Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology foszlik


foszlik 'sich fasern, schleißen, sich auftrennen'

foszt '(Feder) schleißen; schälen, (Mais) abschälen'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data

? 1343 Fozlanch (EWUng: 414, s.v. foszlik)

Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: PU *puśɜ- ‘rag, dissolve, fray; etzen; sich zerfetzen, sich fasern‘

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested so far

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: East (VK) ľopi̮ pośt 'abgenutztes (Ober)kleid'

Mansi: North (So) posl- 'sich zu einem Loch abnutzen (Hemd, Schuhzeug, metallenes Gefäß)

? Udmurt: pośt- 'abgetragen, abgenützt werden, sich zerfetzen, lumpig werden'


UEW considers the etymology as a certain Proto-Ugric word with an uncertain cognate in Udmurt. The suggested Udmurt cognate pośt- is completely irregular and should be rejected. Also, the Ugric etymology involves various problems: Khanty ś is irregular, and East Khanty pośt cannot be a regular cognate to neither Hu foszlik nor North Mansi posl-. The Mansi word could technically be related to Hungarian fosz-, as North Mansi o can reflect earlier *u, the usual source of Hungarian o, but the semantic difference and the limited distribution of the word to one dialect only make the etymology problematic.


The Khanty cognate has to be rejected as irregular, and the relationship between Hu foszlik and Mansi posl- is improbable.


EWUng: 414, s.v. foszlik: PUg, ? PFU

UEW: PUg, ? PFU Uralonet