella Baines grunted and waddled off along the line of windows,her<empty>steelteräs-banglesrannerenkaidensarattling against her gigantic thighs.
belt.n 🔎
- As soon as she windsher<empty>blackmustanbeltvyönsäaround her waist, however, her personality undergoes a remarkable change.
- She buckled astiff hardpaksun kovanbeltvyönaround Alexandra's waist and stood back to admire the effect.
- Juliet Avery adjusted thebeltvyötäaround her slim waisthoikan vyötärönsä ympärillä.
- The new farmsteads were being built at the same time, set snugly into shelterbeltsalueitaof oak, beech and elm,tammi-, pyökki- ja jalava-nursed up by Scots pines.
- For your comfort you'll find apaddedpehmustetunhiplantio-beltvyönwith lumbar support, a wide angle stand for easy loading and a removable pouch for toys, nappies and the kitchen sinkjossa on lannetuki, laajakulmainen tuki, joka helpottaa lastaamista, irrotettava pussi leluja ja vaippoja varten sekä tiskialtaan..
- He fingered the dials upon a small black box which hung athishänenbeltvyöllään.
- He'd just about made it by the time Private Boyd had strappedmy<empty>gunase-beltvyönion and issued me with a plastic face visor which fitted with adjustable straps at the back.
- He had lefthis<empty>swordmiekka-beltvyönsäand dagger in the tavern.
- He shaved, changed his doublet, put onhis<empty>swordmiekka-beltvyönsäand took his heaviest cloak from its hook outside the buttery.
- The zip gaped open an inch at his waist, which was cinched in far too tightly by afake crocodileepäaidon krokotiili-beltvyön.
- He was wearing a pair of his customary white trousers and a plain white shirt, rolled back to the elbows, with ablackmustabeltvyöat his waistvyötärölläänand a pair of shiny black shoes.
- A well-fitting sack allows the load to be balanced between the shoulder harness and thehiplantio-beltvyönwithout putting a strain on your shoulders or arms.
- She wrapped her raincoat around her, tying thebeltvyöntightly.
- She always had on a brown cotton smock which was pinched in around the waist with awideleveänleathernahka-beltvyön.
- The girl touched theleathernahka-beltvyötäround my waistvyötärölläni.
- Her waist was pinched by abroad blackleveällä mustallabeltvyölläpulled tight by leather thongs.
- Ruane took a key from his pocket that was fastened tohishänenwaistvyötärö-beltvyölleenby a fine chain.
- She had atinypikkuruinenlacepitsinensuspendersukkanauha-beltvyöunder the camiknickers and the elasticated straps of the suspender belt peeped out, fore and aft, to hold up peach silk stockings.
- Andrew's takenmy<empty>beltvyönioff.
- She swallowed convulsively, and tightened thebeltvyötäof her Burberry, turning up the collar as if she was preparing to weather a blizzard before closing numb fingers round the hand-grip of her bag.
- It is advisable to wear aweight-trainingpainonnosto-beltvyötäfor this exercise because of the strain on the lower back.
- Peter shrugged on his second sleeve and began to button himself up, collar neat,beltvyöbuckled.
- His thumb rubbed sensuously along the swollen lower lip while his other hand undidhishänenbeltvyö-buckle.
- Jimmy went back to his conversation with the tattooed man, his thumb now resting casually inSean'sSeaninbeltvyö-loop.
- He was thicker set, with a suspicion of belly overhanging thecrocodilekrokotiili-beltvyön; his sandy hair had been fashionably crew-cut and he wore glasses.
- Thesuspendersukkanauha-beltvyöwas tight around her waist.
beret.n 🔎
- All the local folk were out in the street to welcome him home in his uniform andredpunaisessaberetbaretissaof the Parachute Regimentlaskuvarjorykmentin.
- Leslie'sLeslienmaroonpunaruskeaberetbarettiand the winged flash on his shoulder attracted attention as we entered the hall.
- Having been awardedmy<empty>redpunaisenberetbarettini, I went on to RAF Brize Norton where I completed seven parachute jumps and was awarded my `wings ``.
- I put on my clean uniform and adjustedmy<empty>beretbarettiani, blousing my trousers over the buckles of my combat boots.
- A few shuffling steps and she appeared through the beads, with her flowered pinafore andher<empty>brownruskeanberetbaskerinsa, worn well down over her eyebrows.
- When in barracks and field dress, generals often choose to wear the general officers' cap badge not in thedark bluetummansinisessäGSGS-beretbaretissa, but in the `tribal headgear ``of their former unit.
- Mystified, I took off thesmallpienenvelvetsametti-beretbaskerinI was wearing and, miraculously, the vast hall was quiet, and I learned that the chant had been Cha-peau!
- There was a soldier in battledress andberetbaretissaby the door, and he stood aside to let them pass.
- She wore white ankle socks; my mother preferred me to wear fawn knee-length ones, butour<empty>skirts andberetsbaskerimmewere the same except mine had a leather band inside you couldn't see.
- The only fly in the ointment was the headgear which was issued --whitevalkoinenberetsbaretti.
- She was dressed in trousers and a trenchcoat and had a mane of fair hair beneath atight-fittingtyköistuvanberetbaskerin.
- Instead of seeking to analyse Che Guevara's bungled revolutionary export-drive, she appropriately notes that its main consequence was to makeblackmustastaberetsbaretistafashionable for a while.
- HisHänengreenvihreäberetbaskerinsalay close by.
- In the yard an old man in aberetbaskerissawas clipping a pony's mane.
- He wore aleathernahka-beretbaskerito conceal his black hair, tinted wrap-around glasses and a coat turned up at the collar which masked the lower half of his face.
- Artists wearberetsbaskereitaand smocks and cut their ears off.
- Antoinette wore her new blue suit andwhitevalkoistaberetbaskeria.
- For a moment I knew genuine fear and then, as it came into the light, I saw a young woman, quite small and wearing ablackmustaaberetbaskeriaand soaked raincoat.
biretta.n 🔎
- Nowadays it would be considered kinky indeed for a Catholic priest to acquire a tonsure at the hairdressers -- or to parade around in soutane andbirettabiretta-hatussa.
- Monsieur le Curé sat in his bath, a huge holy-water stoup, still holdinghis<empty>birettabiretta-hattuaan, while the housekeeper washed his bristly black hair.
- To mark the event the shop window is decorated with red vestments, including thethree-corneredkolmikulmaisenbirettabiretta-hatun, symbol of the cardinal's rank.
- Many of the men gettingtheir<empty>redpunaisetbirettasbiretta-hattunsaon Saturday run archdioceses traditionally headed by cardinals, such as Mexico City, the world's largest, and Madrid.
- One by one, the new cardinals approached the pope on his huge golden throne at the door of the basilica, kneeling as he placed thethree-corneredkolmikulmaisetbirettabiretta-hatuton their heads.
boater.n 🔎
- HisHänenstrawolki-boaterhattunsawas new and his plus-fours neat, but there was something of the air of a little boy about him.
- She was a slim, attractive woman in her late twenties and had long fair hair which was tightly piled up under astrawolki-boaterhatun.
- The girls en masse looked extremely smart especially in the summer, when they worecreamkermanvalkoisiastrawolki-boatershattuja, having a bright red band, white blouses, navy blue skirts and white gloves.
- These picturesque craft are manoeuvred through London's crowded waterways by traditional Cockney seafarers intheir<empty>striped sweaters andribbonednauhalla koristelluissaboatershatuissaan.
- She wore a cream linen suit, ablackmustastrawolki-boaterhattu, and black gloves.
- A decent blouse and skirt, or an attractive frock, either outfit worn with acleanpuhtaanstrawolki-boaterhatun, and she ought to be able to get a job in a store.
- He put out his hands and lifted off thelittlepienenstrawolki-boaterhatunand laid it down.
bonnet.n 🔎
- Very fine he and his men looked intheir<empty>featheredsulilla koristelluissabonnetsmyssyissäänwith the pipes playing.
- To complete the ensemble there is aloose-fittingväljäbonnetmyssywith pinked edging and a broad white tie-tapejossa on pinkki reunus ja leveä valkoinen sitomisnauha.
- The tall eagle feathers onhis<empty>bonnetlakissaancocked proudly over his head.
- Senga pulled offher<empty>bonnetmyssynsä, and tossed it on to the chair beside the fire.
- Hamish took offhis<empty>warsota-bonnetlakkinsaand scratched his head.
- Children at Selborne School took the time last week to make some splendidEasterpääsiäis-bonnetslakkeja.
- Some wore brightly coloured Chinese long gowns andblackmustiamandarinvirkamies-bonnetspäähineitä, others, shorter black silk coats and white trousers.
- I thought she was startlingly beautiful, even in her grief, with her fair hair tucked under adaintysironmourningsuru-bonnetpäähineen, and her slim upright figure.
- One was a stout, red-faced woman with astrawolki-bonnethatunand blue ribbons.
- Bright newKirkkaita uusiabonnetskonepeltejäon show at the fair: Brett Fraser says that, for once, the London Motorfair is the place to catch a glimpse of the latest ideas from the world's car makers
- Crammingher<empty>wornkulunutta,out-modedvanhentunuttabonnetmyssyäänon her head, she stuffed the few belongings she had unpacked back into the portmanteau.
- Each wore a blue sash at hip level, amatchingyhteensopivaabonnetpäähinettä, silk stockings and black shoes with a buckle.
- While Annie put onher<empty>cloak andbonnetpäähineensä, Jonadab called for the pony and trap to be brought round to the door.
- They wearnightyö-bonnetsmyssyjäand petticoats
- He wore a sort ofbonnetpäähinettäon his jet black hair, apparently dyed, and four great eagle feathers were clasped to this.
- HerHänenstrawolki-bonnetpäähineessäänhad a large brim which was usually turned back from her face, but today she didn't want people looking at her grief so she had tipped the brim down.
- The woman in thewhitevalkoisessabonnetpäähineessäis her mother.
- Itwas aolistrawolki-bonnethattu, biscuit-coloured and it was worked round the edges with red; I suppose it was thin cord; but it had red round it and red on the top.
bowler.n 🔎
- The goal was, however, enough to sent the bonnets of Tam and Jimmy and thebowlersknallihatutof George and DonaldGeorgen ja Donaldinflying into the air.
- `That's kind, Mr Jordan, but I can't stay, ``replied Lawler, hanging ontohis<empty>bowlerknallihattunsa.
- They went up the curving Georgian staircase to Bragg's room, and hungtheir<empty>bowlersknallihattunsaon the bentwood hat-stand.
- She turned and saw the man in thebowlerknallihatussa.
- He always used to wear abowlerknalli-hat and very dark clothes.
- He wore riding-gear and abowlerknallihattu, a stick tucked underneath his arm, and his air of unhurried authority gave him a matchless glamour.
- The pegs above the raincoats were occupied by assorted headgear -- berets and peaked caps, aridingratsastus-bowlerhattu, sou'westers, knitted hats, deerstalkers.
bracelet.n 🔎
- Olivia fidgeted a little; she played with theslimohuenbraceletrannekorunon her slim armohuessa kädessään.
- Choose from apearlhelmi-braceletrannekorustawith matching face, a patterned silver bangle, or a gilt-finished double strand bracelet.
- The transparent epoxy resin cast of the body of a young woman known as `the Lady from Oplontis ``revealsher<empty>braceletrannekorunsaand purse holding coins, rings and gems.
- A nice nine carat wristwatch with anine caratyhdeksän karaatinbraceletrannekorun.
- To Léonie she left anivorynorsunluu-braceletrannekorunand a silver brooch.
- He had seen aslimohuensilverhopea-braceletrannekorunin the window of a jeweller's in the Fulham Road.
- She lifted her hand to her immaculate hair, causing the manybraceletsrannekorunalong her wasted armsurkastununeen kätensä myötäisento clank and clatter like old dustbin lids.
- It would make a nice souvenir for hercharmriipus-braceletrannekoruaan varten.
- 18 carat gold 5mm court shaped fancy cut milled edge wedding ring, £169.50 2.9 carat gold9 karaatin kultainenpolished fancykiillotettu upealinkketjubraceletranne-, £250.
- He slipped on arigidjäykängoldkultaisenbraceletrannekorunonce he was back in the dressing room and Dominic pulled a curtain clear of a radiator to get more heat into the place.
- Number seventy seven, agoldkultainenidentitylaatta-braceletrannekoru.
- Thegoldkultaisetbraceletsrannekoruthe wore were too small, and bit into his forearms.
- It was a zig-zag orange and blue striped towel, and it should have been dazzling white cotton, with agoldkultainenbraceletrannekoruon his lean bronzed strong-muscled forearm.
- Anidentitylaatta-braceletrannekoruwas put on her wrist with her full name and hospital record number written on it.
