Hungarian Historical Phonology oldal
oldal 'side; Seite'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
PUg *aŋtə(lV) (Aikio 2018: *aŋti(lV))
Outdated: UEW: PUg *oŋtɜ (oŋtɜ-lɜ) ‘'side (part of body), rib; Seite des Körpers; Rippe‘
Status of the Ugric etymology
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
UEW; Aikio 2018:
Khanty: East (V) ăŋti̬ 'Rippe', (Vj) ăŋti̬ 'Rippe, Flanke, Seite des Körpers (mit Fleisch und Knochen)', South (DN) ĕŋtə, North (Kaz) ɔŋtĭ, ǒŋtĭ 'Rippe' < PKh *i̮ŋtī̮ (Aikio 2018)
Mansi: South (TJ) ańt̀ə·l, East (KU) oŋtəľ, West (P) ońt̀əl, North (So) ɔ̄ŋtil 'Rippe' < PMs *āŋtǝl (Aikio 2018)
The etymology is considered uncertain in the UEW, but Aikio (2018: 85-88) argues that the change *ŋt > ld in Hungarian is regular. The vowel correspondences are unproblematic, and semantically the etymology is also plausible. The idea of a Proto-Ugric word can be accepted.
The derivatives with *l in Mansi and Hungarian might reflect a common derivative (reconstructed as *aŋtəlV by Aikio 2018). The function of this l remains unclear, and Aikio cautiously suggests that the word might be an old compound, consisting of the reflexes of Uralic *aŋtə 'spear' and *luwə 'bone'. While this would be semantically plausible, it is difficult to prove this explanation correct, as *luwə 'bone' would be reflected only by the irregular *lV in this case.
The Ugric etymology is regular. The Hungarian and Mansi cognates might reflect a common derivative.
Aikio 2018: PUg
UEW s.v. oŋtɜ (oŋtɜ-lɜ): PUg Uralonet