Hungarian Historical Phonology nyereg
nyerëg 'saddle'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
UEW: PUg *närkɜ 'saddle; Sattel'
Status of the Ugric etymology
Improbable (phonologically irregular)
Loan etymology
PUg ← Turkic *ńeger
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Khanty: E VK, Vakr nöγər 'Sattel’ < PKh *nɔ̈̄γər
Mansi: TJ näwrǟ, KU, P naγər, N naɔi̊r < PMs *nǟγrǟ
The relations between the alleged cognates are completely irregular. The Turkic loan etymology has been widely criticized (WOT: 1210–1213). The Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi words for 'saddle' are loans from unknown source according to Zhivlov (2016: 300).
The Ugric etymology is irregular. Possible substrate loans.
Abondolo 1996: 88: PUg ← Turkic
Ligeti 1986
UEW: Proto-Ugric Uralonet
WOT: 1210–1213: PUg not ← Turkic
Zhivlov 2016: 300: ← unknown source