- `We've another twenty minutes to do, ``said Bunny, untanglinghis<empty>identitylaatta-braceletrannekoruaanfrom Santa Claus's fishnets.
- On display are earrings, necklaces andbraceletsrannekorujamade from lapis, carnelian turquoise, jade, amber and amethystlapiksesta, karnelionturkoosista, jadesta, meripihkasta ja ametisteista.
- Insidewas aoligoldkultainenchainketju-braceletrannekoruwith a blue enamel disc and the initials `F ``and `G entwined.
- He wore asteelteräs-braceletrannekoruon his wrist -- something to do with being a Sikh, Nutty understood, with rain, and she had Midnight to ride.
- Today she wore abraceletrannekoruformed from a padlock and chain.
- They all woreserpent-likekäärmeitä muistuttavatblackmustatcoralkoralli-braceletsrannekorutas special protective amulets against snakes.
- Stella had changed into slacks and overall to keep her costume clean for the curtain call, but still wore aheavypainavagiltkullattubraceletrannekoruon her arm.
- `He doesn't even wearhis<empty>medic-alertlääketieteellistä turva-braceletrannekettaan.
- He unfastened thewovenpunotunleathernahka-braceletrannekkeenfrom around his wrist.
- `It breaks my back, my neck -- ``And she would give a little laugh, unclasping aheavypainavaabraceletrannekorua: `It breaks my wrist too.
- She added shyly, again fidgeting withher<empty>braceletrannekorunsa, ``We haven't been --together so very long.
brooch.n 🔎
- Hines has extended understanding of such relationships in a thorough review of thesquare-headedneliöpäistenbroochesrintaneulojenin England.
- Alovely littleihastuttava pienisilverhopea-broochrintaneulaof Mother's, shaped like a rose, which Bobbie had loved for years.
- Over the top she had a jacket of the palest blue, and abroochrintaneulaof seed pearls like a bunch of grapessiemenhelmistä, jotka muistuttivat viinirypäleterttua.
- She fingeredher<empty>broochrintaneulaansauneasily.
- Mrs Hollidaye glanced down ather<empty>broochrintaneulaansaand touched it like Dot used to touch her token.
- Dotty, pulled off balance, fell across Agnes's chair, driving her mother'scameokamee-broochrintaneulaapainfully into her throat.
- She was wearing a black dress with grey flowers printed on it, and acameokamee-broochrintaneulasurrounded with imitation diamondsjota kehystivät jäljitelmätimantit.
- Nothing like the man who had spoken abouthernaisencatkissa-broochrintaneulasta.
- The silk shawl she draped over her shoulders winter and summer was in place;herhänenmother of pearlhelmiäis-broochrintaneulansawas at her neck as it should be and her shoes were shining as immaculately as ever.
- The jewellery pictured includes a silver pocket watch, apearlhelmi-broochrintaneulan, a silver pendant and several tie or stick pins.
- She fingered thebroochrintaneulaaat her neckkaulallaan-- Victorian gold plate with an amethyst in the centre, held in place by a fierce pin.
- He also bought anexpensivekalliinbroochrintaneulanfor his girlfriendtyttöystävälleen, who was Polly, one of your tea-ladies.
- Mrs or Mme Wyatt wore patent-leather shoes and a smart brownish suit with agoldkultaisenbroochrintaneulan.
- After some reflection she removed thebroochrintaneulan, but retained the small, black stud ear-rings.
- Even today Auntie Jean was straight-backed and splendid in high heels and a dark-blue dress with adiamondtimantti-broochrintaneulanin the shape of a diving fish pinned to her front.
- Blue suited her and she'd wornher<empty>pearl and diamondhelmi-timantti-broochrintaneulansabecause he wanted everyone to see it.
- She also wore adiamondtimantti-broochrintaneulaat her waist,the size of a bucklerkilven kokoinen.
- She wore anantiqueantiikkinenbroochrintaneulaon one shoulder, and her hands, discreetly beringed, were folded in her lap, and one wrist had been bandaged.
- Thelittlepienibroochrintaneulawith its sapphire heartsafiirisydämensä kanssawas pinned to the silk bow of her dress.
cap.n 🔎
- She got to her feet, checkedher<empty>cappäähineensäin the little mirror on the wall and marched out into her department.
- A civilian with thegreyharmaanwool<empty>skull capkypäränof the Svan people, from the high glens of Georgia, jumped up to help.
- There was Sibylle's older brother Georg in thepeakedlipallisessacappäähineessäof the German army officer -- as darkly glamorous as in a war movie.
- From the relative protection of their holes, the infantry watched in silent admiration at thebluesinisiäcapslakkejaof the runnersjuoksijoidenbobbing and dodging among the plumes of exploding TNT.
- Paul Pollard, the 23-year old Nottinghamshire opening batsman, has been awardedhis<empty>countymaansacappäähineellä.
- Honor looked up at Lady West, a large woman with white hair puffed out roundherhänenlawn<empty>caphilkastaan, and a heavy nose over thin, disgruntled lips.
- Dr Jaffery rustled around the room, picking up books and looking behind cushions forhis<empty>mosquemoskeija-cappäähinettäänbefore remembering that he was already wearing it.
- They walk ponderously in their crimson velvet hoods andblackmustissacapslakeissaan, ostrich plumes nodding on their old men's heads.
- He wore a tatty grey uniform,peakedlipallinenmilitarysotilas-cappäähine, black moustache, and the smile of a Mexican bandit.
- Hands clapping and bodies swaying, an estimated 9,000 sang along as Calloway (85), clad in theceremonialjuhla-cappäähineeseenand gown, belted out the tune in his gravely voice.
- He too was dressed in thick muffler andflatlippa-caphatussa.
- Yesterday Leslie showed he was full of life again, sporting abluesinisessäbaseballbaseball-caplakissaand obviously looking forward to spending the day with his five children and 61-year-old wife Jean.
- George, 29, inbaseballbaseball-caplakissaand trainers, and Pam, 41, sporting a leopardskin outfit and dark glasses, shared the same Virgin flight.
- Sitting on the large stone that marked this spot was a thin, white-haired man in aclothkangas-caplakissa, smoking his pipe.
- He saluted a little man in tight trousers and ayachtingpurjehdus-caplakissa, standing by a boat pulled up on the bank.
- An elderly man inflatlippa-caphatussaand going-out clothes was leaning against the fence, stick hanging from a crooked elbow.
- The gaucho was a swarthy old man in aredpunaisessawoollenvilla-caphatussaand a leather jacket; his saddle was a grubby sheepskin, and the horse's nose was bridled with a yellow wool cabeza.
- On the dresser was aleathernahka-caphattuwith sheepskin flapslampaannahkaläpällinenwhich he had worn while working on a building site the previous winter.
- She had acappäähineon her head too.
- She saw that the man with the gun had on his head awoollenvilla-cappäähine.
- He pulled onhis<empty>wetmäräncappäähineensä, adjusting it at an unusually rakish and dashing angle, and made his way, swaggering very slightly, to his comforts next door.
- He nodded at me and headed for the kettle, pulling off atweedtweed-cappäähineenwhich had left a circular impression on his thin blond-streaked brown hair.
- Mr Jarvis pulled onhis<empty>cappäähineensä.
- One man, wearing aredpunainencappäähineand with a knife in his mouth, was already on top of the fence.
- He was wearing apeakedlipallinencappäähineof brown leatherruskeasta nahasta tehtyand a long black overcoat.
- He had a round face and was wearing abaseballbaseball-caplakki.
- He peered down at me and scratched his head as he replacedhis<empty>caplakkinsaon his bald headkaljuun päähänsä.
- Zach had already put onhis<empty>coat andcaplakkinsaand was waiting to tell him something when Ginnie and Miss Thorne's elder sister burst in.
chain.n 🔎
- She uncoiled thechainketjunfrom her wrist and dropped the pendant into my hand.
- `We are puttingpaperpaperi-chainsketjujaon their arms; they can break them with a gesture.
- The room was silent except for the rustle of Dexter's pen and the jingle ofhishänenwristranne-chainketjunsaon the table as he wrote.
- He plucked at thefobkellonvitja-chainketjuaanon his waistcoatliivissäänand produced a ring of tiny brass keys.
- All you've got left are your chains, yourprettynätitgoldenkultaisetchainsketjusi.
- To the east are the Aonachs, the brooding big beasts tamed to a degree now by poor old Aonach Mor's ski-tows, which it wears uncomfortably like a lorry driver sportinggoldkultaistaneckkaula-chainsketjua.
- She looked cool and rested in a white dress with achasteyksinkertainengoldkultainenchainketjuround her throat.
- At the end of alongpitkängoldkultaisenchainketjunshe carried a Georgian spyglass which she applied in a rather menacing manner to a small, beady eye.
- Next morning, decked out like a sacrificial goat inhishänengoldkultaisissachainsketjuissaanand designer finery, Younis left the Sheraton marina by speedboat with Sami Jafaar and Hamadan to meet the octopus.
- In the hushed surroundings of a smart restaurant, Boon fiddles enigmatically with a fob watch on aneckkaula-chainketjussa.
- He wore round his neck a scrimshaw on asilverhopea-chainketjussa.
- Ten pounds for fivesilverhopea-neckkaula-chainsketjusta.
- He captured Isaac's wife and daughter, and having promised not to put the former ruler in irons, hadsilverhopea-chainsketjutmade for him.
- The lead singer had a Mohican haircut and lots ofchainsketjujaand zips.
- He wore atarnished goldtummunut kultainenwatchkellon-chainvitjaacross his waistcoat.
- Elizabeth had let him wear agoldkultaistachainketjuaanof hers round his neck.
- She had abandoned the huge earrings for dainty gold studs and wore afinehienoagoldkultaistachainketjuaround her neck.
- Buddie always wore a hooped ear-ring in one ear and achainketjuaaround his neckdecorated with the teeth of strange animalsomituisten eläinten hampailla koristettua.
- Sabine unfastened thechainketjunround her neckkaulansa ympäriltä, and put the medallion gently into the Baronne's hand.
choker.n 🔎
- She started a craze forpearlhelmi-chokerskaulanauhoihin, which had not been seen in years.
- She drew an imaginary line across the base of her throat, brushing herdouble-strandkaksinauhaistapearlhelmi-chokerkaulanauhaansa.
- The velvet ones are the ultimate show-stoppers and best worn with a top hat, avelvetsametti-chokerkauluksen… and not much else.
- He was wearing a flat cap, a suit and achokerkaulanauha, and there were dock gates in the background.
- When the little maid came in to do her hair, she had chosen as her only ornament asimpleyksinkertaisenmother-of-pearlhelmiäis-chokerkaulanauhan.
- Georgina was wearing a black Azzedine Alaïa and achokerkaulanauhaof huge fake pearlssuurista tekohelmistä.
- Rachel looked around the living-room for a hiding place forher<empty>chokerkaulanauhalleen.
circlet.n 🔎
- The young man passed it up, thelittlepienencircletotsapannanof goldkultaisenglistening between the tips of his thick hard fingers.
- I wore the shantung tea-gown and agoldkultainencircletotsapantaround my forehead to make it clear that I'm the Queen.
- The Child Christ King with two fingers raised and an orb in his left hand and acircletotsapannanof starstähdistäaround his crowned head.
- Katherine and Sarah were in petrol blue velvet dresses and worecircletsotsapannatof spring flowerskevätkukista tehdyton their heads.
- Don't use walls just for paintings -- they're also ideal for collections like Elizabeth Jane'sdried flowerkuivakukka-circletsotsapannoille.
- The bridesmaids wore very pretty dresses also made of ivory wild silk with pale pink sashes andcircletsotsapannatof white flowersvalkoisista kukista tehdyton their heads.
- Asimpleyksinkertainengoldkultainencircletotsapantaheld the veil in place, beneath which guileless blue eyes shone with a gentle womanly strength.
coif.n 🔎
- Eleventh-century Spanish soldier in mail shirt andcoifrengashupussa, with conical helmet and long shield.
- They wore brigandines and soft boots and dulled metal helms strapped over acoifhupunof thick woolpaksusta villasta tehdyn.
- Susan Tilley pattedher<empty>impeccablecoifhilkkaansaand conceded that it had all turned out really well, and smiled her friendly, competent smile.
- `A brown-haired lass with awhitevalkoinencoifhilkkaon her head.
coronet.n 🔎
- It represented a medieval knight in full armour, the helmeted head surrounded by athinohuencoronetseppeleen, the sides of the face and neck swathed in chain mail.
- The leaderene went down with a satisfying thump,herhänenspikedpiikikäscoronetseppeleensäfalling off.
- She slipped off thecoronetseppeleen, and let the airship go dead.
- The Green Man wore acoronetseppelettäof leaveslehdistä tehtyäand a girdle of stems at his waist.
- Her long blonde tresses were partially covered with a simple headband, afloralkukka-coronetseppeleenand a chiffon train.
crown.n 🔎
- We took offour<empty>crownskruunummeand swords and cloth of gold and moved silent on the road to Elsinore.
