Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology laza


laza 'loose; locker, aufgelockert, lose'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: *lȣćɜ ‘wide, broad, loose; weit, locker, lose‘

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


? Khanty: East (Trj) ḷȧt́ək 'weit, geräumig (Gefäß,Hof usw.), wohinein viel geht, weit (Stiefel, Anzug)', South (DN) lȧt́ək 'weit (z.B. Stiefel,), geräumig', North (Šerk) laśək 'weich'

? Mansi: South (TJ) laćət, East (KU) laśt, West (P) laśt, North (So) lośit 'weit, geräumig'


The Ugric etymology is phonologically irregular, as Hungarian z does not correspond regularly to Khanty and Mansi *ć. The origin of Khanty retroflex is also unclear.

UEW notes that the Khanty vocalism is irregular and attributes this to influence from the word-internal palatal *ć. Further research is needed on this issue, but as a large part of the vocabulary shared by Khanty and Mansi shows irregular sound-correspondences, it is possible that these Ob-Ugric words are not real cognates.


The Ugric etymology should be rejected as phonologically irregular.


UEW s.v. lȣćɜ: ? PUg Uralonet