Hungarian Historical Phonology far
far 'back'
farok 'tail' (der.)
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
PU *ponči (Aikio 2018)
UEW: PUg (? PU) *purɜ ‘'Hinterraum, Hinterteil; 'hind part, backpart of something'‘
Cognates suggested in earlier research
1. (UEW) Khanty: East (V) pi̮r, North (Kaz) pĭr, South (DN) pir 'hinter etw. befindlich, Raum hinter etw.'
Tundra Nenets: purdā- 'sich nach hinten, gegen den Strich wenden (z.B. die Strömung, die Haare bei einem gereizten Tier)'
2. Aikio 2018: [coming] < PU *ponči
Status of the Ugric etymology
Improbable (phonological problems)
Loan etymology
[None suggested]
The Ugric etymology found in the UEW is impossible: neither the Khanty nor the Hungarian word reflects a pre-form *purV- regularly.
Aikio (2018) argues that far reflects Proto-Uralic *pončǝ. This explanation is convincing, as a parallel case to the development *nč > Hu r is Hu köröm 'nail' < PU *künči.
Aikio's Proto-Uralic explanation is convincing.
Aikio 2018: Hu far < PU *ponči 'tail'
UEW: PUg or PU Uralonet