Hungarian Historical Phonology lép


lép 'treten, schreiten'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms



(see UEW)

Uralic/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction

? *leppV-


Abondolo 1996: 67: PUg *läppi-

UEW: PUg *läppɜ- 'go, enter; hineingehen, eintreten'

Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research

Khanty: East (Trj) ʌȧ̆p- 'Platz finden, hineingehen, passen', South (DN) tep- 'Platz finden, hineingehen', North (O) lep- 'Platz finden, hineingehen, passen' < PKh *läp-

Mansi: South (TJ) lǟp- 'Platz haben' < PMs *lǟp-, East (KU) lɔ̈̄p-, West (LU) lāp- 'Platz haben', North (So) lāp- 'Platz haben'


The Ugric etymology is listed as uncertain in the UEW, but the arguments for this uncertainty are not presented. The ObUg words can be regularly derived from a proto-form *läppä, but Hu é points to Ugric/Uralic *e (there are some cases of Hungarian é reflecting Proto-Uralic *ä, but in such cases there probably is a conditioned change: at least some examples, such as ég, point to é < *ä taking place in anlaut; there are also some cases where é is due to contraction, such as néz 'see' < PU *näki-).

The semantic connection between the Ob-Ugric words and Hungarian lép is vague but not impossible.




Abondolo 1996: 67


Honti 1982

UEW s.v. läppɜ-: ? PUg Uralonet