- This time, in an effort to produce a lasting solution to the Italian question, Napoleon created a kingdom of Italy, making Milan its capital and having himself crowned with Monza'sironrauta-crownkruunulla.
- Herod appeared in the pulpit -- he was, as always, the best actor -- stamped a small foot, tossed an imperious forelock, straightened apaperpaperi-crownkruunua, despatched a token army across the chancel.
- A fourth sack holds 400Imperialkeisarillistagoldkultaistacrownskruunuaof some antiquitymelko antiikkista-- the head of Carolus is on them with the date 1903 IC.
- … by these Three Queens withcrownskruunujenof goldkultaisten…
- the holding centrewas aolicrownkruunuof goldkultainen,
- had losttheir<empty>crownskruununsaand the stout grey wisteria,
- Changing the captain must be a strong possibility, not least because Carrick himself looked a little weary of wearing thecrownkruunuaof thornsorjantappura-.
- He also wore ajewelledjalokivin koristeltuacrownkruunuafor such occasions, and a jewelled hilted sword.
- Moon led the couples through their vows sitting on a stage wearing awhite and goldvalkoista ja kultaistacrownkruunua.
- She wore thecrownkruunuawhile they sat in the sunshine, eating the cake, but by the time they went home it was already wilting a little.
- For Marjorie Wallace, the dream came true, a thousand times over, when she won theMiss WorldMiss Maailmacrown-kruunun.
- Opposite the title page was a picture of the kneeling King exchanginghis<empty>royalkuninkaallisencrown-kruununsafor a crown of thorns.
cufflink.n 🔎
- Players may admire you for all your footballing achievements, but unlessyour<empty>cufflinkskalvosinnappisiare bigger, shinier and nastier than everyone else's, respect will forever elude you.
- SilverHopeisetcufflinkskalvosinnapitare £49.92, and a Waterman 100 fountain pen is £120.
- On their honeymoon, Charles wore a pair ofnewuusiagoldkultaisiacufflinkskalvosinnappejainscribed C & C — a present from Camilla Parker Bowles.
- When Charles appeared for dinner, Diana noticed that he was sporting a new pair ofcufflinkskalvosinnappejain the shape of two `C's intertwined.
- I made the tea and began to putmy<empty>cufflinkskalvosinnappejaniin.
diadem.n 🔎
- Devotees of her cult represented her as a cow crowned with adiademdiadeemilla, a literal earth-mother.
- The famous late figurine of a goddess found in a small rural shrine at Gazi wears adiademdiadeemiaembellished with three carefully depicted poppy seed-heads, and they have been cut as if for the extraction of opium.
- The recovery of agoldkultaisendiademdiadeeminset with garnetsgranaateilla koristellunas well as jadeite, malachite and turquoise from a Late Predynastic grave at Abydos shows how early they had begun to do so.
- `And there's theonpearlhelmi-diademdiadeemiwe made, just as a bit of a gift --
earring.n 🔎
- On each occasion I took at least half an hour to get ready, chose my clothes carefully, brushed my teeth, putmy<empty>earringskorvakoruniin, wore bright-red lipstick.
- Just then the teacher emerged from the school,herhänenlargesuuretearringskorvakorunsaglinting like thin bangles.
- This had annoyed Jonquil and setherhänensteelteräs-earringkorvakorunsaswinging with temper.
- This was why she was wearing her Ralph Lauren silk crepe trousers and matching jacket with a white Armani shell underneath, andher<empty>favouritelempi-silverhopea-earringskorvakorujaan.
- She wore jeans and a large jumper, cowboy boots, onestainless steelruostumattomasta teräksestä tehtyearringkorvakoru.
- He was wearingdiamondtimantti-studkoristeisetearringskorvakorutand high-rococo filigree-and-rivet cowboy boots.
- You can also buy matching necklaces andearringskorvakorujaat bargain prices.
- On her last visit I'd been unable to take my eyes offherhänengoldkultaisistaearringskorvakoruistaanand her bangles.
- I put on somegoldkultaisetdanglyroikkuvatearringskorvakorutI'd found in the bottom of my bag and came out feeling a new woman.
- The princes wore green rugby shirts and jeans while Diana wore black ski pants, a lambswool sweater over a T-shirt, black shoes andgoldkultaisethooprengas-earringskorvakorut.
- She was sporting a pair ofgoldkultaisiahooprengas-earringskorvakoruja, and her face was skilfully made up.
- She rummaged in the open jewellery box on the bed, and took out a pair oflargesuuriadroppisara-earringskorvakorujawhich she had bought in Liberty's the week before.
- And she went out of her way to praise artist David Hankinson as she unveiled his painting of her in fairy-tale pink gown complete with tiara,pearlhelmi-droppisara-earringskorvakorujenand gold watch.
- `She said she wanted to be buried in her pink carnival queen dress and wearing hergoldkultaisetbutterflyperhos-studkoristeisetearringskorvakorunsa.
- Rose was wearing a tulip-red trouser suit,diamondtimantti-earringskorvakorutand a large aquamarine ring.
- HerHänenearringskorvakorunsaare long, falling almost to her shoulders, strands of tiny men and women climbing the chrome pieces of an antique watch.
fez.n 🔎
- In the cathedral she observed the new archbishop moving among the strange costumes, the rosary with purple tassles and red beads the size of pigeons' eggs, and thepurplepurppuranvärinenvelvetsametti-fezfetsi.
- They were handed to him by a tiny nut-brown man in aredpunaisessafezfetsissä, who also sold little packets of sugared almonds and pistachios.
- Marie again performed her mime for despair, signifying presumably the lapse of time and a battle lost, and Bobbie Fieldfare entered in striped robes and aredpunaisessafezfetsissä, bearing a snake in a basket.
- I sawBobbie'sBobbienredpunaisenfezfetsinamong the crowd.
- They don't always dress up of course but I soon got in the habit by trying on aTommy Cooper-styledTommy Cooper -tyylistäfezfetsiä.
glasses.n 🔎
- Before I had been there a month my eyes began to suffer and I had to start wearingglasseslasejafor close work.
- USA Sport, a company aptly located in Oakley, Hampshire, markets a range ofsportsurheilu-glasseslasejafor any prescription condition.
- Dr Mackintosh was a red-faced Scot with mousy greying hair parted in the middle andtiny gold-rimmedpienet kultareunaisetglasseslasiton the tip of his rather short nosehänen melkoisen lyhyen nenänsä kärjessä.
- Tom shook his head, adjusting theglasseslasejaon his nosenenällään.
- He placed a pair ofsteel-rimmedteräskehyksisiäglasseslasejaon Devlin's noseDevlinin nenälleand adjusted them.
- HisHänenglasseslasinsawith their steel framesteräskehyksineenmade his eyes look chilly, merciless.
- HisHänenglasseslasinsawere dim and smeared.
- He surveyed her doubtfully throughhis<empty>pebblepaksujenglasseslasiensa.
- He sent me there the other day to pick uphishänenreadingluku-glasseslasejaan.
- Let's have a look again, I've gotmy<empty>glasseslasinion now.
- Lucy hadherhänenseriousvakavatoffice-worktoimistotyö-glasseslasinsaon and a sheaf of papers.
- She haddarktummatglasseslasiton.
- Swayne looked overhis<empty>glasseslasiensa.
- He took off thephoneyepäaidotglasseslasinsaand tweed hat and threw them to one side.
- A small, dapper, decisive man who wore a trilby andglasseslaseja, the canon lived in the next village and had a passion for small neat things like himself.
- I woremy<empty>darktummiaglasseslasejanieven for these few moments, as my blue eyes were always straining in the brilliant light.
- There was little light in the room but he worewrap-aroundkaareviadarktummiaglasseslaseja.
- He also woremetal frame squaremetallikehyksisiä neliskulmaisiaglasseslasejabecause someone had told him he looked tough in them.
- DarkTummatglasseslasitand make-up couldn't hide the lines, and she sat with her face hidden in her hands in the back of the car.
- Daisy Pettigrew changed her reading forher<empty>long distancekauko-glasseslaseihin, so that she could see the vicarage garden more clearly.
- Her bright hair was hidden under a sunhat, and she was disguised withdarktummienglasseslasien, but no one had shown the slightest interest in her.
goggles.n 🔎
- She wore a naval greatcoat with brass buttons and some sort ofgoggleslasiton her headpäässään.
- My<empty>gogglesLasiniice up at regular intervals and I wipe them with my glove, afraid that I will miss the trail a groundless fear as the dogs follow the pack scent.
- I pushed upmy<empty>goggleslasejanito get a better look at her.
- Manescu adjustedhis<empty>snowlumi-goggleslasejaanas white flakes the size of cats' tails began to drift down.
- Werewolf had opted forclearkirkkaatplasticmuovi-goggleslasitbut he had already dispensed with them, tying them to his belt.
- The thin beam waved by Victor Kurlos was spotted at 3am by a team in an RAF Sea King helicopter hunting for him withnight sightpimeänäkö-goggleslasien.
- In the moonlight Ion Manescu, sitting in the lead vehicle, peered throughhis<empty>snowlumi-goggleslasiensaat the rolling wilderness.
- It includes an ultra-sonic head tracking device that sits on top of the monitor andlightweight three-dimensionalkevyet 3D-goggleslasit.
- I refer to seeing paving stones being sawn and the person doing the job neither wearinggoggleslasejaor a mask while being enveloped in a cloud of dust.
- Grinning, she pulled a pair ofinfraredinfrapuna-nightyö-goggleslasejafrom it.
- Then I went shopping down at Lillywhites and bought a pair of swimming shorts, a Speedo swimcap and a pair ofswimmer'suima-goggleslaseja.
- There should have been gloves andprotectivesuoja-goggleslasitand face masks to field the resin and varnish dust.
- Their riders were helmeted and sinister behinddarkaurinko-goggleslasienand black leather.
- The result was so spectacular that those of us in the front line who were showered with debris turned up at future games wearingmotorbikemoottoripyörä-goggleslasejato protect our eyes and in honour of our hero.
- This is why man sees only blurred images under water unless he wearsair-filledilmatäytteisiägoggleslaseja.
- A HEADSET video screen, worn likeskihiihto-goggleslaseja, is being developed by Japanese company Sony.
- He pulled on thegoggleslasitbut still there was nothing to see except for the red embers of a dying fire emanating from some unknown source.
- A snorkel anddivingsukellus-goggleslasejahave often been recommended for the deepest powder snow.
gorget.n 🔎
- There were fur-edged dolmans, silk-lined pelisses, andgorgetskaulapanssareitaof pure goldpuhtaasta kullasta.
- It has aniridescent bluesateenkaarenväreissä kimaltelema sininengorgetkaulapanssariwith a red `bull's-eye ``spot in the middlejossa on punainen maalitaulun keskus keskellä.
- A female appeared, brown; her bib (gorgetmiehustansa) was buff.
- `Do off his helmet, quickly, ``said Hotspur, tearing off his gauntlets and himself stooping to fumble at themailpanssariagorgetkaula-, `he's breathing blood!
- Her head-dress was old-fashioned, two veils of pleated lawn falling down either side of her heart-shaped face and fastened under the chin by abejewelledjalokivin koristellullagorgetmiehustalla.
greaves.n 🔎
- As Lexandro donned a cuirass and strappedgreavessäärisuojuksetto his shanks, he wondered whether their soon-to-be opponents were genuinely members of some feral tribe transported here for purposes such as this?
- Some wore breastplates,greavessäärisuojuksetand other pieces of armour, all carried swords and daggers, with shields slung round their necks.
- A spearman tried to bring him down with a lance thrust under the cuirass whilst another took a swing with a sword at the joints in thegreavessäärisuojustenon his legshänen jaloissaan olevien.
hairband.n 🔎
- As far as Diana was concerned it was another set of `velvetsametti-hairbandshiusnauhoja``.
- Here, a group of young Muslim girls in new mirror-work costumes were sitting cross-legged under the watchful eye of their father; each one wore atinselkiiltäväähairbandhiusnauhaaplaited into her pigtails.
- Thick, dark and naturally wavy as it was, all she had to do was twist it through anelasticatedkuminauha-hairbandhiusnauhanand pin the resulting pony-tail into whatever shape pleased her at the moment.
- Only ablackmustaquiltedtikattuhairbandhiusnauhapushing back her blonde hair hinted at an aristocratic connection.
hairgrip.n 🔎
- Taking a cloth to wrap bread because of the shortage of paper, and queuing for things bought so casually before the war, likehairgripshiussoljetand torch batteries.
- Only we British valiantly battle with elastic bands andhairgripshiussolkiento control the frizzies.
- openinghairgripshiussoljetwith their teeth.
hairnet.n 🔎
- C: What net's that, Geoffrey,your<empty>hairnethiusverkkosi?
