Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology fűl


fűl 'warm werden, geheizt werden'

fűt 'warm machen, einheizen, erwärmen'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data

füjt- 'warm machen, einheizen, erwärmen' (see UEW)

Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: PUg *pilɜ- 'burn; brennen'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research

Mansi: South (T) piləw·t-, pält- 'anzünden', East (KU) pɔ̈̄l- 'brennen', West (P) pēlėmt- 'anzünden', palt- 'verbrennen', North (So) pālt- 'verbrennen', pēlamt- 'anzünden'


The Hungarian and Mansi words are semantically rather close, but the reconstruction of the vocalism is unclear. Hungarian long ű is not the regular reflex of PUg/PU *i, so the Proto-Ugric reconstruction of UEW cannot be considered correct. UEW lists an archaic Hungarian form füjt-, but also a change ű < üj would not be regular. Perhaps the word originally had a sequence *üγ that resulted in ű in some dialects of Hungarian and üj in others. There are no traces of *γ in Mansi, however. It is also unclear how the background of the Mansi vocalism should be reconstructed.

Further research on these words is needed, but a Proto-Ugric etymology does not seem probable.


Due to phonological irregularities the Proto-Ugric etymology cannot be accepted.



UEW s.v. pilɜ-: Proto-Ugric Uralonet