Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology hajt


hajt 'treiben, jagen; anreizen, anziehen, antreiben; (Maschine) treiben, bewegen, fahren'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms

No notable dialectal variation (ÚMTSz II: 805-806, s.v. hajt1)

Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: ? PUg *kujɜ- (kajɜ-) 'chase, hunt, stalk, shoot; treiben, jagen'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested so far

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Mansi: East (KU) χujt- 'verführen, antreiben', West (P) kujt- 'манить', North (So) χujt- 'verführen, antreibe' < PMs *kujt-


UEW lists the Ugric etymology as uncertain, giving to possible reconstructions. Hungarian hajt rather points to earlier *a or *o, but in the case of an old *a-a or *o-a -stem, one would expect long ū in Mansi. However, some examples of Mansi short u in Uralic *o-a -stems can be found: the following words appear in the word-list of Aikio (2015: 60–62): PU *śona ‘slegde’ > PMs *śun id., PU *kod’ka ‘spirit’ > PMs *kul’ id. and PU *kompa ‘wave’ > PMs *kump id.

It is also possible that the Hungarian and Mansi words are parallel loanwords from somewhere.

UEW mentions also the possibility that Hungarian hajt is related to hajol 'sich beugen'; in this case the connection with Mansi *kujt- should be rejected. Further research on the possible etymological connection is needd.


The Ugric etymology is not quite clear due to problems with vocalism.


UEW s.v. kujɜ- (kajɜ-): ? Proto-Ugric; Hu hajt possibly related to hajol-, hajl- Uralonet