- And avery broad-knittedhyvin väljästi kudottuhairnethiusverkko, about half inch square net.
- Lettie, a smart and tweedy battleaxe suddenly glimpsed in flannelette nightie and ahairnethiusverkossa, is a figure of fun who would be utterly loathsome if she really existed.
- A member of the Cork Noxious Industry Action Group (CNIAG) described the working conditions as follows: `Blue overalls, nohairnetshiusverkkoja, they didn't shower before they left work.
- Daniel Thwaites could find himself in HSE trouble for allowing unsafe practices in his competition -- the gentleman should have been told to wear ahairnethiusverkkoa.
hairpiece.n 🔎
- This was ginger brown in colour and so badly fitting that only a blind man would not realise that itwas aolihairpiecehiuslisäke.
- Includes free wedding cake, free flowers for reception, free champagne for up to 20 guests, free bouquet andhairpiecehiuslisäkkeenfor the bridemorsiamelleand button hole for the groom.
- She must have put the idea into his head herself: pinned it onto the back of his mind, like one ofher<empty>flamingliekehtivistähairpieceshiuslisäkkeistään.
- The redhead wore a sea-green lace see-through catsuit, her companion wore threeblondevaaleaahairpieceshiuslisäkettäabove a red and white, diagonally striped minidress that barely covered her bottom.
- So once Posi had drifted the ship down near the surface, I prepared myself for my descent -- the cylinder in a carry-net slung over one shoulder, a hand raised to hold on tomy<empty>hairpiecehiuslisäkkeestäni.
- Now I I've been sellinghairpieceshiuslisäkkeitäfor twenty three years so I'm probably better in a better position than anybody here to explain the emotions of men who're losing their hair.
hairpin.n 🔎
- Much jewellery, especially gemstones andhairpinshiusneuloja, was itself used as a vehicle for portraiture.
- Jazz skewered up his hair with a few ofMrs Nicholson'srouva Nicholsoninhairpinshiusneulanand the three of them shuffled and clacked respectively for home, grateful for the now emptier streets.
- She dealt with a stray wisp of grey hair and pushedher<empty>hairpinshiusneulansafirmly into place.
- She had a bun of hair at her nape from which stuck outcarvedveistettyjähairpinshiusneuloja, thinner than split matchsticks.
- In the other were a pair of brooches ornamented with silver wire,silverhopeisiahairpinshiusneuloja, a plaited silver wire chain, a glass linen smoother and other relics.
- In full view and mirrorless, they give one deft twist, insert a couple of flamboyantlyjewelledjalokivin koristeltuahairpinshiusneulaa, pull out a few face-framing tendrils and recline.
- Its too untidy, ``Nicandra said screwing in thehairpinhiusneulan.
hairslide.n 🔎
- Kāli had fixed twonewuuttahairslideshiussolkeaon either side of Hārkini's head and was holding her face at arm's length to see the effect.
- A left shoe, sock, shirt, comb, diary, clean handkerchief, badge, ring, a white sock, bracelet, necklace, orhairslidehiussolki.
- After coffee (pinkvaaleanpunainenhairslidehiussolkiMaureen made it, green hairslide Linda cleared it away), Christina was prevailed upon to deliver a brief account of the progress of her work to date.
- After coffee (pink hairslide Maureen made it,greenvihreähairslidehiussolkiLinda cleared it away), Christina was prevailed upon to deliver a brief account of the progress of her work to date.
- Sandra stood by, quietly amused: she wore a sugar pink track suit with matchingplasticmuovi-hairslideshiussolkienin the shape of elephants.
- Nightingale came into her room with abeautifulkauniinhairslidehiussoljen, cascades of white silk flowers falling from it.
hat-pin.n 🔎
- Mrs Hollidaye adjustedher<empty>hat-pinhattuneulaansa, gathered up the flowers and took Dot's hand firmly in hers.
- Then a stone parapet and bright white globes on poles likegiantjättimäisetpearlhelmi-hat-pinshattuneulat.
- He leaned over her, removedherhänencheaphalvanhatpinhattuneulansaand her old straw hat.
- Her black velvet hat was slightly askew, held in that position byherhänenhatpinhattuneulansa.
- She stood up to get her little-black hat, perched it on the side of her sleek fair head and skewered apearl-tippedhelmipäisenhatpinhattuneulanthrough the felt.
hat.n 🔎
- She pouted at the shake ofhishänenfurturkis-hathattunsa.
- He adjustedhis<empty>paperpaperi-hathattuaanand turned back to his stove.
- In navy rope-soled canvas espadrilles, awhitevalkoisessacricketkriketti-hathatussaand a yellow swimsuit under the shirt, she'd felt equipped to face whatever the day might bring.
- Sandison bought avery fine pale greyerittäin hienon vaaleanvihreänhathatunwith a wide, flat brimjossa on leveä, tasainen lieriand a white hatband.
- An early picture shows her in awide-brimmed blackleveälierisessä mustassahathatussaand white dress owned by Sarah.
- Ahardkovahathattucan protect you from having a metal spike go through your skull and into your brain.
- She was there every single night, a formidable figure in her long, black skirt, cardigan andblackmustassastrawolki-hathatussa.
- She was wearing a slack blue dress and astrawolki-hathattupushed to the back of her head.
- The lady in thestrawolki-hathatussanodded.
- Lily had asunaurinko-hathattuof woven white strawkudotusta valkoisesta oljesta.
- I've hadmy<empty>hathattunion for fully five minutes.
- Quickly, she put onher<empty>coat andhathattunsa, looking round fearfully as if she expected at any moment to feel Sikes' heavy hand on her shoulder.
- I take offmy<empty>woollyvilla-hathattuniand try it on.
- It was cold that night and Aunt Louise woreher<empty>fur coat andfurturkis-hathattunsa.
- A ROBBER wearing aSantajoulupukinhathattuaheld up a bank with a sawn-off shotgun before escaping on a bicycle yesterday.
- Now he was wearing a coat andhathattuand carrying a maleta bag and a sawed-off shotgun.
- Father Peter, losinghis<empty>topsilinteri-hathattunsato a whisking hand, leapt up from his knees and raised both arms to the heavens.
- Duroc picked uphis<empty>broad-brimmed blackleveälierisen mustanhathattunsa, and set it upon his head.
- HisHänencheesecutterlippa-hathattunsahid the balding patch on his head.
- She wore a white ribbed sweater under the soft leather jacket and atweedtweed-hathattunsaon her headpäässään, and carried a small overnight suitcase.
- He had an empty egg-basket on his arm, andhishänenhathattunsawas old and worn.
- Intheir<empty>blackmustissatopsilinteri-hatshatuissaanand tailcoats they looked more like vultures than ever.
- The boardroom was full of women inhatshatuissaand men in dark suits who looked like a convention of dentists.
- Morrissey himself, attired in a rippled white shirt andtrilbyhuopa-hathattuun, acted out the totally ridiculous spectacle which, somehow, absurdly fitted into the field of pop music.
- The man from the newspaper wore ablackmustatrilbyhuopa-hathattuand a long black overcoat.
- In summer, we had to wear apanamapanama-hathattujawith the school band round itjoiden ympärillä oli koulun nauha.
hauberk.n 🔎
- Barbarossa's common soldiers were almost certainly still wearingNorman-stylenormannien tyylisiähauberksrengaspaitojaas late as the Third Crusade.
- The spearmen are well equipped withhauberkspaitojenof fine scale armourhienoista suomulevyistä tehtyjen, tall helms, shields and seven-foot Elf war-spears.
- Because they had both anticipated, not a fight, but a long, hard ride neither of them was wearing ahauberkrengaspaitaaand as William levelled his lance Richard suddenly saw the danger he was in.
- The latter looked angry at being dragged from their life of leisure but both were well-armed, having donned helmet andhauberkrengaspaidat, with swords and daggers pushed into their belts.
- Off to one side, several men, still wearingtheir<empty>mailpanssari-hauberkspaitansa, were warming themselves before the fire.
- He was standing less than one pace away, so close that her swift movement caused her gown to brush acrosshishänenhauberkrengaspaitansa, catching on a metal link.
headband.n 🔎
- He used to play baseball and he wears a white baseball cap that one day may become as famous asPat Cash'sPat Cashinchequeredruudullisetheadbandsotsanauhat.
- They were posing for just such a photocall at Klosters in February 1986, when the photographers suddenly noticed another figure standing in the background, dressed in aDavy Crockett-styleDavy Crockett -tyyliseenfurturkis-headbandotsanauhaan.
- As he spoke, a jeep sped past carrying boxes of ammunition and explosives, and ten Iraqi mujaheddin with Islamic slogans ontheir<empty>headbandsotsanauhoissaan.
- Adam's cut-off jeans with the fringed hems, she meant, andhishänenyellow and redpunainen ja keltainenheadbandotsanauhansathat he insisted on calling a fillet as if it were a bit of fish.
- He was a Puerto Rican, no older than twenty, with long, greasy black hair and aredpunainenheadbandotsanauha.
- There were three men -- Han, dressed in dark silks withblood-redverenpunaisetheadbandsotsanauhatabout their foreheads.
- She went to the full-length mirror beside her dressing-table, pulling off theheadbandotsanauhanshe had worn in the bath and releasing the glossy brown hair that tumbled almost to her shoulders.
headdress.n 🔎
- She had not taken off theheaddresspäähinettä.
- He tried on thefeathersulka-headdresspäähinettä, but took it off again quickly because there were insects in it.
- She wore a fetching, knee-length black dress and a kind ofSpanishespanjalainenheaddresspäähinethat made her look a little like a sherry advertisement.
- They stockheaddressespäähineitäfrom CupidCupidista, handmade garters and shoe clips from Butterfly and Lace accessories, veils from Jean Elizabeth and offer a dyeing service on Dana Bridal Footwear.
- Their resident florist will make sureyour<empty>headdressespäähineesiand bouquet are a perfect match.
- In the Penzance Bridal Centre, Jeffery Florists specialise in individually designed traditional, modern or continental bouquets andheaddressespäähineisiinin fresh or silk flowerstuoreilla tai silkkikukilla koristeltuihin.
- Returning to my dressing room, I removedmy<empty>headdresspäähineeniand reached for a towel to dry my sweat-soaked hair -- fighting with seven dwarfs under banks of spotlights is hot work.
- Overherhänenorange-blossomappelsiininkukka-headdresspäähineensäshe had a long flowing veil which flowed down her back; her dress of white satin rustled and crinkled as she walked.
- Theceremonialseremoniallistasilverhopea-headdresspäähinettä(second right) is usually worn by a bride or newly wed woman.
- She wore a long full-skirted dress of white organdie and aheaddresspäähineof artificial lilies of the valleylaakson keinotekoisista liljoista, and carried white roses and carnations.
- He wore ared-and-goldpunainen ja kultainenheaddresspäähine, and a white tunic trimmed with the same colours.
- But one runnel of sweat began to trickle down his forehead from underhishänenheaddresspäähineensä.
- Equally cheerful was the large, garish picture on the wall of a jovial elephant wearing orange pantaloons, anelaborately jewelledtaidokkaasti jalokivin koristeltuheaddresspäähineand several necklaces: his four arms were festooned with bangles and bracelets.
headpiece.n 🔎
- The crown consists of two circlet crowns welded together and into which has been set acloth-coveredkankaalla peitettyheadpiecepääkoriste.
- Theheadpiecepääkoristeof the Egyptian PharaohsEgyptin faaraoiden, the Diadem, was adorned with the Cobra or Uraeus on the left side and the Vulture on the right.
- Square Face: Wear aheadpiecepääkoristettathat sits on the back of your head and opt for an understated veil style, although your face shape will carry a long veil beautifully.
- She found her mother's wedding shoes, and herheadpiecepääkoristeenand veil as well.
- So does Riva, in high-necked dress, long silky sleeves and some sort offetching littleihastuttavassa pienessäheadpiecepääkoristeessa, glimpsed at a far-off table.
helm.n 🔎
- On his headwas theolihorned-moonkuunsirppi-helmkypäräof Saphery and he swiftly took up position between the queen and the Keeper of Secrets.
- They wore brigandines and soft boots anddulled metalhimmenneitä metalli-helmskypäriästrapped over a coif of thick wool.
- To the brow ofitssengreat hornedsuureen sarvekkaaseenhelmkypäräänwas welded the Circlet of Iron.
- The spearmen are well equipped with hauberks of fine scale armour,tallkorkeillahelmskypärillä, shields and seven-foot Elf war-spears.
- The Woman knelt by her, face shadowed under theheavypainavanhelmkypärään.
- The door of the tavern banged open and a crowd of men entered with rain sheeningtheirheidänsteelteräs-helmskypäränsäand the mail shirts under their cloaks.
