Hungarian Historical Phonology csókol
csókol 'kiss'
First attestation/Old Hungarian data
Important dialectal forms
Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction
UEW: PUg *ćukkɜ- (ćukkɜ-lɜ-) 'kiss; küssen'
Status of the Ugric etymology
Loan etymology
None suggested
Cognates suggested in earlier research
Mansi: East (KU) śoχəl- 'suudella, küssen' < Proto-Mansi *ćukəl-
UEW considers the Ugric stem a derivative, but there are not traces of the underived stem: UEW notes that Hungarian csók is a later back-formation from csókol.
The vowel-correspondence is regular, so a Proto-Ugric word can probably be reconstructed. However, Hungarian cs is not the usual (regular) reflex of Uralic/Ugric *ć: this correspondence is found in very few etymologies.
The Ugric etymology is possible, but the correspondence between Mansi ś (Proto-Mansi *ć) and Hungarian cs is rare in inherited vocabulary.
UEW s.v. ćukkɜ- (ćukkɜ-lɜ-): PUg Uralonet