Hungarian Historical Phonology vese
vese 'kidney; Niere'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
ves (see UEW)
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
UEW: *wȣ̈ćɜ penis; Penis‘
Status of the Ugric etymology
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Mansi: South (TJ) üćəw, East (KU) wǟśəj, West (P) wäśəγ, North (So) wośiγ 'Penis' < PMs ?
The etymology includes various problems. It is not clear what Proto-Mansi vowel the Mansi words should reflect, and this makes also the reconstruction of a Proto-Ugric vowel difficult. Because of the semantic differences, it is not certain that Hungarian vese 'kidney' and Mansi üćəw etc. are even connected, even if UEW is able to show some semantic parallels.
Phonological and semantic problems make the etymology uncertain.
UEW s.v. wȣ̈ćɜ: ? PUg Uralonet