- It lay over there with thegoldkulta-helmkypäränmade in Germany to replace the helm of Canute's that had blown in pearls to the wind, beading the ashes of his forebears' great hall at Orphir.
- Three warriors of about 1150, wearingconicalkartiomaisethelmskypärätand long mail shirts and carrying kite-shaped shields.
- He had lost much blood,hishänenhelmkypäränsäwas notably dinted, and the head inside it already dazed and misty as the dusk coming down on the hills.
helmet.n 🔎
- In the train he sat opposite me with his rifle across his knees andhis<empty>steelteräs-helmetkypärädrowning his face.
- He was a mousy man: long thin strands of hair protruded erratically from underhishänensteelteräs-helmetkypäränsä.
- His black hair curled under the edge ofhishänenhelmetkypäränsäand fell to his eyes, and there was a gap between his teeth.
- The two men looked small and vulnerable intheir<empty>leathernahka-helmetskypärissään, harnesses and bulky coats.
- Able to see by lights fromtheir<empty>pithelle-helmetskypäristään, the trapped miners cut the pipe at their end of the blockage while their rescuers did the same, pumping through fresh air by fan.
- Chuck and Joseph were hunched on facing seats in the covered interior,theirheidänsunhelle-helmetskypäränsätouching the underside of the curved wooden roof.
- In other well-fed, well-clad workers were tapping trees while friendly, attentive Frenchmen insunhelle-helmetskypärissälooked indulgently over their shoulders.
- Air-raid wardens intintina-helmetskypärissäwatched the skies and silence descended on the empty streets.
- The mousy man had gone to sleep and a jolt from the train knockedhishänensteelteräs-helmetkypäränsäoff the rack onto his knees.
- It took only fifteen minutes before she was removingher<empty>bulbous blackkupolinmuotoista mustaaspaceavaruus-helmetkypäräänsäoutside the house on avenue Foch.
- Thecrestedvaakunoin koristeltuhelmetkypäräof the warriorsoturingleamed in dawn sun and he turned and rode down on Tallis.
- The plane bumped to a halt, the engine coughed and died, and two figures inleathernahkaisissaflyinglento-helmetskypärissäswung out of the open cockpit and came towards them arm in arm.
- The princess removesher<empty>whitevalkoisencrashsuoja-helmetkypäränto chat to a fellow team member.
- Protective gloves and asafetyturva-helmetkypärääare worn to minimize injury.
- We were wearing wetsuits,helmetskypäriäand lamps and carrying ex-army ammunition boxes that were watertight and into which had gone the cameras and flashguns we were going to use to photograph the mine.
- He put on thehelmetkypäränand climbed on the pillion.
- With his other hand he took thehelmetkypäränoff.
- Mitch took offhis<empty>helmetkypäränsä.
- He was not wearing acrashsuoja-helmetkypärää.
- The leader wore agoldenkultaistahelmetkypärää.
- The boy tipped backhis<empty>yellowkeltaistahelmetkypäräänsäand scratched his head.
- I played Knights with my brothers and sisters, wearing a suit of plastic armour and ahelmetkypärääwith a visorvisiirillistä.
- In the struggle with Richard Bennettthe officers'poliisienhelmetskypärätwere knocked off and stolen by people in a crowd that gathered to watch.
jewellery.n 🔎
- That's what you get for buyingyour<empty>jewellerykorusifrom a bubble gum machine.
- Withethnicetnistendiscodisko-jewellerykorujenfrom Afghanistan and PakistanAfganistanista ja Pakistanista tuotujen, Apache once again shows his determination to reflect the best of East and West.
- `I see you've taken to wearin' thatjewellerykoruain your ear, ``says Rory.
- The aim is to provide a taste of the disciplines and dilemmas of designingjewellerykorujain this unique metaltästä ainutlaatuisesta metallista.
- `No, ``Christine said with a jangle ofher<empty>jewellerykoruistaan.
- Bernice flapped a hand at him in dismissal, so casually thatherhänenjewellerykorunsahardly rattled.
- `I've heard of men buying their wivesjewellerykoruja, cars, houses even -- but a hotel, just because she happens to like it?
- Suddenly, she was hosting Wogan, drippingdiamantéstrassikoristeltujajewellerykoruja, wearing shiny tights, high heels and rustling short taffeta skirts.
- She glanced down at her magnificent dress and the richemeraldsmaragdi-jewellerykorujaglistening on her hands and throat, her mother's favourite gems.
- And get somejunkkrääsä-jewellerykorujaand scarves.
- Complicated interwoven crosses from Ethiopia vie with theelaborate dowrytaidokkaiden myötäjäis-jewellerykorujenof the Turkomans of Afghanistan while the simple bold brasswork of West Africa stands coolly against the dense beadwork of Burma.
- Make sure you tryjewellerykorujaon.
- Stolen in Oxford:antiqueantiikkisiajewellerykorujaworth up to £60,000; a 15th century painting valued at £15,000; and even two bronze busts from an Oxford College valued at £4,000.
- The second, also this weekend, resulted in thieves getting away with a further five thousand pound's worth ofsilverhopea-jewellerykoruja.
- Mrs Hatton and her mother were both in black, smart unseasonable black relieved with a great deal ofshowynäyttäviäcostumepuku-jewellerykoruja.
- They were drenched in cheap perfume, and draped with gaudy women's clothing andcostumepuku-jewellerykorujenmixed with talismans and ritual power objects.
- He smashed a hole in the shop window using a hammer and grabbed about £3,000-worth ofgoldkultaisiajewellerykorujabefore making off on foot.
- Exquisite 19th-century porcelain, popular Staffordshire earthenware andexclusivehienojagoldkultaisiajewellerykorujaby Picasso are among the display of treasures in the new gallery on the first floor of the Royal Museum of Scotland.
- A whole series of quite spectacular pieces of supposedlyDark Agekeskiaikaisiajewellerykorujaand belt fittings, including the well-known Lombard Treasure, appeared on the art market at the beginning of this century (fig. 8.4).
- Apart from antiques and collectables, a special feature will beladiesnaistenantiqueantiikki-jewellerykorut.
- `Since the beginning with `Holiday ``, she was wearing tight clothes with a lot ofjewellerykoruja, very interesting, says Gaultier.
- If you like to weargoldkultaisiajewellerykoruja, go for lighter, peachy pinks.
- She woregoodlaadukkaitajewellerykoruja, and her hair was freshly made up.
- Today Mabel still wearsjetgagaatti-jewellerykorujaearrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches.
- Shortly afterwards, some of thejewellerykoruistawas sold to a shop in Portsmouth.
- Impeccably groomed and known for her love of designer clothes andantiqueantiikki-jewellerykoruihin, she has designs on the University, raising its image in all areas.
locket.n 🔎
- She eats a pistachio nut, and fastensher<empty>locketmedaljonkinsa.
- She rarely wears them: she wearsher<empty>littlepientälocketmedaljonkiaan, superstitiously.
- Shirley Harper touched thelocketmedaljonkiaat her throatkaulallaan, for luck, a superstition she had had since childhood.
- I went to the pawnbroker and got back alittlepienengoldkultaisenlocketmedaljongin.
- Jane enquired about what was in it and Jocelyn obligingly opened thelocketmedaljonginthat contained a picture of her with her parents.
- She sighed, and adjusted her pearl drop earrings and theprettykaunistagoldkultaistalocketmedaljongiaat her throatkaulallaan.
- A white line of fury around his mouth, he lifted thegoldkultaistalocketmedaljongiaaround her neckkaulassaanand, opening it with his thumbnail, thrust it before her eyes.
- Resisting making myself bankrupt, he nearly said, by not buying agoldkultaisenlocketmedaljonginI coveted for you -- delicate -- beautiful -- too bloody expensive.
- Something even more expensive that thegoldkultainenlocketmedaljonki.
mantle.n 🔎
- The marchioness loosenedher<empty>mantleviittaansaof grey clothharmaasta kankaasta tehtyäand threw it over a chair.
- Another portrayed the Infant Jesus smiling, arms outstretched, in the manger at Bethlehem where Christ's mother stood in a dress of gold and amantleviitassaof deep sky bluesyvän taivaan sinisessä.
- Then, after eight months of this, she had, one day when her keepers had left her alone, a vision of Christ, in apurplepurppuranvärisessäsilksilkki-mantleviitassa.
- But as they seized her by themantleviitasta, she shook it from her shoulders, folded two of her children in her arms and floated away through a window, never more to be seen by her husband and the two children she had left behind.
- Isabel rose obediently, allowing her maid to drape avaguely familiar redhämärästi tutun punaisenmantleviitanover her own shouldershänen harteilleen.
- Theredpunainenwoollenvilla-mantleviittawith the hoodhupun kanssawill be the most suitable, I think.
- Ahomespun woollenkäsinkehrätty villa-mantleviittawas fastened across her shoulders, hiding her torn dress.
mask.n 🔎
- We splashed and laughed and played together for a long time, sharing their delight at looking underwater through adivingsukellus-masknaamarinfor the first time.
- Theresa's had to get agaskaasu-masknaamarifor little Jamespienelle Jamesillebut she can't imagine how she'd ever put it on the poor child.
- I knew initially I didn't want a man in a silver suit with amasknaamariover his headpäässään-- the sort of thing you see in fairgrounds.
- The Sheikha coveredher<empty>masknaamionsawith her veils.
- She offered the boy agrizzly bearharmaakarhu-masknaamiotawith fur fabric earsjossa oli pörröiset kangaskorvat.
- I've had him put in a strait-jacket and one of thoseleathernahka-masksnaamioistawith the little bars over the mouth holejoissa on pienet kalterit suuaukon edessä.
- We stopped in Thimi, a village obscurely famous for a type ofpapier machepaperimassa-masknaamioista.
- The door burst open and two men came in wearingstockingsukka-masksnaamioita.
- Soon after the ceremony he went to Glasgow, where he fell ill with what would seem to have been smallpox, and from vanity kept ataffetatafti-masknaamiotaover his facekasvoillaan.
- She had them put anoxygenhappi-maskmaskinover Matthew's faceMatthew'n kasvoilleimmediately.
- CLAIRE, as pale as the winter daybreak she will never see again, sits on her bed wheezing through theoxygenhappi-maskmaskinshe has worn for the past three months.
- Thenherhänenmasknaamionsaslips off and she jumps back.
medal.n 🔎
- GoldKulta-medalmitalitfor daffodils also went to Brian Duncan, J Walker and the Society's Narcissus and Tulip Group.
- The Council of the society rewarded him with themuch coveted Copleyhalutulla Copley-medalmitalitfor his work on airs and soda water.
- Gotmedalsmitaleitafor it.
- At 18, she is one of Britain's best prospects for anOlympicolympia-medalmitaliinin Barcelona this summer.
- The British team's bronze will add to Simon Terry'sthird placekolmannen paikanmedalmitaliinin the archery individual target shooting.
- Margaret Thatcher will be awarded America's highest civilian honour, theMedalmitaliof FreedomVapauden-, when she visits the country next month, announced the White House.
- North thought Reagan might qualify, like Teddy Roosevelt, for the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Iran-Iraq War, and that Secord was directly in line to get theMedalmitalinof FreedomVapauden-.
- In his own time he had been a maverick, and for being a maverick his grateful sovereign had pinned on his chest thegallantryurhoollisuus-medalmitalinof the Military Cross.
- `He's got a row of fortymedalsmitaliaon his chest
- Here and there sat groups of army officers in baggy trousers and boots, withenamelemaloitujamedalsmitaleitaon their chests.
- In 1848 he came second in theChancellor'sKanslerinmedalmitalicompetition with a poem `The Death of Baldur ``.
- THIS year'sFaradayFaraday-Medalmitali, given for notable or conspicuous achievement in the electrical sciences, has been awarded to Professor Alistair MacFarlane, principal and vice-chancellor of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
- GATESHEAD Harrier Jonathan Edwards, the NorthEast's leading male challenger for anOlympic track and fieldolympialaisten yleisurheilu-medalmitalinthis summer, opens his season in the North-Eastern Counties Championships at Middlesbrough this weekend.
- A couple of books, a little sponsorship money for a national charity and for arthritis research in Bristol, and afinisher'smaaliintulijanmedalmitalifrom the 1991 London Marathon.
- The desk clerk was a worried, grey-haired man with steel-rimmed glasses and amedalmitali.
- ROBIN Reid guaranteed himself at least abronzepronssi-medalmitalinwhen he reached the semi-finals in boxing's light-middleweight division.
- The German had intended to ride hisOlympicolympialaistengoldkulta-medalmitali-partner, Walzerkoenig, on Saturday night until a few hours earlier when it was discovered that the horse's off-foreleg was inexplicably swollen.
- Agoldkulta-medalmitaliwas awarded to James Mortimer for his pair of ebony candlesticks with left and right-hand twists (left).
