Hungarian Historical Phonology fok
fok 'der hintere, dicke Teil; Rücken am Messer, Säbel, Hammer, Beil, an der Axt (Axthelm); Hacke, an der Nadel usw., Vorgebirge, Kap; Loch, Öhr an der Nadel, Loch an der Axt; Grad; (Treppe) Stufe, (Leiter) Sprosse; Grad, Würde, Titel'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
UEW: PUg *pukkɜ 'back (of axe, knife, or cutting-tool); stumpfes Ende (der Axt, des Messers od. irgendeines Scheideinstrumentes)'
Status of the Ugric etymology
Improbable (phonologically irregular, semantically dubious)
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Khanty: East (Vj) pŏγ, South (DN) pŏw 'Nadelöhr', North (O) pŏw 'Angel (des Messers)' < PKh *puγ
Mansi: East (KU) juntəp-pop, North (So) jūntəp-pup 'Nadelöhr' < PMs ?
UEW considers the Ugric etymology convincing, even though the problems with phonology are noted: Khanty w/γ cannot regularly reflect Ugric *kk, and the Mansi "cognate" lacks reflexes of *γ (UEW assumes this might have become lost before p). Due to these phonological problems, there is no reason to assume we are dealing with a Proto-Ugric word: also the semantic connection of the Hungarian and Ob-Ugric words is rather vague.
No PUg word can be reconstructed.
UEW s.v. pukkɜ: Proto-Ugric Uralonet