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Hungarian Historical Phonology falu


falu 'village'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction

Zhivlov 2014: 128: PU *palka2 'village'


Abondolo 1996: 97: *pï(ï)lwa 'village'

UEW: PUg *palγɜ 'village; Dorf'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology


Cognates suggested in earlier research

Khanty: East (V) puγəl, South (DN) puγət, North (O) poγəl < PKh ? *pōγəl

Mansi: South (TJ) pawəl, East (KU) pāwəl, West (P) pē̮wəl, pē̮l, North (So) pāwəl < PMs ? *pē̮wəl

Finnish: Palva- in place names, (Sammallahti 1988:) palvoa 'worship'


The relationship between the Ugric words and the alleged Finnic cognates is very unlikely: SSA does not mention this possibility, and Abondolo (1996) mentions that the semantic connection is vague. Moreover, as even the reconstruction of the Proto-Khanty and Proto-Mansi words is unclear, it is not at all certain that the word goes back to Proto-Ugric, so a Proto-Finno-ugric/Proto-Uralic etymology is extremely unlikely. Zhivlov (2014: 128) lists the Ugric cognates only, reconstructing *palka (with *-a2 in his system of PU stem-vowels).

If the Ugric words are not real cognates, falu could belong to the group of cultural borrowings (of unkown origin) that have been separately acquired by Khanty, Mansi and Hungarian at an early period.




Abondolo 1996: 97: PUg or PFU

EWUng 354, s.v. falu: PUg or PFU

Honti 1982

MSzFe: 180-181, s.v. falu: PUg or PFU

Sammallahti 1988: 548: PFU

SSA s.v. palvoa: the Ugric words not mentioned as cognates to Fi palvoa

UEW s.v. palγɜ: PUg or PFU Uralonet

Zhivlov 2014: 128