- It is very easy to put the apostles on a sort of Olympic rostrum, and think that God will hang agoldkulta-medalmitalinround Paul's neckPaulin kaulaan, while we get some kind of lesser award.
- In the dangerous sport of bobsleighing, those of you with long enough memories will no doubt remember Great Britain snatching agoldkulta-medalmitalinat the nineteen sixty-four winter Olympics.
- Figure 43Olympicolympialaistensilverhopea-medalmitalidesigned in the Art Nouveau style for the London 1908 Olympiad by the Australian Bertram Mackennal (1863-1931).
- After 3 years of winningsilverhopea-giltkullattujamedalsmitaleita, they're hoping to go for gold this year.
- `There's nothing special about being a heavyweight or having anOlympicolympialaistengoldkulta-medalmitaliin the United States.
- Most men wore theblue and white campaignsinisiä ja valkoisia sota-medalmitaleitafrom Chad and Lebanon as well as the ubiquitous red and dark blue of the General Service medal.
- ``Why are you not wearing themedalmitaleitaI sent you as a keepsake?
- Elected FRS in 1900, he received honorary degrees from Aberdeen, St Andrews, and Edinburgh, and, jointly with Peach, theWollastonWollaston-medalmitalin(1921) from the Geological Society.
medallion.n 🔎
- RomanRoomalaisiamedallionsmedaljonkejawere made in small quantities and so the die would be likely to survive, while at Dalisandos no coinage was made in the intervening years.
- He unbuttoned his shirt and the sun gleamed on theastrologicalastrologisessamedallionmedaljongissaaround his neckhänen kaulassaan.
- I'm going to wear the brown velvet trousers and themedallionmedaljongin.
- In addition, the Emperor wears anenchantedlumottuamedallionmedaljonkia, the Silver Seal, upon a chain around his neck.
- Romanov held up thegoldkulta-medallionmedaljonkia.
- ``Where did you get this? she asked one evening, liftingJennifer'sJenniferinsilverhopea-medallionmedaljonkiato take a closer look.
- But Simon caused no scene, did nothing but shake his hand warmly and smile prettily, one hand toying nervously with thegoldkulta-medallionmedaljonginwhich swung ostentatiously around his neck.
- As his manicured fingers played with thegoldkulta-medallionmedaljongillaaround his neckhänen kaulassaan, he looked very, very effeminate.
- She wore a black sacklike dress, alargesuurisilverhopea-medallionmedaljonkion a chainketjussa, black nylon stockings and flat-heeled shoes.
- Anovalsoikeasilverhopea-medallionmedaljonkiand chain slid into her hand, and she studied it, frowning.
- Her hand lifted and touched themedallionmedaljonkiaat her breasthänen rinnallaan, as if warding off an evil spirit.
- Commemorativemuisto-bronzePronssisetmedallionsmedaljongitwere presented to the InterSpray crew -- 13 who completed the whole round trip and four `one-leggers ``.
mitre.n 🔎
- On the way to the tomb there are some mementoes of the great man, a crucifix staff and amitremitra.
- The Palace owns the matchingmitremitranand the two garments are reunited for the first time since the 1930s.
- If they had held it, as they should, over the Patriarch's head, it might have kept the dew from settling onhishänenmitremitralleen.
- Stretched out on a stone slab, under a crusted canopy, lay -- to judge by themitrehiipan perusteellaand colourful vestments and the pairs of angels at feet and head -- a bishop.
- Proudly wearing thebishop'spiispan-mitrehiippaaand gorgeous robes his mother had made for him, he conducted Sunday evening services in the family sitting-room, rearranged as a church for the occasion.
- He's elected by the community but this a special blessing before he really takes over and wearshis<empty>mitrehiippaaand crozier.
necklace.n 🔎
- When she and her husband have the chance to attend a ball, a rather grand function, she borrows anexquisitehienostunuttanecklacekaulakoruafrom an acquaintance.
- She drew theantlerhirvensarvi-necklacekaulakorunfrom her neck, unslung three fragments of tine.
- If their complexion was their most celebrated feature, then perhaps alongpitkänecklacekaulakoruof perfect pearlstäydellisistä helmistä tehty.
- There were vases of schist and porphyry and alabaster, hand mirrors of polished brass, paste jars shaped like flowers and hairpins shaped like hands,necklaceskaulakorujaof turquoise, garnet and lapis lazuliturkoosista, granaatista ja lapis lazulista.
- Things abruptly changed with the solemn arrival of about a dozen ceremonially dressed adults, led by a tall, bony Tominah jangling withnecklaceskaulakorunof crocodile teethkrokotiilin hampaista tehdyn.
- Someone else pulledherhänennecklacekaulakoruaan, and imitation pearls spread underfoot.
- Melissa set down her empty cup and began fiddling withher<empty>necklacekaulakorullaan.
- Abeautifulkaunisdiamondtimantti-necklacekaulakoruwhich recently fetched £11,000 at Bonhams would be twice the price in an ordinary jewellers.
- Some of these also fetched a large sum, theemeraldsmaragdi-necklacekaulakorumaking £396,000 and the tiara £275,000.
- Theleathernahka-necklacekaulakoru-trend shows no signs of ending.
- She stood, slipping thenecklacekaulakorunover her headpäänsä yli.
- Ajewelledjalokivin koristeltunecklacekaulakoruround his throathänen kaulansa ympärilläglittered in the sun as did the pearl earrings which hung from fleshy lobes on chains of pure silver.
- Even in the thin winter lightherhänenamethystametisti-necklacekaulakorunsain its fine golden settinghienossa kultaisessa kehyksessäänsparkled prettily.
- I can seeherhänenlittlepienengoldkultaisennecklacekaulakorunsatwinkling like a star round her neck.
- AGOLDKULTAINENropeköysi-necklacekaulakoru, valued at £50, was stolen from a house in Wooteys Way, Alton on Saturday night.
- While all around him, men wore their hair at shoulder length and sportedgoldkultaisiachainketju-necklaceskaulakorujaan, frilled pink shirts, flared-leg hipster trousers, and coloured boots with platform soles, Adam had remained carefully traditional.
- It was a black cleavage-revealing affair topped by asparklingsäihkyvägoldkultainennecklacekaulakoru, and with her hair swept up into a sophisticated style the older woman made Lucy feel like a country cousin.
- `I could sellmy<empty>pearlhelmi-necklacekaulakoruni.
- All were made of plaster-of-paris and dressed in bits of silk andpearlhelmi-necklaceskaulakoruihin.
- Inside the small wooden case is agold-chainkultaketju-necklacekaulakoruof large teethsuurista hampaista tehty.
- Ten pounds for it, it's aonnicekauniscrystalkristalli-necklacekaulakoru.
- `Lots of semi-precious stones, coral, turquoise, garnet -- here's aongarnetgranaatti-necklacekaulakoru.
- No work is done in the fields today and Kalchu is sitting in the sun, making anecklacekaulakoruaof marigoldssamettikukistaby sinking a needle into the yellow hearts and sliding them together along coarse black thread.
- All the bridesmaids carried posies of spring flowers, and woreantiqueantiikkisiapearl and goldhelmi- ja kulta-necklaceskaulakorujaand bracelets.
- As I found out later, ametalmetalli-necklacekaulakoruhe was wearing had taken the full brunt of the lightning flash.
- With a 75 pence pricetag thesebrightly colouredkirkkaanvärisetnecklaceskaulakorutare the sort of gift one might give a child.
- His rings andnecklaceskaulakoruissaanof twisted gold and silver wirekierretyistä kulta- ja hopealangoista tehdyissähave a distinctly modern look.
- The dark pink of thecoralkoralli-necklacekaulakorunhad trapped a tendril before curving downwards to the small swell of her breasts.
nightcap.n 🔎
- On his head he wore awhitevalkoistanightcapyömyssyä… `
- One had a kind ofbunched whiterypytetty valkoinennightcapyömyssy,in white dimity edged with lacekestävästä puuvillasta tehty, pitsillä reunustettu.
- Propped up in bed to ease her breathing,her<empty>nightcapyömyssypulled down over her ears, Aunt Sarah seemed to have shrunk inside the shawls which had been heaped upon her against the chill of the room.
- She needed several things she had not been able to bring away from the Holborn house; chemises, petticoats, nightgowns, drawers, afrilledröyhelöisennightcapyömyssynthat had taken her fancy, stockings, handkerchiefs.
- A long-nosed Punchinello puppet popped his head up on the stand, clad in a red costume andnightcapyömyssyynwith a bell on the end.
panama.n 🔎
- She exposed only a slight profile underher<empty>schoolkoulu-panamapanamahattunsa.
- Looking at the upturned brim ofFlora'sFloranpanamapanamahatunshe decided not to ask.
- Her contact turned out to be a small, fussily-dressed man in alargesuuressapanamapanamahatussa.
- He raisedhis<empty>panamapanamahattuaan, all correctness and courtesy.
- He had a jaunty air,hishänenpanamapanamahattunsaat its usual rakish angle and his cane swinging.
- I wore awonderfulihanaapanamapanamahattuaoutside, but I didn't wear anything in hospital.
pendant.n 🔎
- From the top of the quiver and bowcase hang two elaborately decorated panels beaded in the style of the Crow, withpendantsriipustenof fur and red clothturkista ja punaisesta kankaasta tehtyjen.
- Inside the pale blue silk package was a white seashell in which nestled ahugevaltava,square-cutneliönmallinenaquamarineakvamariini-pendantriipuson an almost-invisible gold chain.
- The jewellery, consisting of a small aquamarine andpearlhelmi-pendantriipuksestaon a gold chain, and a gold bracelet with a turquoise clasp, was obviously real.
- Yes, there was something in there and I bet myself itwould beolisiJo'sJonemeraldsmaragdi-pendantriipus.
- A16th Century1500-luvungoldkulta-pendantriipusfound by a Merseyside metal detecting enthusiast is not Treasure Trove, an inquest jury has decided.
- She fondled thejetgagaatti-pendantriipusta.
- LargeSuurishellnäkinkenkä-pendantriipus, £7.99, Pink Soda.
- Abeautifulkaunissilverhopea-pendantriipus.
- She touched thependantriipustawith curious fingers, hoping she could keep the conversation impersonal.
- Thependantriipusround my neckkaulallanionly complicated things.
- Inspired by the work of Burne-Jones, he created magnificent lockets,pendantsriipuksiaand brooches, enamelled in bright colours and set with gems.
- The chain had twoboxing glovenyrkkeilyhansikas-pendantsriipustaand was valued at £65.
- Barbara was shaking her head now, thejadejade-pendantriipusdancing around her neck.
- Personal ornaments, including ear-plugs, necklaces andpendantsriipuksiaof jadeitejadeiitti-, were also represented among the offerings at La Venta.
- Asilverhopea-pendantriipusby Henry Wilson is shown on the previous page.
regalia.n 🔎
- Tammuz managed to catch Roirbak just as he was making the finishing touches tohis<empty>eveningilta-regaliavaatteisiinsa: black, matt silk suit with thread-wide yellow pinstripe, understated gold adornments, I-Ching earrings.
- The faces grinning from the tattypunkpunk-regaliavaatteistalooked so depraved and hollow-eyed that I could not bear to think of my American blues friends calling them `sir ``.
- `I expect she would laugh her socks off if she found you here inroyalkuninkaallisissaregaliavaatteissa!
- He did so wearing his coralregaliavaatteitaan.
- The wealth of diamonds incorporated inherhänenregaliavaatteisiinsareflected the fact that Catherine presided over a realm that for a short period was the world's leading producer.
- The New Musical Express, stumbling after the new wave, advertised bells and fullhippyhippi-regaliavaatteita, from the people who had brought Beatle jackets to the young.
- He realised how much he longed to wear that splendidsoberhillittyäregaliaasuaand take up a whip to drive a team of four horses.
- She dressed them up in fullnineteenth century bourgeois feminine1800-luvun porvarillisiin naistenregaliavaatteisiinand had them flower arranging or idling by the mantelpiece as in `Angela ``.
ribbon.n 🔎
- By combining a variety ofribbonsnauhojaof different colours and widthserivärisiä ja -levyisiä, you can create spectacular 3-D designs (see far right).
- Down theribbonsiltaaof moonlightkuun-, over the brow of the hill, the highwayman came riding, riding, riding, the highwayman came riding.
- `Doesn't matter but he must be nice, ``Sarah pulled thoughtfully ather<empty>pinkvaaleanpunaistahairhius-ribbonnauhaa.
- The girl handed her charge to Nanny, who immediately straightened the child's dress and re-tiedherhänenhairhius-ribbonnauhansa.
- The eyes were bright blue and heavily mascaraed in navy and the woman wore apinkvaaleanpunainenribbonnauhain loosely permed hair that was coloured almost to a shade of orange.
- The vendor worecampaign medalsotamitali-ribbonsnauhojaand a black patch over one eye, and there was a card pinned to the tray which said, `Wounded on the Somme ``.
