Hungarian Historical Phonology mered
''mered 'emporragen; starren, erstarren'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
Abondolo 1996: 38, No. 66: *mirV- 'becomes narrow/stiff'
MSzFE, UEW: PUg *merɜ- (märɜ-)- 'press, push; become narrow, contract; pressen, drängen, sich verengen'
Status of the Ugric etymology
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
MSzFE, UEW, Abondolo 1996:
Khanty: East (Vj) mĕrəm 'nur, bloß', South (DN) mĕrȧp 'stickige, muffige Luft', North (O) mȧ̆rem 'Leid', (Kaz) mărʌə- 'in Not, Elend geraten, in Verlegenheit, in Angst kommen', (Kaz) mărśəm 'beengende, schwüle Luft', (Ni) mărśəm 'es ist Leid ' < Proto-Khanty *mirəl-; *mirəm (Zhivlov 2006: 115)
Mansi: East (K) mär-, mǟr- 'szorul, reked, elakad, sich verengen, eng werden, stecken, stecken bleiben', (KU) mǟrəmää 'тупой', (Ju) mǟrt-: tump jǟγəttəl mǟrtǟwə 'a sziget folyókkal van összeszorítva; die Insel wird von Flüssen zusammengedrängt', West (P) mǟrəm 'тупой', (LM) mär-, mǟr- 'szorul, reked, elakad; sich verengen, eng werden, stecken, stecken bleiben', jal-mär- 'megszorul; bedrängt werden', North (So) marəm 'тупой', (N) mar- 'szorul, reked, elakad; sich verengen, eng werden, stecken, stecken bleiben', marėm 'szűk, szükség, szorultság, eng, Not, Bedrängnis' < Proto-Mansi *mär-
The Ugric etymology is accepted by Abondolo (1996). MSzFE and UEW give alternative reconstructions with *e and *ä, as the Ob-Ugric cognates point rather to *e but it would be difficult to derive Hungarian open *e from this. Because of this, the etymology remains uncertain, even though the semantic connection between Hungarian and Ob-Ugric cognates is quite close.
The etymology remains uncertain because of unclarities with the vocalism.
Abondolo 1996: 38: Proto-Ugric
MSzFE: 439-440: Proto-Ugric
UEW s.v. merɜ- (märɜ-): Proto-Ugric Uralonet