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Hungarian Historical Phonology ló



First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: PUg *luwɜ (luγǝ) 'horse; Pferd'

Status of the Ugric etymology

Improbable (phonologically irregular)

Loan etymology

PUg ← East Iranian *loγǝ < *vlaγǝ < PIr *bāraka- (~ Middle Persian bārag 'horse') (Harmatta 1997: 72)

Possible substrate loans

Cognates suggested in earlier research

Khanty: East (V) loγ, South (DN) taw, North (O) law

Mansi: South (TJ) low, East (KU) lo, West (P) luw, North (So) luw


No PUg form can be reconstructed; even POUg reconstruction is impossible due to irregular vocalism. As hinted already by Hajdú (1962), the Ugric words are probably loans from somewhere.

The Iranian etymology of Harmatta (1997) is based on ad hoc East Iranian reconstruction.


The Iranian loan etymology is unconvincing; the Ugric etymology is irregular. Possible substrate loans.



Hajdú 1962

Harmatta 1997

UEW: Proto-Ugric Uralonet