Hungarian Historical Phonology ázik


ázik 'get wet'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms

ádz-, áz (see ÚMTSz I: 279, s.v. ázik)

Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: PUg *ϑȣćɜ- ‘become damp, get wet; naß werden‘

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested so far

Cognates suggested in earlier research

Khanty: East (V) lăstə- 'tauchen, begießen, befeuchten', South (Kr) tăstə- 'tauchen (z.B. Garn in Fabrstoff)', North (Kaz) ʌŏstə- 'in Wasser anfeuchten' < ? PKh *ʌasī̮-


The correspondence Hungarian z ~ Khanty s is irregular. UEW reconstructs Proto-Ugric *ć but this is an ad hoc choice, as neither of the languages clearly point to *ć.

UEW reconstructs *ȣ (any back vowel) to the Proto-Ugric word. Hungarian á can reflect earlier *a, * (in *-a-stems) or *o. Proto-Khanty *a can reflect PU *a in old *-ə-stems. This means that vowel-correspondence is formally regular, but as the word-initial consonantism cannot be derived regularly from a Proto-Ugric word, the Hungarian and Khanty words cannot be true cognates.


No Proto-Ugric word can be reconstructed.



UEW s.v. ϑȣćɜ-: PUg Uralonet