Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology szül


szül 'gebären, zur Welt bringen; erzeugen, hervorrufen, hervorbringen, verursachen'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: *silɜ- 'acquire, obtain; erwerben, verschaffen'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research

Mansi: East (KM) sēl- 'beschaffen', North (So) sēl- 'keres, szerez, bevásárol; suchen, erwerben, kaufen' < PMs ? *sīl-


UEW considers the Ugric etymology certain, but the etymology is criticized by WOT (1322-1333) as semantically implausible. According to UEW, English get ~ beget is a semantic parallel to the semantic relationship of the Hungarian and Mansi words, but it is noted by WOT that this is not the case, as beget means 'to procreate or generate (offspring), esp. of a male parent, to cause to produce as an effect' and it is thus not a parallel to the maning 'to give birth'.

In addition to the semantic problems, also the phonological relations are improbable. Hungarian ü does not correspond regularly to ē in East and North Mansi.


Phonological and semantic problems make the Ugric etymology impossible.


UEW s.v. silɜ-: PUg Uralonet

WOT: 1322-1333: Not PUg