Hungarian Historical Phonology szőke
szőke 'blond'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
[coming] arch. sző 'grau, weißlich, blond'
Important dialectal forms
szöjke arch. and dial. szëg 'braun, kastanienfarbig' arch. and dial. szög 'braun, kastanienfarbig'
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
UEW: PUg *säŋɜ 'light, clear; hell, licht, klar'
Status of the Ugric etymology
Improbable (phonologically irregular)
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Khanty: East (V) säŋki 'hell, klar; grell; (himmlisches, vom Feuer)', South (DN) sȧŋkə 'hell, klar; Licht, Helligkeit, Welt' < Proto-Khanty **sǟŋki
Despite the semantic closeness of the Hungarian and Mansi words, reconstruction of a Proto-Ugric word is unlikely due to irregular relations between the alleged cognates. Hungarian sző (from which szőke is derived) can reflect earlier *sVγV, Khanty *ŋk points to Pre-Khanty *ŋ or *ŋk. Proto-Khanty *ǟ reflects Pre-Khanty *ä; Hungarian ő could perhaps reflect *äw. The origin of the sequence öj in the dialectal form szöjke is not clear-
It is also doubtful whether Hungarian szëg, szög are related to sző, szőke. The vowel ë points to Pre-Hungarian i that is incompatible with Khanty vocalism.
A Proto-Ugric word cannot be reconstructed because of the irregularities.
UEW s.v. säŋɜ: ? PUg Uralonet