- Swiftly, she pulled the hat box from under the bed, and lifted out her straw hat with theredjossa oli punaisiasatinsatiini-ribbonsnauhoja.
- She was fiddling absently with theribbonsnauhojaat her bosompovellaan olevia.
- So that was how I came to have a new dress and boots and arealoikeanribbonnauhanfor my hairhiuksiiniinstead of the usual string.
- She had taken off theribbonnauhanthat kept back her hair and it hung about her shoulders, much longer than Seb had realised.
- Aredpunainenribbonnauhasat uneasily in her short dark hair and Charlie noticed that her little black shoes and white socks were as spotless as ever.
- A quick bath and a change into one of Elinor's cotton caftans, abluesininenribbonnauhato tie up my hair and a dab of powder on my freckles rendered me presentable enough to be fed.
- His long black hair was tied into its ponytail with avelvetsametti-ribbonnauhalla, his skin was parchment pale, and his eyes dark.
- She had large, soft eyes and her hair was tied back with aredpunaisellaribbonnauhalla.
- Typically Greek, she had long dark hair swept back and tied with aribbonnauhalla.
ring.n 🔎
- Topaz stared at theringsormustawith the huge ruby surrounded by diamondsjossa oli valtava rubiini timanttien keskellä, her eyes like saucers.
- Ringssormuksiawith stonesKivellisiämay not be worn.
- Slipping offher<empty>ringsormuksensa, she put it on the bedside cabinet with an inward sigh.
- `I remembermy<empty>diamondtimantti-ringsormukseniscratching the table as he pressed against me, ``the woman said.
- Thérèse lay over Rose's shoulder, chewing onher<empty>ivorynorsunluu-ringsormustaan.
- LIFE magazine followed up on an odd ad in a North Dakota newspaper from a woman offering to swapher<empty>engagementkihla-ringsormuksensa, wedding dress and veil for a Harley-Davidson motorbike.
- She twistedher<empty>diamondtimanttistasolitaireyksi-engagementkihla-ringsormustaanas she replied.
- He placed anengagementkihla-ringsormuksenon a piece of coral beneath the sea and waited for Vicky to find it when they were out snorkelling.
- A few examples have been found made from silver, which was a metal commonly used forfinger<empty>ringssormuksissain the 1st century AD.
- One woman, Mrs Namiki from Japan, paid $105,000 for agoldkultaisestaringsormuksesta.
- He wore a lime green tracksuit,goldkultainensovereignhallitsija-ringsormusand one of the fingers on his right hand was badly bruised.
- James flicked his hair off his forehead, andhishänensignetsinetti-ringsormuksensaglowed orange in the firelight.
- As he fiddled withhis<empty>signetsinetti-ringsormuksensa, he noticed his fingers were trembling again, more noticeably over the last few days than ever before.
- She never used make-up or jewellery, apart fromherhänengoldkultaistaweddingvihki-ringsormustaan.
- She was fiddling self-consciously withher<empty>weddingvihki-ringsormuksensa, twisting it around below her knuckle.
- He wore agoldkultainenringsormus, engraved with the letter R -- his Christmas present from Johanna.
- Because their fingers were laced together and she was still wearingMax'sMaxinweddingvihki-ringsormus, this was somewhat painful, but she knew that there could be no pleasure without pain.
- `She's wearing aweddingvihki-ringsormus.
- If it had not been for his clothes and theringssormuksiaon his fingershänen sormissaanI would have scarcely recognised him.
- She tore off theringsormuksenwith nimble fingers.
- When he put theringsormuksenon my fingersormeeni, I knew it was peacetime.
- The doctor spread his hands and theringssormukseton his fingershänen sormissaansparkled.
sash.n 🔎
- The Assassin was stowing her Jokaero weapons away insideherhänensasholkanauhansa.
- They unwoundhishänensasholkanauhansaand stripped away his sodden garments.
- HisHänenbluesininensasholkanauhansamarked him as a Hearthware, and his face was red with heat and wine.
- Bragad's men intheir<empty>redpunaisissasashesolkanauhoissaanset hands on sword hilts.
- Then she pulled offher<empty>maroon-silkpunaruskean silkki-dressing gownaamutakkinsasashvyönauhanand swiftly tied his right arm to the headboard.
- `Have you got theyellowkeltainenreflectorheijastin-sashnauha?
- Next come the icons, and then the bridegroom, with aredpunainensasholkanauhaon his chest.
- THE ACTORS march on to the stage of the New Victoria in Newcastle-under-Lyme as an Italian town band, with Chorus in aredpunaisessahat andsasholkanauhassabeating the bass drum.
- Finally she undid thesashvyönauhanand let the robe fall altogether.
- The spirit appears first as a raven or a crow, then as a beautiful maid in a green dress andplaidruudullisessasasholkanauhassa.
- Dad, Jack and Charlie just wore a black armband each with their Sunday suits, and I was dressed in a white lace dress with awide blackleveä mustasashvyönauhaof silk ribbonsilkkinauhasta.
- I put my hair up, belt my waist with aredpunaisellasuedemokka-sashnauhallafrom Los Angeles and pencil my lips a deep red.
- Around their waistswereoliblack and whitemustia ja valkoisiasashesvyönauhoja, and swords were naked in their hands.
- Chief Joseph, wearing an embroidered cotton shirt andbeadedhelmikoristeinensashvyönauha.
- Each wore abluesininensashvyönauhaat hip level, a matching bonnet, silk stockings and black shoes with a buckle.
- A back opening fastens with buttons and awideleveäsashvyönauhaties at the waist.
- Then he grabbed Orcadai by his top knot and by thesashvyönauhastaat his waisttämän vyötäröllä, dragged him to the rail, and threw him over.
- The Madonna with a heavenly look, a light veil over her fair hair,bluesininensashvyönauhaabout her girlish waist, hands clasped in ecstasy and a rosary dangling from one arm.
- Only thefadedhaalistuneetsashesvyönauhatthey wore, and the weapons they carried, marked them as anything but ordinary folk fleeing the marauders.
shako.n 🔎
- The sun, brilliant after the early fog, glinted on gold braid andpolishedkiillottishakosshakot.
- The men wore dark blue uniform coats and hadblackmustatshakosshako-päähineetwith silver rimshopeareunuksiset.
- The French Dragoons had taken up positions in the southern houses, while the Prussian infantry in their dark blue coats andblackmustissashakosshakoissaanlined the barricade.
- The officer had a red plume onhis<empty>bluesinisessäshakoshako-päähinessäänand a tall red collar on his unbuttoned blue coat.
skullcap.n 🔎
- A young man wearing ayarmulkakalotti-skullcappäähinettäand sitting astride a roaring tractor wiped his brow with his arm when I asked for the location of Um Al-Farajh.
- Sitting at his huge desk, surrounded by his books, Seth wore a Chinese robe, embroidered with dragon gods, and ablackmustaaskullcappatalakkia.
- For the first time I noticed the brothers' yarmulkes in the somewhat subdued light of the boardroom,plain blackyksinkertaiset mustatskullcapspäähineetblending in with the pale glow of the room.
- The wiry psychologist shook his head, almost dislodginghis<empty>embroideredkirjaillunskullcappatalakkinsain the process.
- She really doesn't care which cowboys are wearing thewhitevalkoisiaskullcapslakkejain this particular showdown.
snood.n 🔎
- Asnoodhiuspussiis like a hairband with a net attached to it.
- She looked magnificent, her athletic figure showing to its best in the tightly fitting black jacket and her red hair confined in avelvetsametti-snoodhiuspussiinbeneath her hard hat.
- As he spoke a dark pool of blood began to gather under the luxuriant mane of Harriet's auburn hair which had escaped from theloosenedlöystyneestäsnoodhiuspussistaand spread slowly over the ground.
- Norman had returned to his kitchenette, leaving his camel snoring peacefully in the eaves of his lock-up garage, its head in aFair IsleFair Islensnoodhiuspussissa.
sombrero.n 🔎
- As I sat there and sipped my Valdepeñas I observed the ladies in their flounced festival attire, plying elegant fans, escorted by dignified caballeros wearingblackmustiasombrerossombreroita.
- The stereotype of the Mexican peasant, dwarfed byhis<empty>sombrerosombreronsaand sitting by a cactus should, perhaps, be more realistically presented as listening to his radio set.
- A monkey in a fringed vest, aplumedsulkakoristeinensombrerosombrerotied to its head, shot into my legs, pulled at my trench coat and showed off his teeth.
- One was wearing aMexicanmeksikolainensombrerosombreroand swigging a bottle of beer.
- The protesters, mostly farmers instrawolki-sombrerossombreroissa, raised banners of the leftist Democratic Revolution Party, traditionally the biggest opponent of 65 years of uninterrupted rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI.
- The peasants applauded the arrival of the guerrilla commander known as Tacho and seven fellow rebel negotiators, who sported black ski masks andceremonial Indianjuhlavissa intialaisissasombrerossombreroissawith red and yellow ribbonspunaisin ja keltaisin nauhoin koristelluissa.
spectacles.n 🔎
- He was a shy and clever Scot, who was twirling hishalf-moonpuolikuun muotoisiaspectaclessilmälasejaanin one hand while asking the librarian for a copy of a particular newspaper.
- `I'm not really sure, ``she said good-humouredly, removing thegreatsuuretmoonkuunmuotoisetspectaclessilmälasinsaand peering down at him.
- He was toying with the idea ofbifocalkaksitehoisistaspectaclessilmälaseistaon the eve of his appointment as Ambassador to France, and the future held a key role for him in the drafting of the American Constitution.
- Taczek proddedhis<empty>spectaclessilmälasejaanwith irritation.
- It also wore a youthful face, the greater part of which lurked behind thethicktukevienpebbledpaksujenspectaclessilmälasienof the seriously myopic.
- My nose never smelt such noisome smells, and my eyes never beheld suchghastlykammottaviaspectaclessilmälasia``.
- The British Ambassador, Anthony Parsons, a man whoseheavyjykevätspectaclessilmälasitgave him an amiable academic appearance, was an Arabist who had been in Iran since 1974.
- A chemist's shop in Marylebone High Street yielded a pair ofplain-glassilman vahvuuksiaspectaclessilmälasejawith heavy horn rims and a men's outfitters a tweed hat and Burberry.
- `Like your tie, by the way! ``she commented as she adjustedher<empty>horn-rimmedsarvisankaisiaspectaclessilmälasejaanon the bridge of her nose.
- Two of them are wearingspectaclessilmälaseja, and one a hearing-aid.
- She was small and dark, withrimlesskehyksettömienspectaclessilmälasien, and became matronly in middle age.
- `That's right, thehorn-rimmedsarvisankaisiaspectaclessilmälasejawere adapted to make his ears project.
- The Frenchman smiled suavely; the Algerian, a small dark man inheavyjykevissähorn-rimmedsarvisankaisissaspectaclessilmälaseissa, did not smile.
- She peered over herspectaclessilmälasiensa.
- David put onhis<empty>spectaclessilmälasinsaand towelled his head.
- When I asked him for his reaction, he sat hunched behind a table in his little palace, his head hanging down,hishänenhalf-moonpuolikuun muotoisetspectaclessilmälasinsaon the end of his nose.
- This short, slight, bearded little fellow withhis<empty>thicktukevienspectaclessilmälasiensa, boxer's nose and mane of grey hair was the most fun, was the gamest strutting little cockerel that I ever met. ”
- `It's a special assignment, ``Richie Lowell confided,his<empty>spectaclessilmälasitback on his nose, his mind back on business, `and it's straight from above.
- Alaia tops, Paul Smith suits,extravagantylellisetspectaclessilmälasit: the designers are an instantly recognisable breed.
- Goggles: Available either assafetyturva-spectacleslaseinaor fully enclosing goggles they are for use where there is the risk of high speed particle shed or fumes that may be injurious to the eyes.
sporran.n 🔎
- In Perth souvenir shops, Gumpets are elbowing their way on to the shelves alongside the stock-in-trade plywood boomer angs, mallee-root ornamental clocks andkangaroo-skinkengurunnahkaistensporranskukkaroiden.
- He pulled a handful of gold and silver chains fromhis<empty>sporrankukkarostaan, tossing them beside her where she crouched.
- She gave him a rather languid finger wave and just as she disappeared under the wing float, he then realised she was only wearing ablackmustasporrankukkaro.
tiara.n 🔎
- Her jewels, since this was a Court ball, consisted of the Crown diamonds, including the famoustiaratiaran.
- The Empress wore an evening dress, usually of rich material, atiaratiaraof diamondstimantti-and a collier of pearls.
- Obediently, Martha studied the image of a glassy-eyed young white woman in a long white dress andtiaratiarassa.
- Discussion lasted from 12 to 17 November, apart from 13 November when the pope made a ceremonial offering ofhis<empty>tiaratiaraansafor the benefit of the poor.
