Hungarian Historical Phonology tekint


tekint 'blicken, schauen; für etw. ansehen, als etw. betrachten'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction

PUg *täkkV

UEW: PUg *täkkɜ- 'look, observe; schauen, betrachten'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested so far

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: East (V) täγən- 'im Gedächtnis, im Sinn behalten, sich erinnern', (Vj) täγən- 'sich erinnern, Kenntnis haben, in der Erinnerung bewahren (ein Ereignis); im Traum od. Rausch wahrnehmen und sich erinnern (sehen od. hören); vorhersagen ? (einen Umstand, etw.)' < PKh *tǟγən-


There are no phonological problems with this etymology: the Hungarian and Khanty reflexes can reflect Proto-Ugric *ä. It is uncertain whether the derivational elements in Hungarian and Khanty are related; more research on this is needed.

The semantic difference between Hungarian tekint and Khanty täγən- etc. is not very big, and UEW's semantic reconstruction 'look, observe' is plausible.


There are no phonological or semantic problems, and a Proto-Ugric word can be reconstructed.


UEW s.v. täkkɜ-: PUg Uralonet