Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology szekér


szekér 'Wagen, Fuhrwerk, Fahrzeug; Fuhre, Fuder'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction

Proto-Hungarian *säkärä


UEW: ? PUg *säkɜrɜ 'some kind of vehicle; irgendein Fahrzeug'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

← Ir, cf. OI śakaṭa-, śakaṭí 'wagon' (Korenchy 1972)

← East Ir *saka-kara- 'wagon' (Harmatta 1997: 76)

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: East (V) liker, (Vj) iker, (VK) jikər 'Schlitten; Narte'


The irregularity of the Ugric etymology (Hungarian sz does not correspond to the Khanty lateral) is noted by Korenchy (1972) and UEW, who note that the words might be parallel borrowings from Indo-Iranian. However, the loan etymology is also very problematic; it has been assumed that the words are borrowed from an Iranian word akin to Old Indic śakaṭa-, śakaṭí 'wagon', but it is unlikely that this word ever existed in Iranian or Proto-Indo-Iranian (EWAia s.v. śakaṭí). According to Parpola (2020), the Indic word is a Dravidian loan. Harmatta (1997: 76) reconstructed East Iranian *saka-kara- as the donor form of the loan but this idea is entirely hypothetical.


Due to phonological irregularities the Proto-Ugric etymology has to be rejected and also the loan etymologies are problematic.




Harmatta 1997

Korenchy 1972

UEW s.v. säkɜrɜ: ? Proto-Ugric Uralonet