Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology csobolyó


(dial.) csobolyó 'Handlägel; flaches Fäßchen der Feldarbeiter und Hirten für Wasser; kleines rundes Holzgefäß (für Wasser oder Wein); scheibenförmiges Holzfäßchen mit einem Loch an der Seite'

(dial.) csobolya id.

(dial.) csoborló id.

(dial.) csoborlyó id.

(dial.) csobilló id.

(dial.) csubujú id.

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms

The word occurs exclusively in dialects

Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: PUg ? *ćumpɜ (*ćumpɜ-lɜ) 'drinking vessel (made of birch bark); Trinkgefäß aus Birkenrinde'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology


Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: South (DN) t́ŏmpal 'Kelle von Birkenrinde', North (Kaz) śŭmpal 'Trinkgefäß aus Birkenrinde'

Mansi: East (KU) śumpəl 'Trinkgefäß aus Birkenrinde', North (So) śumpal 'Trinkgefäß aus Birkenrinde'

see UEW for the alleged Finnic and Permic cognates


The uncertain Ugric etymology shows irregular sound correspondences: Hungarian cs does not correspond regularly to Proto-Khanty and Proto-Mansi *ć. Also the alleged Finnic and Permic cognates cannot belong here for similar reasons. The distribution of the alleged cognates in Khanty and Mansi dialects is also quite limited. It is possible that the Ugric cognates belong somehow together as loanwords from the same, unknown source but it is difficult to say anything more certain.


Due to phonological irregularities the Proto-Ugric etymology has to be rejected.


EWUng: 222, s.v. csobolyó: ? Proto-Finno-Ugric

UEW s.v. ćumpɜ (ćumpɜ-lɜ): ? Proto-Ugric or Proto-Finno-Ugric Uralonet