Hungarian Historical Phonology fekély
fekély 'Geschwür, Abszess'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
1456 fekelekel
EWUng: 369-370, s.v. fekély
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
UEW: PUg *pekkɜ (eśɜ) 'aufbrechen; Geschwür'
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Mansi: East (KU) päkəp- 'aufbrechen, zu strömen anfangen (Bach, Fluß in Frühling), hervorbrechen (Sonne)', päχl- 'bersten, aufbrechen, zu strömen anfangen'
Loan etymology
None suggested
It is argued in the UEW and EWUng that the suggested Hungarian and Mansi cognates reflect derivatives of the Ugric stem *pekkV-. However, this explanation cannot be considered certain, as Hungarian fekély points to earlier *ä, whereas Mansi KU ä is not a regular reflex of Ugric/Uralic *ä but rather points to *i. The semantic connection between the alleged cognates is possible, but in the light of the phonological irregularity it is possible that the similarity is only accidental.
EWUng: 369-370, s.v. fekély: PUg
UEW: PUg *pekkɜ Uralonet