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Keskustelu:Hungarian Historical Phonology óv

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Recommended additional reading: Nyíri 1981 (Néprajz és Nyelvtodomány 24–25, 79–90). It seems that dialect and Old Hungarian data have some hints for the modern consonant-stem inflection being secondary levelling from an alternating stem, something like ó(C-) : óv(V-) (as in say mű(v-) 'work'; I think no exact verb parallels known where the vowel stem would retain a long vowel). This might be trouble for any etymologies where -v- < *-m-.

For the etymology from *we̮jV-, a different problem is that perhaps a better fit from Hungarian could be vigyáz 'to guard', (OHu.) 'watch' (with problematic Permic and Estonian cognates proposed in UEW) — if an account for its derivational history can be given. --J. Pystynen (lähetä viesti) 29. huhtikuuta 2023 kello 19.13 (EEST)