Hungarian Historical Phonology mer
mer 'wagen, sich trauen, sich erkühnen'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
Pre-Hungarian *märV-
UEW: PUg *märɜ- 'glauben, sich trauen; believe, have faith in, dare;'
Status of the Ugric etymology
Improbable (phonologically irregular)
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Mansi: South (T) mår-, East (K) mår- 'glauben, vertrauen', West (P) mår-'glauben, vertrauen' < ? PMs
Hu e points to *ä, but Mansi back-vocalism is incompatible with this.
The Ugric etymology should be rejected.
UEW s.v. märɜ: Proto-Ugric Uralonet