- He noticed that Angela's head kept turning whenever she saw atiaratiara.
- Popes were not always above pawningtheir<empty>tiarastiaroidensa.
- She was to have worn adiamondtimantti-tiaratiaraa.
- `Am I supposed to wear atiaratiaraato this kindergarten kid's place tonight, or what?
- Thepointedteräväkärkinentiaratiaraflashed as she moved.
top-hat.n 🔎
- `I canna see it in this light ya fule, ``thetop-hatsilinterihattuswayed angrily as its owner knocked the hand away.
- There was a chill wind on the Hill of the Dead, but Biff took offhis<empty>top-hatsilinterihattunsaand mopped his forehead with a red spotted handkerchief.
- All I can say is that a bloke in atop-hatsilinterihatussaspoke to me.
- In ``Dance of Death, he paints a skeleton-like figure, dancing amid beachfront trees and mountains, draped in what looks likea pilgrim'spyhiinvaeltajanblackmustaltatop-hatsilinterihatulta.
toupee.n 🔎
- As he hesitated the door opened and Gilbert Forbes came out in a rush, his make-up smudged on one side of his face,his<empty>toupeehiuslisäkkeensänot quite straight.
- POLICE were baffled yesterday over the murder of a man wearing atoupeehiuslisäkettä.
- Thenhishänentoupeehiuslisäkkeensästarted to slip.
- Ralph looked at his reflection in the mirror at the back of the bar and gently pattedhis<empty>toupeehiuslisäkettään.
trilby.n 🔎
- I lean in the shade against the cool church wall and listen to the Quechua of the mayor, a small man inbrownruskeassatrilbyhuopahatussa, patterned jersey and jacket, deliver his weekly oration about island matters.
- The boat fills up with sacks of produce; with islanders wearingfadedhaalistuneitatrilbieshuopahattujaover their woollen skull-caps; with mothers and babies.
- Mr Gillis had stuck a plastic hook near the top of this door on the inside and it was here that he chose to hanghis<empty>whitevalkoisentrilbyhuopahattunsa.
- James Winterbourne, actor, had discarded hisredpunaisenfelthuopa-trilbyhattunsaand had shaved off the stubble and was drifting around being welcoming in his role as a member of the Jockey Club.
- The man from the newspaper wore a blacktrilbyhuopa-hat and a long black overcoat.
- `I don't mean that one, ``said Constance, since that onewas rather aoli melkoisenfoolish-lookingnaurettavannäköinentrilbyhuopahattu.
- He had on aleathernahka-trilbyhattuand a single breasted leather coat with a tie belt.
- Black hair curled from under thetrilbyhatunand hung over his coat collar.
trinket.n 🔎
- A glass cabinet sat on the counter, crammed withdustypölyisiätrinketsrihkamakoruja, leatherwork and tins of sardines.
- There were little compartments meant fortrinketsrihkamakoruilleand jewels, crystal jars with enamelled lids for potions and powders and the prettiest gold and enamel hairbrush and comb.
- Claudel is bringing yourlittlepienentrinkethelysiback for some adjustments.
- Nearby other shops had set up trestles loaded with silk saris and embroidered salwars, high-heeled shoes and embroidered mosque hats,trinketsrihkamakorujaand bracelets, jewellery and decorations.
- Benjamin stared at my cloak full of thelittlepieniätrinketshelyjäand valuable possessions I had collected.
- He fluffs my pillow and adorns me withtrinketskoruilla; earrings and a flowery jar of perfume called `Fire Maiden ``.
- Among the objects discovered were coats made of jaguar and cheetah skin, sea turtle shells,ivorynorsunluu-trinketskorujaand stuffed rare birds.
turban.n 🔎
- `You know the young man on the platform in theredpunaisessaturbanturbaanissaand the blue jacket?
- He never worehis<empty>turbanturbaaniaanat home, which always gave Hoomey a jolt of surprise, seeing the knee-length black hair coiled on top of his head, skewered in place with a comb.
- Biddy's gimlet eyes screwed into Nutty and travelled reflectively to the scowling Nails, nervous little Hoomey and Jazz inhis<empty>rain-soggysateen kastelemassaturbanturbaanissa, all lined up against the wall.
- HisHänenturbanturbaaninsa, flaming with colour, shows plainly how great the blunder has been.
- There he pulled offhis<empty>whitevalkoisenturbanturbaaninsaand let his long black hair coil over his shoulder and drop down on to the ground.
- A Baluchistan gardener was working there,hishänenvoluminousmuhkeaturbanturbaaninsaperched like a cushion on top of his head, his baggy cotton `jodhpurs ``tan with dust.
- Withhishänentankellanruskeanturbanturbaaninsaand billowing black trousers he wore an Argyle sweater and a blue double-breasted pin-striped jacket that looked as if it had once been worn by a London stockbroker.
- He was a squat, muscular figure in baggy cotton shirt and trousers with aturbanturbaanin, a check scarf and a mud-coloured woollen blanket, called a pattu, around his shoulders.
- The older boy, who took charge of the boat, was a handsome fellow with a lovelyturbanturbaaninof purple and white cottonpurppuranvärisestä ja valkoisesta puuvillasta tehdynand remarkably soft hands.
- Acrimsonkarmiininpunainenturbanturbaaniwas wrapped round his head, the upper part of his body was bare except for gold bands round his arms and wrists.
veil.n 🔎
- She unpinned herveilhuntunsa, and Anne saw she had different-coloured eyes, one blue, one hazel.
- Um Hamed came through the court, covered inher<empty>blackmustiinveilshuntuihinsawhich brushed against climbing bougainvillaea blossoms, sending down showers of petals.
- They moved slowly,theirheidänblackmustatveilshuntunsafloating around them.
- I will removemy<empty>veilsverhonione by one, as I demolish, in turn, the proponents of these cardinal precepts of what today passes for Socialism in the People's Party.
- The tiara had not glittered inNicandra'sNicandranweddinghää-veilhunnussa.
- Her imagination ran riot, peopling the place with great caliphs, beautiful ladies ingossamerhenkäyksenkevyissäveilshunnuissaand fierce soldiers to guard the purple-red ramparts.
- Her thin leather elbow-length gloves had been dyed to match the dress, and she had intended to wear her most devastating hat, with ablackmustanlacepitsi-veilhunnun.
- The film buff was a slim young man, with long hands and feet and fair hair in athinohuenaveilverhonato his shoulders.
- She put on a red petticoat first, then a black dress, and awhitevalkoisenveilhunnunover the dress.
- But there was so much blood -- blood on her red petticoat, blood on her black dress andherhänenwhitevalkoisellaveilhunnullaan, blood on the executioner's shoes, blood all over the floor.
- Mrs Marcos, dressed in ablackmustaannativealkuasukkaidendress andveilhuntuun, mounted the reviewing stand with her daughters to kiss the closed coffin.
- Itis aonbigsuuribridalmorsius-veilhuntu, but my picture was taken from a long way off.
- Faint blossom was on some trees likewispyharsomainenbridalmorsius-veilshuntu.
- The woman liftedher<empty>veilhuntuaanand came forward.
- He turned her to face him, liftedhernaisenlacepitsi-veilhuntua, and the symbolic act sent a convulsive shudder of desire through her as a thought shot like fire into her mind.
- She had pulledher<empty>veilhuntunsaright over her face so that they could not even see her eyes.
- She took up thebeautifulkauniinveilhunnunyou bought me, put it on her own head, then turned to admire herself in the mirror.
- Slowly I took offmy<empty>wedding dress andveilhuntuni.
- He took offherhänenwhitevalkoisenveilhuntunsa, and then he took off her black dress, and put it on the floor.
- Something old IF YOU would like to wear aVictorianviktoriaanistaveilhuntuaat your wedding, the Royal School of Needlework has 12 for hire.
- She liked to dazzle Montparnasse with her originality; sometimes she worelong flowingpitkiä laskeutuviaveilshuntuja, usually she appeared in the smocked Liberty dresses that suited her pert little-girl look.
- `Brides always wear white andveilshuntuja.
- Her hat had awhitevalkoinengauzyseitinohutveilhuntuthat protected her face, and Patsy thought she looked grand.
- White Italian satin dress with full train and pearl beaded lace neckline by Demetrios for Ilissa (style 2253, around £1,000),beadedhelmikoristeinenveilhuntuby Silk (around £20)
- There was a train which repeated the motive of roses and hearts, and ashortlyhytsilksilkki-veilhuntuflowing, from a circlet of silk roses and pearls, to her shoulders.
- A hand holding a scrap of hanky pressed onherhänenveilhuntuaanwhere her mouth was.
- She wore her new heather-coloured cardigan; abluesininenveilhuntu(heather and scabious was her idea) preserved her hair, carefully waved for the night.
- Thefull lengthtäysimittaistaveilhuntuawas held in place with a band of pearls and crystals.
watch.n 🔎
- Their secretary, Mrs. Fryer, was presented with `a spontaneous gift of agoldkulta-watchkellollafor her three years as secretary ``.
- He opened his eyes, his consciousness hazed and slowed by the kif he had smoked, and focused with difficulty on thewatchkelloonon the bedside table.
- No sound except the tick from thewatchkellostaon Suzy's wristSuzyn ranteessa olevasta.
- He sipped his gin and tonic, and my eyes flitted tohishänengoldkulta-watchkelloonsaand his gold bracelet.
- She stared ather<empty>watchkelloaan.
- Have you gotyour<empty>stopsekunti-watchkellosion?
- There was a receipt for £66 for drop earrings and insurance certificates for a Pounds 600RolexRolex-watchkellolleand an £800 eternity ring.
- He said you couldn't get a good quartz watch with a second hand, and he refused to consider adigitaldigitaalistawatchkelloabecause he said they were ugly.
- Vice-chairman Violet Durkan presented him with aninscribedkaiverretungoldkulta-watchkellonon behalf of the members.
- Articles for which Zurich is famous are antiques and objets d'art (Neumarkt area) and of courseSwisssveitsiläisetwatchesrannekellot.
- The obvious thingwas theoligoldkulta-watchkello, wrapped up at the bottom in a bit of cloth.
- By the last vestiges of twilight he consultedhis<empty>waterloggedvettyneestäwatchrannekellostaan.
- Nona had awatchrannekellowith a pretty red facejossa oli nätti punainen kellotaulu, but she was sitting with her hands in her lap with the watch hidden.
- He took out of his waistcoat pocket alargesuurenwatchrannekellonwhich he had bought years before from a cheap-Jack at a fair.
- I took offmy<empty>watchrannekelloniand placed it in front of me.
- He wore agoldkulta-watchrannekelloon his wrist; fine, gold hairs curled over the white, nylon strap.
- Thewatchrannekellohad stopped at three o'clock.
- Little Benwas an aged, ugly, andoli iäkäs, ruma jaapparently indestructibleilmeisesti särkymätönpockettasku-watchkellothat had cost my paternal grandfather five shillings when he was a Benedict's houseman.
wig.n 🔎
- Hair was the big news, with full skirts made of artificial hair and wondrousJacobeanJaakko I:n aikaisistawigsperuukeistain auburnkullanruskeista.
- And she marched out of the kitchen,herhänentallkorkeawigperuukkinsaswaying slightly with the brisk jerky movement.
- In desperation he tugged ofhis<empty>wigperuukkinsaand looked pleadingly at them.
- The man slipped off the couch, wriggled his feet into his enormous high-heeled shoes and tuggedhis<empty>wigperuukkinsaon.
- Now those clothes are as much a trademark aswereolivatAndy Warhol'sAndy Warholinill-fitting silverhuonosti sopivat hopea-wigsperuukit.
- Early in the evening, Jean Baptiste pulls offhis<empty>wigperuukkinsaof flowing white lockslaskeutuvista valkoisista kiehkuroista tehdynto disclose an identical head of hair beneath.
- He sported awigperuukkiacomposed from shredded J-Clothsrevityistä räteistä muodostuvaa, a present from his wife.
- `You see, Marco, they found the cape and theblondevaaleanwigperuukin.
- There are three men inwigsperuukeissa.
- `Five over here, ``said a big fat man in ashamelesstörkeässäwigperuukissa.
- He could at least spend the money on it that he would have used in buying a ticket to see Dinah, inpowderedpuuteroidussawigperuukissaand paduasoy, as Lady Teazle, once again.
- His eyes were clear buthishänenwhitevalkoinenwigperuukkinsawas askew.
- The judge wears awigperuukkia.
- She was an old woman, she wore aredpunaistawigperuukkia, and she had black teeth.
- HisHänenwigperuukkinsawas now at a slight angle.
yarmulkah.n 🔎
- For the first time I noticedthe brothers'veljestenyarmulkeskalotitin the somewhat subdued light of the boardroom, plain black skullcaps blending in with the pale glow of the room.