Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology ragad


ragad 'haften, kleben, ankleben; ergreifen, fassen, erfassen; raffen, reißen'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: PUg *rȣ̈ŋkɜ-- 'stick; kleben'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: East (Vj) röŋkəmt-: ńula r. 'zusammenfügen, aneinander leimen', röŋki 'gut klebend (Leim)'


UEW lists the etymology as uncertain because the Khanty word is attested only in East Khanty. EWUng considers the Hungarian word to be of unclear origin and mentions the Ugric etymology as an uncertain possibility. The clearly irregular vowel relations between the Hungarian and Khanty words is considered less problematic by UEW and EWUng, as it is argued that the unexpected a in Hungarian can be explained as influence of the following *ŋ. This explanation is ad hoc, however: the change PU *i > Hu o before *ŋ is regular (PU *piŋi > Hu fog 'tooth'), but there are no parallels to *i > a in such environments.

The Ugric etymology has to be rejected because of this phonological problem and because of the limited attestation of the Khanty word.


The Ugric etymology should be rejected.


DEWOS: 1276: ? Proto-Ugric

EWUng: 1227-1228, s.v. ragad: Unknown origin, ? Proto-Ugric

UEW s.v. rȣ̈ŋkɜ-: ? Proto-Ugric Uralonet