Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology rokon


rokon 'related, relative'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction



UEW: PUg *rakka 'nahe, nahe gelegen; nahen, sich nähern'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: East (V) răγam 'lieb', South (DN) răχtə 'lieb', North (O) răχ- 'sich nähern, nahe herankommen (konkr. und abstr.)', răχi 'lieb', răχti 'Verwandter', (Ni) răχə 'lieb, gefallend (Mensch, Ort, usw.)' (< PKh *ri̮γ-, Zhivlov 2006: 126–127)

Mansi: South (TJ) raw- 'nahe heranschleichen lassen (vom Wild)', East (KM) rakəŋ 'liebend', (KU) row- 'nahe heranschleichen lassen (vom Wild)', West (P) row- 'nahe heranschleichen lassen (vom Wild)', North (So) rāw- 'nahe heranschleichen lassen (vom Wild)', rɔ̄wnut 'verwandt, der, die Verwandte' (< PMs *rāγ-, Zhivlov 2006: 126–127)

Finnic: Finnish rakas 'lieb' (also in Karelian)


The idea that Hungarian rokon reflects Proto-Finno-Ugric *rakka is still found in WOT (1046) but this etymology is clearly outdated: as Finnish rakas has been convincingly shown to be a loanword from Proto-Germanic *frakaz ‘lustful’ (LÄGLOS 118–119, s.v. rakas), it is obvious that no "Proto-Finno-Ugric" word can be reconstructed.

In WOT, Proto-Ugric *rokkə is reconstructed, and this word is considered to be evidence of a change PFU *a > Proto-Ugric *o. However, Hungarian *o usually reflects Proto-Uralic/Proto-Ugric *u, not *o so the idea has to be rejected (there is also no good evidence whatsoever for such a Proto-Ugric change). Neither the Khanty or Mansi vocalism points to *o (cf. Zhivlov 2014: 124). The Proto-Ob-Ugric word is reconstructed as *rōγ- by Honti (1982, no. 553) and as *raγV- by Zhivlov (2006: 126–127).


The Proto-Finno-Ugric etymology is implausible. The Ugric etymology requires further research.


EWUng, s.v. rokon: PFU

Honti 1982: no. 553: POUg

LÄGLOS 118–119, s.v. rakas: Fi ← Germ

SSA s.v. rakas: ? PFU (Fi possibly from Germanic)

UEW s.v. rakka: PFU Uralonet

WOT: 1046: PFU