Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology fázik


fázik 'frieren, es ist ihm kalt'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


Abondolo 1996: 122: *pVVt 'freezes; ice layer(s)

UEW: PUg/PU *pȣtɜ 'crust of ice / snow; freeze; Eisrinde, Schneerinde; frieren, gefrieren'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: East (V) pat- 'frieren, gefrieren, zufrieren, kalt werden', South (DN) pot 'Schneerinde, Harsch', pot- 'frieren, gefrieren, zufrieren, kalt werden', North (O) pat- 'frieren, gefrieren, zufrieren, kalt werden', (Kaz) pǫt 'hohe Eisschicht'

Mansi: North (So) put 'Eisrinde'

? Samoyed: Tundra Nenets parā- 'brennen (z. B. das Feuer, die Haut von heißem Wasser)' etc.


The Samoyed words are listed as uncertain cognates in the UEW, but it is impossible to derive them regularly from a form that would correspond regularly to Hu fázik. Janhunen (1977: 114) reconstructs Proto-Samoyed *pə̑rå- 'to burn'.

The relations between the Ugric words are also not quite clear. Hu fáz- points to PUg *a or *o. Mansi has short u; long *ū would be regular in *a-a-stems. The vowel correspondences within Khanty dialects are unclear.


The Ugric words are probably somehow related, but the vowel-corresondences are not quite regular.


UEW s.v. pȣtɜ: Proto-Ugric Uralonet