Hungarian Historical Phonology enyv
enyv 'glue'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
enyű (see UEW)
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
Abondolo 1996: 92: *(ä)δ̕imä
UEW: PUg *äδ̕ɜ-mɜ (äδ̕mɜ) '(animal) glue; Leim'
Status of the Ugric etymology
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Khanty: East (V) ejəm, South (DN) ȧjəm, North (Kaz) ajəm 'Leim'
Mansi: South (TJ) iľə·m, East (KU) iľəm, (P) iľəm, North (So) ēľəm 'Leim'
Both the vocalism and the word-internal consonantism require of the Ugric words further research. Hu *e points to older *ä but this does not fit the vocalism of the Ob-Ugric words: Abondolo (1996: 92) notes that part of the Ob-Ugric forms point to a low front vowel (*ä), and part to a high front vowel (*i). A notable problem is Hungarian *ny, that cannot be derived regularly from the *δ̕ reconstructed in sources like UEW.
An additional problem is presented by the relation of these words to the synonymous Proto-Uralic item *δ̕ümä. This is an old idea, discussed already by Setälä (1896: 435). UEW notes that the two word-families are not related, SSA (s.v. tymä) mentions the possiblity, and Abondolo (1996: 92) supports the connection, assuming a prothesis to the left of *δ̕ that was rare in word-initial position. Even though this is an interesting idea, the discrepancy between the vocalism of the Hungarian and Ob-Ugric words makes it unlikely that we are dealing with a real Ugric innovation at all, and the idea of a Proto-Ugric metathezis in an inherited Uralic word is likewise problematic.
Due to phonological irregularities the Proto-Ugric etymology cannot be accepted.
Abondolo 1996: 92: PUg metathezis < PU
SSA s.v. tymä: Kh, Ms, Hu < ? PU
UEW: Proto-Ugric Uralonet