Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology cseg


(dial.) cseg 'Knoten, Knorren (am Holze); Klößchen'

(dial.) csög 'Knoten, Knorren (am Holze); Klößchen'

(dial.) csök 'Knoten, Knorren (am Holze); Klößchen'

(dial.) göcs 'Knoten, Knorren (am Holze); Klößchen'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms

The word occurs exclusively in dialects

Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: PUg ? *ćȣ̈ŋkɜ 'knot; tie a knot; Knoten; einen Knoten knüpfen'

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Mansi: East (K) śiŋkəlt- 'einen Knoten knüpfen', (KU) śiχməl 'Knoten', West (P) śäŋkəl id.


The etymology is considered uncertain by the UEW and the Ugric etymology is rejected by EWUng. The affricate cs in Hungarian is problematic, as it is not the regular reflex of Proto-Uralic *ć. Also the variation cseg ~ csek ~ göcs is difficult to explain and does not point to an inherited word. The origin of Mansi ś (< Proto-Mansi *ć) here is likewise unclear as the regular reflex of Proto-Uralic *ć in Mansi would be *s.


Due to phonological irregularities the Proto-Ugric etymology has to be rejected.


EWUng: 229, s.v. csög-bog: not Proto-Ugric

UEW s.v. ćȣ̈ŋkɜ: ? Proto-Ugric Uralonet