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Keskustelu:Hungarian Historical Phonology meztelen

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Maybe a stupid question, but how can you distinguish the sibilant in the dialect form mesztelen from meztelen? I think the cluster /zt/ assimilates into [st] <szt> everywhere in Hungarian.

A very good question, I have to look into the dialect dictionaries, the forms with <szt> were listed in the UEW. --Sampsa Holopainen (keskustelu) 11. huhtikuuta 2023 kello 19.02 (EEST)

About the semantic argumentantion, I think the connection is rather unproblematic at least between Mansi 'put on clothes' and Hung. meztelen 'naked': the latter looks like a caritive derivative with a composite meaning 'without putting on clothes, unclothed' (or, as the suffix variant -talan/-telen in modern Hungarian functions as denominal rather than deverbal (> -(a)tlan/-(e)tlen), possibly a noun-based derivative with the meaning 'without clothes'). It remains obscure, however, how Hung. mezít(-láb) would be related to these morphologically and semantically. --Juha Kuokkala (keskustelu) 11. huhtikuuta 2023 kello 16.36 (EEST)

I agree that the semantic connection is less problematic that I had written and it is probable that the Hungarian and Mansi "cognates" are somehow connected, although not as regular reflexes of a Proto-Ugric etymology. --Sampsa Holopainen (keskustelu) 11. huhtikuuta 2023 kello 19.06 (EEST)