Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology sajtó


sajtó '(Wein)Kelter; Presse'

sajtol 'pressen; (Wein) keltern'

satu 'Schraubstock, Zwinge'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms

ѕató '(Wein)Kelter; Presse'

satú '(Wein)Kelter; Presse'

satu '(Wein)Kelter; Presse'

sotó '(Wein)Kelter; Presse'


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: *čajɜ- ‘press, push; drücken, pressen‘

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


? Khanty: South (DN) čujət- 'ertrinken, zu Boden sinken, versinken', ?? North (O) suwilə- 'untersinken, versinken (ins Wasser)', (Kaz) šɔjtəŋ: šɔjtəŋ ǫχəʌ 'schwere, lange Rentiernarte (für Waren; mit Seitenbrettern und einem Brett hinten)', šǫjʌə- 'ver-, einsinken (ins Wasser, in den Schlamm u. dgl.; auch: das Boot beim Beladen); untergehen (der Mond)'


The uncertain Ugric etymology listed in the UEW is problematic and implausible. As UEW notes, it is not clear that Hu saj- indeed reflects an old verbal stem. It should be added that the vowel-correspondences between Hungarian sajtó etc. and the suggested Khanty cognate are irregular. The semantic connection is also far from certain.


The Ugric etymology has to be rejected because of phonological irregularities.


UEW s.v. čajɜ-: ? PUg Uralonet